
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Mini Progress

Just little things going on here. The 2 1/2 inch ruler is there again to give you perspective.
Storm at Sea Just needs quilting, and so does the Churn Dash and Chains. It will be bound in the green that is dangling beside it.
I decided to do a little medallion quilt from a leftover basket. I am surrounding it with flying geese. Only one side done so far.
Some leftover little green strips from the Churn Dash and Chains became little 4-Patch blocks in the tiny Stairway to Heaven.
And the Mariners Compass is getting surrounded with circling geese. I have a plan of another round after that. We'll see if I can get the circle of geese to work first.

I have two more minis I want to get made before the trunk show and then it will be a mini quilting marathon here!!

Thanks to a couple of good friends, I am well supplied with material for my mini trunk show. Look what arrived in my mail this past week! These are such treasures, and you can see I have marked just a few patterns to try. : )
Many thanks to Denise and Carole!!!

Have I mentioned that my two 20-something sons had gone to Iceland with a few friends over Spring Break? This is what came home with them for me.
A sweet little Nativity made from Icelandic wool--don't you think it needs its own little wool mat with some stars stitched around the edge?
And then there is this guilty pleasure.
Apparently black licorice is a favorite treat in Iceland--and I am the beneficiary. I can't read the labels but it all tastes good!
My sons know their Mama! : )

Like everyone else, we are having very fickle weather. After a snowstorm that melted quickly in the valley, but blanketed the mountains, I caught this shot. If you look carefully you can see my BIL's two donkeys and the llama.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Love the mountain photo with the critters! Your mini progress looks great. I really like the mariners compass quilt is my fav.
    I like black licorice too.

  2. Lovely gifts from Iceland! I am amazed by your mini quilts. I don't see how you work with something so small. They are beautiful!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  3. What very special sons you have - of course they have a special mama!! Love that little nativity!

    Your minis are fabulous!! That churn dash and chains is going to go on my list to make - perfect!!!! Your trunk show will be "WOWZA"!! Just because you're you!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  4. So fun Mom!
    I love all the minis :)
    I think a star wool mat is a perfect idea for the nativity!

  5. Wow! What a picture Janet!!! You sure do live surrounded by beauty! I love what you are doing with all your miniatures - especially surrounding the mariner's compass with tiny circling flying geese - perfect!!! And I love church dash blocks and Irish chains - another favorite :*)

  6. I LOVE the little nativity--our church class has had a Christmas auction every year for YEARS to raise money for missions and nativities are always a hot commodity. We do mission trips to Africa and we've had a few African nativities (my DH went once before he passed away and I have one from there) and when I went to Puerto Rico a couple of years ago picked up 3 (kept one for myself). One was SO TINY carved out of a little rock. And Ooo, I love Good and Plentys but not JUST black licorice alone but my DH sure did!! Your boys are good!

  7. Wish I could be there to see your trunk show - it is going to be fabulous - amazing what you have done in the last little while :-) What lovely thoughtful sons you have, gorgeous gifties for their mum. Love your closing pic - those mountains are magnificent!

  8. I hope you have a designated photographer at your trunk show!!! Your minis are awesome!!! The photo of your mountain range is stunning and the furry donkeys are still dressed for winter. Looks like the llama has its tongue sticking out.

  9. Your minis are outstanding. What patience you have! And that little Icelandic Nativity is just darling. Hope spring decides to come and stay soon - we had hail this afternoon amidst the downpours, but at least it didn't last long.

  10. Those Miniature Magazines are Collectible! You really have the Mini BUG. I hope someone takes pictures of your trunk show for us who can't attend. Cool Nativity form Iceland.

  11. Love your minis. I have wanted to make a storm at sea quilt for ages! The circling geese look like a challenge!

    Love the wool nativity.

    Great photo of snow covered mountains!

  12. Your minis are exquisite, Janet. They are REAL eye candy compared to the black licorice!

    With a view like that, I doubt whether I'd get any sewing done. It's absolutely breath taking. You soooooo inspire me, my friend!

  13. Love the mini quilts! Especially love the FG in a circle! I have always wanted to do those, but never have. Can't wait to see it finished. What a darling little nativity! I does need it's own special quilted mat to sit on and I think you can whip one up in no time.

  14. are really making a lot of progress with the minis. I would be blind by now! Love that the boys remembered Mama with such great treats....and the nativity is so special.

  15. Janet your mini quilts are so beautiful. I always look forward to seeing what you are working on. You are such an inspiration. Hugs

  16. Gorgeous mountain view ... how blessed you are to be able to see such a beautiful view.

    Your minis are simply adorable! I'm in awe!

  17. That picture makes such a beautiful header. I really like all your minis they are each so different. Good luck with that circle of geese.

  18. Your minis are looking amazing! Love that circle of geese, but I love them all! You obviously raised wonderful children. What a darling nativity! You can keep the black licorice (but my DH would like you to share - he likes it too!). And yes...I love the new postcard (you knew I had to say it!).

  19. Oh, and I forgot to say...I am totally jealous that you have all of those mini magazines. JEALOUS!

  20. Wow... those minis are fabulous! I'm trying to imagine working that small...

    The Iceland wool nativity figures are so cool... you definitely need a wool mat with stars for it!

    Love your view of the mountains year round... but they are beautiful covered with snow... however, I'm sure you.. .like the rest of us... are ready for Spring!

  21. I love your minis! You are the queen of working with itty bitty pieces of fabric! :0)

  22. Beautiful blue sky over the mountains! Your minis are adorable - looking forward to seeing your flying geese around the Mariner's Compass - it is going to be wonderful.

    The Icelandic wool Nativity set is so precious and unique. Iceland is the dream trip for our son and daughter-in-law....someday.

  23. Tiny teensy and micro minis! Wow.
    Love the nativity in wool.
    I didn't know there was a magazine for minis. You'll have plenty more to show sometime, from all those marked pages!
    Lovely photo. We had no snow on our mountains to mention this winter.

  24. Your lovely minis continue to multiply. What beautiful examples. Love your Icelandic nativity. And the view from your window is spectacular!

  25. How sweet that your sons thought of you during their travels -- the nativity scene and an edible treat. Very sweet.
    You're getting mega prepared for your presentation. Great variety of projects to show. Wish I could attend. Hopefully someone will take photos you can share ??

  26. esos minis son preciosos!!!
    un placer para la vista
    buena seman

  27. Wish I could be there for your presentation Janet. The ladies are in for a treat with your show of mini's. Enjoy the books, lots of lovely inspiration there I'm sure.
    Love your Icelandic nativity. And the view from your window is spectacular!

  28. Love to see your progress on everything. What's it like to do flying geese in the round? I've never done that before. The mountains looks wonderful blanketed in snow. I like the subtle contrast between the mountain snow and the sunset (?) in your header. I'm looking forward to seeing the sun rise over Lake Michigan when the weather warms up a little. Today is the first day I didn't put on an extra layer under my dress. I still wore my fleece tights though. We go to Sheboygan tomorrow. I always thought that was a laughable name for a city.

  29. WOW!! Again!! I would sure like to know when and where this trunk show is going to be so I can visit that guild!! Would you let me know?? ♥ Oh, and how I LOVE licorice!! My fave!! The Nativity is darling and the picture you got of our mountains is spectacular!!

  30. Your making great progress on your minis! loving that SaS.
    That is an awesome Nativity set, so charming and different. My mother in law collected them from around the world.

  31. You are busy, busy. I like what you are doing with the flying geese around the Mariner's Compass. And all so small.

  32. Janet, you continue to amaze me with your minis. And inspire me, too. No way I could ever do as well with them, so the magazines are better off with you than me. LOL The Icelandic Nativity is a wonderful addition for your collection.

  33. All your minis are such fun! I'm so tickled to even play a teeny, tiny (argh, argh) part in your "big" mini adventure!! Your gifts are so sweet -- what good sons you have!!! The Nativity, in particular, is precious!! Hugs!! :)

  34. Those minis are REALLY mini!! And I never get tired of the view of your mountains!!

  35. Sweet little minis. You will enjoy the magazines!
    Yes, you do need a wool mat.
    I see the critters, the llamas here protect the sheep from coyotes.
    Lovely view.

  36. You really made magnificent progress from the previous post, especially on the little churn dashes! Nice work all around. The wool nativity is charming and I just know that you will figure out a very special rug/mat for it, too.

  37. Is it just me or are your minis getting even smaller? I think they are all just goregeous and I'm also hoping that there will be someone to take pictures of your trunk show. How many days left until the show?

  38. your mini quilts are so lovely janet and you do such beautiful work. so glad you have plenty to keep you busy as winter winds is leaving here too with the occasional daily return....but mid 40s and sunny today!

  39. A mini trunk show! Fabulous! Wish I could attend. Love what you've got in the works. Your head must be swimming!
    I've been absent from blogland because we are moving! It's all happening so quickly. Will post about it soon.


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