
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Next up!

Now that my version of Orca Bay is bordered, the next UFO on my design wall is this set of star blocks. This was one of the free block patterns I picked up on my first shop hop years ago. I made the blocks entirely from scraps and remnants. There are no fabric repeats in the center squares.
These blocks have been kicking around the closet for a few years. Time to get them put together. I'm thinking about a Garden Maze setting.

 I have been playing with some mini quilt ideas. The Storm at Sea is 8" square and was foundation pieced. I plan to border this one. With all of the seams so close together, I pressed them open, forgetting that I had planned to SITD. Now I don't know how to quilt it. Any ideas?
 The Churn Dash & Chains blocks will finish at 1 1/2".  I'll be making more of both blocks. They are not foundation pieced, so they look a little wonky. The Mariner's Compass is just over 3". Haven't decided if I will be making more of those. (I pinned that 2 1/2" square ruler on the design wall to give you some size perspective on these little things.)

I'm afraid that until this trunk show has come and gone, I will be consumed with mini making. At least it may make for some shorter posts. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I wish I had pressed my seams open on my Storm at Sea ... my points are perfect except on a few seams because of all the bulk.

    I love those Star Blocks ... gorgeous fabrics!

  2. I love the star blocks....what a beautiful collection of colors! Your minis just blow me the churn dashes. And no idea for quilting the storm at sea----maybe I just have a fever because that never happens!

  3. making minis isn't so easy but you have it nailed janet! they are adorable! and i love your new header is sooo beautiful. our snow is melting every day and hearing more birds in the morning so spring must be coming...LOL...

  4. Well, got to tell you...LOVING IT ALL, You are amazing with those teensy bits! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! As for quilting your Storm At Sea mini...would you be opposed to just circle after circle quilting? I mean circles like a bulls eye look? I've been seeing this done on a lot of smaller quilts lately and was thinking with a name of Storm At can have a hurricane! Lol

  5. Oh my goodness... such small minis... I'm in awe! They're all gorgeous... you go, girl!

  6. Glad you brought those stars out of the closet - they are really beautiful! And your minis are just wonderful. Keep going girl!

  7. I'm in awe. I love the top blocks. Garden Maze setting will be beautiful. Your mini's are fabulous. I love the little churn dash blocks. You go girl!! Hugs

  8. Love your star blocks. The colors are wonderful and your careful placement of lights and darks really create a beautiful illusion. When you give your trunk show, your audience need to know mini's are not for the faint of heart. There's no fudge room in the construction. The mariners compass is spectacular!

  9. Great collection of star blocks, love the colors, it is amazing what one can do with just scraps. Sometimes the quilts are more lovely than buying fabric for a certain pattern. I have always liked Storm at Sea. However, I will leave paper piecing to Sandi, lol. Have a great week end.

  10. That's a lot of little squares in the centers of the stars. I like that they are all different and that they all blend together so well.

  11. Everything looks great! I love your star blocks, and your storm at sea is beautiful! :0)

  12. Need I even say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those star blocks!!! Absolutely fabulous!! For next year, I've got two scrappy star quilts planned! Now I AM inspired!!

    Those minis are adorable - fantastic job!!! You continue to amaze me!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  13. Beautiful star blocks--the color gradation is lovely. I have no idea what a garden maze setting is so I'll have to look that up. Amazing minis, as usual!

  14. I'm in love with those star blocks Janet - so glad you pulled them out of the closet to finish them up - it'll be spectacular! I made a Storm at Sea quilt for DD#1's wedding quilt - sadly, I didn't use good quality fabrics - and with cats on their bed it needed washing often so it didn't hold up well at all - sigh. Those teeny tiny blocks are so adorable!

  15. Lovely Mom...all of it!
    I don't remember ever seeing those first blocks.
    The mini batik is beautiful. What do you think you'll do with the mini mariner's compass?

  16. The star blocks are gorgeous!

    I've been bitten by the small (mini) quilt bug lately. I think I'm burned out on large quilts right now but don't want to just quit quilting so I'm starting smaller quilts that finish quickly. I love country style in home decor so the small quilts will be used throughout the house.

  17. Nothing can compete with lovely star blocks, especially when they're scrappy and bold like yours. Gorgeous!
    Re: quilting on your little storm at sea, how about stitching in the ditch around the lightest blue sections? That might be enough quilting, till you quilt in the corner blocks. Decisions re: little projects are sometimes the most challenging decisions.

  18. Beautiful star blocks... how large are they?
    I'm by no means a know it all when it comes to quilting, but I think the Storm at Sea mini would look great with some free motion waves worked in!
    You make some of the best minis... yes, you do!

  19. I love your little minis-they are my favorite thing to piece. Did you do the 2 inch basket blocks from Temecula last year? I can't help with quilting ideas as I have multiple minis waiting for quillting, never know what to do. Be glad you pressed seams open. The points are a killer to get the needle through if you don't.

  20. You do the tiniest things!!!! And so pretty! Those stars with no repeats amaze me because they bespeak a luxuriant stash that knows no bounds, I can relate to that, LOL!

  21. LOVE the star blocks and the minis. Sometime open seams is the only way to have those points sit right.
    Quilting ideas is always a hard one, I like the free motion waves mentioned above, would really suit the theme of the blocks.
    Julia ♥

  22. For all your love of mini, I hope you have a Mini car!

  23. Your star blocks are lovely, such vibrant visual appeal; the Garden Maze will be a perfect setting. The miniatures are just too cute... and SEW very tiny!! You're a mini-master!

  24. I love your tiny little blocks! I was looking at an old, new to me book last night and noticed several garden maze settings. I've never done that and like it a lot.

  25. Wonderful scrappy stars!
    I have a storm at sew mini to quilt too... tell me what to do!!

  26. Janet, that Mariner's Compass block is so small. I'm glad you put the little ruler up so we could see the scale. Whatever possessed you to make that?? I am assuming you're not making more of them... ;-)
    The Star quilt will be fabulous. I love the variety of colors!

  27. The blocks are sparkling on your Wall. What color will you sash them with in the garden Maze? The mini Churn Dash and compass blocks must be for the Trunk show. Making more Minis? To tiny for me. Once again I'm resisting a new Project of the Swap with Lori.. I thought about it, but just can't justify it. I have too many things I want to do and make. Life is too short to do it all.

  28. Love those stars and I'm drooling over the minis! They are awesome!!

  29. I love the storm at sea piece. There's a pattern for one of those in the stuff headed your way! That Mariner's Compass is AWESOME!! You're building quite a show! ;)

  30. these scrappy stars are great! I also love love the storm at sea quilt! Since I did the mini I have wanted to to another one. Those churn dash blocks are so tiny and sweet!!

  31. Your star blocks are awesome - looking forward to seeing what you do with them!! You certainly do seem to be well on the way with your minis for your trunk show - those blocks sure are tiny!!

  32. Cute little minis. Fun way to use little fabric bits.

  33. Those stars are fabulous - great scrappy project!

  34. Anxious to see what a Garden Maze setting is for your stars. I love it when a scrappy quilt has no repeats. I'm not a quilter, but it isn't that large what about hand quilting the S-A-S block? Time I know is not on your side...The Churn Dash and Chains blocks are so cute, how big will this mini be? It almost looks like the Mariner's Compass has the same fabrics as the CD-C blocks. Looking good Janet!

  35. I wish I was close by so I could rub up against you like an ole cow does a fence post and THEN maybe some of your prolific quilting would rub off on me!!!

    Stars are our friend!!!

  36. Well look at you GO girlfriend!!! I leave town for a couple weeks and you start finishing up UFO's one after the other - whew!!! You're my hero :*)

    Your star blocks are beautiful - I love their sparkle! And an 8" SAS - wow! But that tiny Mariner's Compass - I'm speechless!!!!


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