
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Now you see it...

Yes, I see the 4-patch turned the wrong way, but I didn't see it until it was being quilted! you don't--almost.
How did my Mother's hand get in this picture?
Could you tell it was that small? I know when it is enlarged that much the stitching really gives it away. But I'm trying to get better at making the borders and binding "to scale". The binding is tricky when you try to get it close to 1/8". If anyone has any tricks as to how to make it work, I'd love to hear them!

This little quilt went off to my dear friend, Carole, who is undergoing chemo. It is named "Heaven Can Wait"! It is a variation on the Stairway to Heaven pattern. I just changed the name and the value placement. It goes to Carole with lots of prayers for successful treatment. I was waiting until she received it before posting. 

Not much else happening here in the way of quilting. 
I have continued to stitch up little things that just hang around. When there are lots of HSTs left in my "parts" bowl (do you have one of those containers?) it is easy to put together some of these...
...when you don't have time to get involved in a big project.

And then I found enough R/W/B ones to make some more hangy things to go with one of my little mini quilts.
So many patriotic quilted things decorating the house now. I've shown most of them at one time or another, but maybe I will have to do a R/W/B post soon.

I have a niece getting married next week. Unlike some of you who make quilts for your nieces' and nephews' weddings, graduations, babies, etc., I have no such tradition, but I admire those of you who do. I have 11 nieces and 10 nephews, besides my own two girls and two boys. Half of them are married or engaged. All but two have graduated from high school, half of them have graduated from college, about half of those have gone on to complete advanced degrees, and between them all I think they have 26 children, so far. I don't have that much quilting time!! So for this niece, who has been very close to my Mom, I have been making a few pineapple ornaments from my Mom's quilt scraps. This is four of the six she will be receiving.
I hope they will mean something to her. I think they will.

DD#1 flew in from NH on Saturday. I look forward to a week with her here!
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. boy you are so good at working with little pieces love the ornaments, I know she will treasure them. I love the patriotic ones…I am partial to RWB
    thanks for sharing

  2. More mini loveliness! Everything looks wonderful! :0)

  3. Your little quilty treasures are adorable!

  4. love your little four patch! so sweet and I like the one turned the other way. Your mini piecing is amazing. I'm sure your friend will love it.
    The ornaments are beautiful as always and the patriotic mini is so cute!!

  5. I assume that you are using a single fold binding for these little quilts. If not, try it, they are not so bulky!

  6. I had to study the little quilt to find the one turned the wrong way. It does not jump out at you. I made a wall hanging size quilt where I did the same thing. I still have to search for the error on mine but I know it is there.

  7. I don't make quilts for nieces and nephews either. It is hard enough just keeping up with my children and GC! I like to make quilts for children's hospital and I'm lucky if I get one or two of those done per year. One of my brothers has 6 kids and 15 GC! I am considering making that DB/DIL a quilt for their 50th anniversary coming up in a few years. I have given a few baby quilts to nieces' babies for shower gifts. Just not enough time to do everything, is there?

  8. All your minis are adorable. I especially like the patriotic display.

  9. I have been enjoying your miniature adventure. The pineapple ornaments from your Mother's fabrics are a great idea and your Niece will love and cherish them.
    July sounds like a good time for a R/W/B display.

  10. Janet...I had to really study your little quilt to find the turned 4 patch...this darling little quilt will be well received from your special friend "Carole"!

    Your patriotic display is wonderful....and fun for the 4th of July!

    Have a fun time with your daughter!

    Hugs, Carolyn

  11. That must be the stair Carole is turning back down for more time here!
    Had to laugh at your wondering how your mother's hand got in there :)
    Darling mini play as always! I "only" have thirteen nieces and nephews, they range in age from 5 to 27 so I won't likely be making more than one wedding quilt at a time over the years :). Enjoy your DD time!

  12. That's a sweet gift for your friend! Love your hang around things. Really cute!!! Did I send you my address?? Been really busy with company and may have read your email and didn't follow through..... Sorry if that's the case!

  13. Hi Janet. I love all of your mini hangings. The little quilt is just adorable, and I'm sure it will bring comfort to your friend. Enjoy having your daughter home this week!

  14. Fortunately, my family isn't as large as yours or I would never have taken on the "everybody in the family gets a quilt" project! *lol* However, I would be thrilled with any of your minis... you do gorgeous work!!!

  15. I would never known one of the four patches was turned the wrong way if you had not said it was, and then I still had a hard time finding it! Beautiful mini! Your friend Carole will love it and cherish the love that was sent with it! I love all your mini ornaments, I still don't know how you work with such tiny pieces. So glad your daughter is there for a visit, enjoy your time together!

  16. Wow! I never get tired of drooling over your minis :) They are so perfect - well, except for that one little 4-patch LOL!!! I am sure that your quilt brought a smile and some well-needed sunshine to your friend. I don't make quilts for others in my family as an obligation either. I did make one for my niece when we left for college because her mom asked me to - I can't think of anything I wouldn't do for my sweet little sister :) My mom, my kids, and my grandkids have all gotten one - a few of them even two, but I don't plan to go any further than that. Enjoy your daughter's visit! I'm getting ready for a granddaughter to come for a few months this summer.

  17. Your minis ... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! You are my inspiration for miniatures. And the stitch sizes on that little quilt for your friend Carole did not give away the size to me ... your stitches are so tiny that I knew it would be small, but not anywhere close to that small!! Well done!

    1. Oh, I forgot - enjoy your visit with your daughter.

  18. I never saw the wrong way 4-[atch until you pointed it out here. Don't the Amish call them 'humility blocks'? (Only God makes perfection) All I saw was a gift of love. I love your new little left-over projects; especially the patriotic stars to go with the RWB mini. I'm sure your neice will love the ornaments that you made for her from your mom's fabrics; that makes them even extra special! Enjoy your visit with your daughter. And again (and for everyone to see), thank you so much for taking the time to make that special little quilt for me and the prayers that went into every stitch.

    And thank you, too, to those who sent good wishes my way in the comments. I appreciate them all. Prayers are being answered. Maybe no miracles but prayers are being heard and I know it.

  19. Wowzers! You just keep going smaller and smaller! Spectacular little 4-patch Janet - I love it and know that Carole will too! I do have a collection of little HSTs - need to use them one of these days! Hope you have a great visit with DD#1!

  20. WowJanet , it was amazing to see how really small that is.
    Carole loved it and I'm sure it will be treasured .
    I don't know that I could work that small Janet, I admire your work on your tiny pineapple ornaments.
    Have fun with your DD#1...

  21. Heaven Can Wait... how darling... that wrong way block, though barely noticed, is your signature on this cute mini-mini. What a wonderful gift for Carole!
    I have a feeling that the ornaments that you are making for your niece will mean as much to her as a large quilt would... no doubt about it!
    Yes, yes! Please do a R,W, & B post! What a great idea... I may steal it from you! :)
    Have a wonderful visit with your daughter. I see time spent on creativity in those days with her!

  22. I had to look a couple times to see your rebel four patch. I like it. It's an awesome gift for your friend, Carole. My hands have turned into my mom's too. Funny thing!

  23. Love your little Heaven Can Wait - perfect name for a great friend in need. Your turned block doesn't stand out and it adds to the charm - no worries! Love all of your little mini hanging blocks - I sure enjoy mine. Funny about your Mom's hand - I think that of my own all the time! How did I get this old???

  24. You are the only one who will notice the turned block. Everyone else will see a quilt made with love. It's perfect! Love all your mini creations. Have a great week.

  25. The Heaven Can Wait is so tiny! I was definitely fooled into thinking that it was larger, so pretty! Glad that Angie made it safely there and hope you have a glorious week together.

  26. Cute "little" things Mom!
    I'm sure Caitlyn will love the ornaments!

  27. Only special ones get a Aunty quilt. I know I need to make some more for my almost 20 Grandchildren. My Sister even has to wait for her quilt. Yea for seeing your DD #1. Does that mean you will be home around the time I'm travelling to Utah? I hope so...

  28. Ok - I guess I wasn't paying enough attention - I figured it was small but not hand size! Everything looks fabulous! I am sure your niece will treasure her ornaments!

  29. Creo que ese pequeño error,
    le da aun mas encanto al mini quilts
    tu amiga sera feliz cuando lo mire
    y tu sobrina estará encantada con sus colgantes

  30. I'm always amazed and humbled by your wonderful tiny treasures! My most favorite part of this post is your mother's hand - such wisdom, care - a true story! Give her a hug for me! A special blessing prayer for your time with daughter!

    Blessings and hugs dear friend!

  31. All such wonderful, tiny projects!!!! Love the mini quilt for your friend, especially the name! I love the 4-patch going a different way!!! Perfect!!! :-)

  32. No way I told myself!!! How on earth do you do it?? The scale of your tiny 4 patch is incredible. What a dear gift for your special friend.

  33. Enjoy your DD time. I think the wedding gift idea is a great one, she will love the smalls :-) They are all very, very sweet!

  34. Hi Janet, I think everyone of the above comments are so true. Tiny, Tiny little ornaments. They are so precious, who wouldn't treasure them. I treasure mine. You named Carole's quilt perfect, and I bet she sends you lots of hugs from it. I am in San Diego with Sandi, and loving every minute of it. She certainly is addicted to quilting. So many beautiful ones that I hadn't seen. Have a super good time with you daughter. Moms always treasure their time being together.

  35. Janet, Tiny doesn't begin to describe that little 4-patch wonder. If you hadn't gotten your mother's hand in there, I'd never have known. And I LIKE the little guy facing the wrong way! Hope you have a great time with your daughter this week!

  36. Wow, that is one small mini there Janet, but oh so pretty. Your friend will love it and it will be easy to display as it does not take up much room...could even fit in a frame...awesome. Love the pineapple ornaments...maybe I will have to make some out of my teeny tiny scraps...

  37. I know you are having a wonderful time with your daughter. I think making ornaments is a wonderful idea...especially with fabrics from your family being part of the treasure. Having an oops is part of the fun! Sandi

  38. WOW that is one tiny quilt for a special person. The turned block adds character.


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