
Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Lamb For All Seasons *

I'm sure you are all familiar with the free Old Glory Gatherings pattern from Primitive Gatherings.

After making mine, you may recall that I made a Christmas version for a small quilt swap with Gayle (The Middle Sister blog). This summer I had been thinking I needed to make one of those to keep. Well, that got the wheels in my head turning, and this is what resulted.

This one needs something. I am thinking about brown wool circles behind light ones.

 Nothing is final on these yet--nothing fused or stitched down. The wool pieces are not positioned exactly yet. The little lamb above doesn't really have a leg dragging behind. : )
There may be some other little elements added to these basic designs. I'm playing with some possibilities, but it won't be anything major on any of them--just little touches.

I'm almost caught up on the Primitive Gatherings 10th Anniversary SAL. Just need to stitch around the wool applique in the corners.
I am really liking this so far. I do wonder if I am going to have enough of the coordinating fabrics and wools to keep going as the rounds get bigger. 

Got one more mini Burgoyne Surrounded block made. The little 2 1/2 inch square ruler may help give you the size perspective. There will be sashing and 9-patch cornerstones between blocks.
Went to a sale at an almost LQS Saturday morning and got a few more small print blacks to use in the rest of the blocks. Four down, eight to go! No, Julie, I am not making a bed size quilt out of these little blocks, much as you want me to. : )

This little quilt of 2" pineapples finally got quilted. I made the top for that trunk show in May. It finishes at 9"x11".
The binding is only pinned down on the back. Purple may not have been your color of choice for the binding, but it was mine, and I love it! I've named this Pineapple Tidbits.

I've added another little quilt to my wall of quilts made by friends. I may not have shown the last couple, so I will need to get an updated photo soon. This little quilt was made from a Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses block that is so popular around blogland, so I thought you might like to see how sweet one block looks all by itself.
This was made by my friend, Carole. The colors are much richer (Kansas Troubles fabric), but I took it with the light shining across the surface so you could see the great texture of the quilting. It is beautifully made! Thank you so much, Carole. I love it!

There is more to share, but this was long enough. I'll save some for later. Until then,
Janet O.

*No disrespect intended to the book or movie "A Man For All Seasons." I own both and I really love the message of integrity and commitment in the story. But I couldn't resist the play on words for this title. That may reflect poorly on my integrity.


  1. Hi there Janet! Love the wee sheep quilts, sure does suit many seasons. Even the sheep with the wonky leg!
    Your Primitive Gatherings BOM is lovely, so many I would love to do, but I can be satisfied watching your progress. Lovely crosses pieces too, kansas troubles fabrics are my fav! Lovely pineapple piece also, one of the bigger pineapples on your blog:-)

  2. I like all of your Lambs! I have yet to make a Lamb Quilt and my Name goes with the Lambs... I was going to make one for the Baby that is joining the Crowther Clan soon. Instead I started and finished two different ones. The play on works works for this Post. Made me read it.

  3. What a wonderful post! Your lamb quilts are all how you made so many pretty versions for the seasons. Your quilts are all stunning, especially love the pineapple. Well done!

  4. Wow, you've been busy! Love those lamb quilts ... and that SAL, too. And of course, I love the pineapples (I'm going to take my mini pineapples with me to retreat next week to see if I can't get them finished). So, what is an almost LQS? ;-)

  5. Outstanding! I love the Pineapple Tidbits...perfect name. I like your play on words for the lambs..a seasonal delight!

  6. So glad you showed your Lambs - they are all really cute. I think you should leave the one with the dragging leg :). And of course, you also should keep going on those Burgoyne blocks - it will take just a few more to make that king sized! Cute pineapple blocks! That's a great Lucy Boston block too - there sure are lots of those around blogland. Love your SAL - I still haven't started on mine...maybe someday!

  7. Oh, you have been so very busy! When I look at all the tiny and precise piecing you have done, I often gasp. My personal favorite is your Pineapple Tidbits with the interplay of dark and light. The purple binding is perfect!
    And your sew along is marvelous, too, with all those paper-pieced flying geese. Good job!

  8. What a great idea to do a different lamb for each of the seasons! And I love the purple binding on your pineapple tidbits! :0)

  9. Uh Oh - I'm pretty sure that Lisa Bongean is going to 'borrow' your idea for the little sheep quilts - how clever of you to make one for each season! I can't decide which one I like best - besides mine of course! LOL Burgoyne Surrounded is looking great - I hope I get to see it in person one of these days. I've saved all the instructions for the 10th Anniversary SAL - maybe I'll get it made ONE of these days! Nice work Janet - on all these wonderful projects!

  10. Busy at your end of the world again!! I love your projects - great to see what you are doing with the Primitive Gatherings patterns - love those sheep, wonky legs and all :-) and your SAL is also beautiful-- I am soooo wanting to do that, need to clear a few other things off first - do you know how many months it goes for? I adore your pineapple titbits - just beautiful and how cool to see the one LB block sewn up. Beautiful post!

  11. Never satisfied with just one! LOL Precious little lamb quilts. Love, Love that pineapple quilt.
    The little quilt Carole gave you is beautiful.
    Great title!

  12. When you decide to make sheep, you make sheep and more sheep! Your Primitive Gatherings sew-along is progressing so very nicely. I saved the patterns but that is all I have done towards it.

  13. Janet, I do not know how you manage to sew as many tops as you do. And they are all fabulous. Those lambs are TO DIE FOR!!! SOOOOO cute.

  14. Darling flock with all the different seasonal additions. Love your minis as always! If it ever cools down here I may quilt something bigger than a placemat again.

  15. When do you sleep? Do you ever eat? Do you get out of the house? Do you dream about fabric and sheep and patterns and wool and thread? Your wonderful versions of the lambs are absolutely mind boggling. And I haven't finished my first one yet.
    You're my heroine, Ms. Janet, with all the projects you get planned and done.
    I'm also admiring the beauty of the Prim. Gatherings project. Gorgeous! And all the minis are sweet as well. Yes, you're my heroine.

  16. Wow Janet , you have been busy... so much gorgeous quilts to see today.
    I especially love the Prim Gatherings quilt.
    As always your minis are amazing.
    Julia ♥

  17. Your seasonal flock of sheep shows your creativity. And your pineapple tidbits shows your mastery of piecing. Well, done all around.

  18. What a wonderful post - so many fun things. I love the little lamby quilts. I thought the dragging leg was charming, lol. - seriously, I love little elements like that.
    Your SAL is amazing. I love each round and how it is adding to the whole piece, the colors are just great.
    I bet those Bergoyne blocks take a long time!
    What a lovely little quilt from your friend for your wall

  19. I LOVE the purple binding on your Pineapple Tidbits! It frames it perfectly!

    The lamb-y quilts are too cute. I would leave them just as they are and you can send them on to me!!! I promise I'll give them a great home.

    Everything is soooooooo wonderful. Now I have to go back and drool all over again. I can never get enough of your eye candy, Janet!

  20. Amazing! I have to admit to lurking on your blog over and over and am always thrilled with what you make. The mini Burgoyne is gorgeous. I love how the colors pop with a dark background, usually I see a light background. Are the strips one inch for the little 9 patch? All of your quilts are beautiful, but the minis steal the show. - I think. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  21. Janet you are amazing! Such an inspiration. I always fall in love with whatever you work on! The seasonal sheep are so cool!

  22. All your little lambs are just so fun! Way to think outside the quilt square :)
    I also love your pineapple sweet

  23. So many wonderful treats! Love the pineapples tidbits! And the Burgoyne is sweet sweet sweet!

  24. Wow...there are just so many amazing projects in this one post! Everything is do such nice work! Love it all...thanks for the inspiring pictures this morning! :)

  25. I love all the different versions of the lamb quilt
    have to tell you this is just sooooo adorable. those pineapple blocks are amazing at that size, I love that the quilt is that little, I need to work even smaller, you know how much I love little blocks! great post so much to see, The quilt Carole sent you is beautiful, lucky you.

  26. More wonderful projects. The pineapple quilt really has appeal with the light and dark alternating. Great fun. Enjoy the play on words, all well intended and enjoyed!

  27. Wow! What wonderful and fun projects. (TEENY too!) I adore the purple binding!

  28. janet you HAVE been busy girl! all those wallhangings...putting me to shame for sure. the little black/orange blocks are gorgeous...they are ALL gorgeous, the lucy boston, the very talented!

  29. I am SOOOO glad I took the trip over here and checked out this post . . . I did NOT know about the freebie and it's kinda right up my alley! Your take on the seasonals is perfect and I love what you're doing with that little lamb!! :)


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