
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fun With Feathers--and a winner!

A week ago I spent my morning being entertained and instructed by Sue Patten.

This woman had me smiling and laughing so much my face hurt. She is a delightful teacher, and on top of that--she really knows her stuff!

She does extensive tests on all kinds of quilting products, under all kinds of conditions, before sharing her recommendations. And her reviews have caused some companies to change their products.

The focus of the class was feathers, and she whipped them out, with all kinds of embellishments, usually controlling the machine with one hand, while her coffee cup rested in the other.
 She could put feathers on or in anything, and dress them up so that you couldn't always tell she had started with a feather. Have I already said that she did it all really fast?!? Well, she said she had slowed way down, but you couldn't prove it by me!
She had a couple of quilts to show us how she covers the territory. She can do more things with feathers than you can begin to imagine.
And she can do it all with one hand. : )

It was a really good morning. I wish I'd been able to take some of her other classes, but I am grateful for the one opportunity I did have.

This was my parting shot and just before it was taken she asked, "Oh, is my hair sticking up?" And then she giggled.

I did choose the winner for my blog anniversary giveaway on Wednesday night. I notified her right away and sent the package off the next morning--I just haven't had a chance to blog about it until now. Congrats go out to Lori, of Humble Quilts blog. I was thrilled to see her win. Hers was one of the first blogs I began following 3 years ago and she has been so fun. I love her SALs, her adventures, and her quilts!

Until next time,
Janet O.

p.s. If you left a comment on my giveaway post and you didn't receive a reply from me, you have your profile set to "no reply" and maybe you don't know it. I had several such comments this time around and only a couple of you left your email address in your comment so that I could respond. Those of you that did not get a reply, if you would like to get replies (and chances to win giveaways--currently, no one can contact you if you win) click on the link above for Lori's blog. Right below her profile on her sidebar is a badge to click on if you are a no-reply blogger. It will take you to her post about how to change your settings.


  1. Congratulations to Lori. Wow, look at those feathers! Perhaps the coffee is the secret. Thanks for sharing.

  2. looks like you had a great time. Those feathers are amazing. I'm so glad Lori won your giveaway

  3. Congratulations to Lori! Wow---- those feathers are wonderful, what a great learning experience.


  4. I can only imagine what the sight of all those rapidly appearing quilting feathers did to your creativity! Watch out Gidget, you're in for a workout! I hope Sue had new ideas for sit down quilters too. Can't wait to see what she has inspired you to do. Congratulations to Lori. I have been enjoying her blog also and have gotten lots of ideas to tweak my list of "gotta do that". (With the name of the mini quilt, I was hoping it would be mine.) Thanks for taking us along to the class.

  5. Feathers - now that's my kind of quilting! If only I could do it one-handed with a cup of tea in hand! Congratulations to Lori, I really enjoy her blog too.

  6. She looks so fun :)...and those feathers are amazing!

  7. If I didn't win at least one of my Blogging quilters did. I found Lori through your BLOG. And she lives on the way to Sisters. Someday you'll have to come and we can both go visit and see the Show- 2nd Weekend in July!!!

  8. Sue Patten's class looks like a lot of fun! Coffee in one hand and quilting in the other... awesome! :-) Congrats to Lori!

  9. Sue is a blast to take classes with, so energetic and inspiring. Glad you had fun with her. Yeah to Lori,

  10. What a terrific class. Those feathers are amazing and totally amazing because she can do it one handed! It probably won't be long before we see you doing the same thing. Yay, for Lori.

  11. What a great class. Gosh her feathers are wonderful.

  12. Oh wow Janet, It would have been so nice to be there with you all, you know how I struggle with feathers.
    Sue's work looks amazing, and single handed, now that's something!
    Julia ♥

  13. Operating a long-arm with one hand? Wow... that alone impresses me! The feathers are amazing... what a great workshop that was!!!


  14. Sue Patten is new to me, but all I can say is that she is amazing!! So tickled that Lori won your giveaway!

  15. looks like it was one terrific time there...though i don't machine quilt, i can appreciate the skill involved in the result...glad you got to attend!

  16. Looks like you had a great time and knowing you, you learned a thing or two and will use it soon!! Her feathers have a look of 'freedom'. Always love it when you take us along with you!!!

    Congrats to Lori!!

  17. What an amazing class! I can't even imagine feather quilting with one hand!
    Thanks for showing us... great photos. I was wondering... are the quilts heavy and stiff with all that dense quilting?

  18. It looks like taking that class was a true adventure. Someday you'll be able to do it all one handed too (without the coffee - ha!) It is good to see a Cache Valley spring in your header.

  19. Nothing like a fun and very constructive class. Some teachers are so serious that you don't enjoy what they are teaching. Sue looks like a live wire and so talented. Now all her talented is going to show up in your feathers. Hardly believe that yours could improve, yours are so beautiful.

  20. Those feathers are too die for. I hope you learned a lot because I am looking forward to your feathers!

  21. So I have been absent for awhile in blog land...your trunk show looks awesome and I am sure it was a huge success...the minis are awesome indeed...I have been collecting some patterns for minis over time and may give it a go...we will see. I am so glad you had fun with the amazing teacher of feathers...isn't it great to know that someday we could possibly be that good at something? Practice practice practice...Mary

  22. What a wonderful opportunity to learn from one of the best. I cannot believe that she quilts like that with ONE HAND (and coffee in the other?)... Wow. Maybe that's my problem... I need to let go of the death grip on the handles... oh, yeah, and I gave up coffee months ago; that's my problem. Ha!! I can't wait to see your feathers now. :)

  23. It looks like a fun class! It's amazing how feathers can look old fashioned or contemporary. Thanks again for the prize package!!

  24. Your feather work is pretty darn close from what you've shared. It is always nice to learn more! Sandi

  25. Sounds like you had a great time in your class! I love it when the speaker is engaging ... and it definitely sounds as if she was! Cute pic of the two of you! And *congrats* to your winner!! :)

  26. Well that looks like so much fun!!! I'll have to put her on my list of "To Meet ASAP" teachers! Your feathers are already so awesome that I can't imagine she was able to teach you very much though :)

  27. Gosh this looks like it was such a great experience, bet you are all inspired to do more now! Glad to hear the trunk show etc all went well. I'm sorry I missed your giveaway - maybe next time!!


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