
Thursday, February 27, 2014

What I am learning.

Finally getting some little quilts off the "to be quilted" list! Been home sick all week and I have been learning (or reminded) that I don't "rest & recuperate" very well. I have to be "doing."
As I quilted this I realized how "pointless" that upper left basket is.
What was I thinking?
 Two years ago this Saturday, Temecula Quilt Co. began their Blessings Basket SAL.  I went out of control and made 4 of them, pictured below on my design wall in their flimsy stage.
Since this time I have been learning to live without
making every Temecula SAL that comes out.
This is the third one I have quilted--only the batik remains.

Something else I've been learning is curved cross-hatching. This was my first attempt on anything other than a practice piece. Can you see it in the dark blue setting triangles?
 There is a lot of backtrack or overstitching to this process and my skills in that area are not up to speed. I show you this photo of the back so that you can see the cross-hatching better, but you can also see my mess of threads in many places.
Another thing I have learned as I have quilted this week--I still think like a hand quilter. I tend to want to do stitch-in-the-ditch through the pieced areas and fill the large, solid areas with simple designs. I know that is not how everyone hand quilts, but that was my M.O.

It shows on the other two pieces I have done this week. "True", my little companion quilt to "Faithful", from one of Lori's SALs, was also completed. The quilting doesn't show here, but it is entirely straight line stuff around the piecing and a spiky design in the border.

The other piece I have quilted this week is another example of my hand quilting mentality. I have named this one "Poor Lil' Punky Loves Pineapple". The pumpkin design in the center is from Julie Letvin's Poor Lil' Punky pincushion pattern (and, of course, I made 4 of those, too). I did SITD around the black parts of each pineapple block and around Punky and his features, and put cross-hatching in the rail blocks. It is ready to bind and I hope to get to that today.
 It is hard to see the quilting design on the back but I like the way Punky's gold threads shine there. : )

I have one more little quilt basted and I am going to force myself to try an all-over design on it. This may be difficult!

My Little Quilts corner has had some recent additions, thanks to Julie and Michelle. Most of the quilts to the left of the corner were made by blog friends, five of which were AAQI quilts . So glad I was able to support the cause and have the work of friends in the bargain. On the other side of my quilting room I have a couple of pillows, a wall quilt, pincushions, and some ornaments by friends. Blogging has certainly provided me with the quilting community I lacked. Since blogging is my only computer vice--no Facebook, Instagram, gaming, and though I Pin, I don't browse Pinterest--for now, I am happy to keep blogging. I am just learning that I can't start everything I see on blogs, that I love. Some lessons are learned the hard way. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. As a longarm quilter who started out hand quilting everything, I understand what you are saying. However, s.i.d. is done on so many quilts and to me it makes it so much better, I do a lot of this on customer quilts. Grid lines, 1/4" outlines, cross hatching, feathered wreaths, all very good. I think your quilting looks fabulous, and just like piecing, there are no "rules" to how you machine quilt.

  2. ...and I love your little quilts wall. How do you hang them?

  3. Everything looks wonderful, but I really love the little jack-o-lantern quilt! It's Boo-tiful! ;0)

  4. What beautiful little quilts Where do you buy the little clothes pins? It was nice to see my patriotic AAQI quilt again. Our daughter bought A Beautiful Mind Blocked and has it hanging in her office, in the clinic of the large Homeless shelter where she works. Many of the residents have blocked minds because of abuse and addictions. I had so much fun making those little quilts. Jean in Ia

  5. I LoVe the quilting you have done on your little quilts.Your wall looks great!
    Isn 't it fun learning? I only blog too & am on Pinterest. So many ideas in one place. LOL!

  6. such adorable quilts...and the curved cross-hatching is sooo gorgeous, really adds to the quilt....after all, it's not a quilt until it's quilted! and your corner is sooo eye catching!

  7. I love the curved cross hatching you did. LOL I know what you mean about trying to make everything you see. I am guilty of that, every year I start out good, we'll see how it goes. At least I don't make 4 of everything I see...Just saying. Today is a catch-up on BOW and BOM day. Love your Quilt Corner!

  8. Your cross hatching is beautiful....throw out those quilt police in your head. I do not see a mess of threads :) With all this accomplished, you should be feeling better....even if you did not rest.

  9. Those are all wow quilts to me, Janet! The quilting is gorgeous, especially the curved crosshatch. Never having been a hand quilter, I don't have that background expertise for fillers. I think you are way ahead of the game with that skill, not suffering from it! Congrats on making your sick time so beautiful.

  10. Lots of fun little quilts! What a great way to practice your quilting.
    Feel better FAST!

  11. Your fabric choices are delightful!

    Temecula? California? My daughter lives in Murrieta, and I am 30 minutes south.

  12. WOW! Your quilting is beautiful! Love your Little Quilts wall looks like a wonderful place to go for inspiration

  13. Oh what lovely eye candy today!!!! Your little Punky is a favorite with all his accompanying pineapples :) I always enjoy seeing your fmq work - you inspire me! I too am learning to stop jumping into making every quilt I see that I like. It's hard to do! But I tell myself over and over - "You don't have to make that quilt - you can just look at hers and enjoy it!" Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't :*D

  14. All gorgeous little quilts Janet. I love the curved cross hatching, I still need to buy that ruler, and give it a try.
    Yes there is so much out there to see and want to do, but we can't do them all, just enjoy the eye candy out there.
    Hope your feeling better now.
    Julia ♥

  15. I love love love the curved cross hatching. It's just perfect on this little quilt. It is so tempting to try all the cute SALs on Temecula and Lori's blog etc. There is just not enough time but we keep trying. . . I finished the little bunny quilt top I've been working on and I mailed it home today. The quilting will have to wait till I get home.

  16. I haven't learned that either! I want to make each and every one of your beautiful little quilts! They're all so gorgeous.......pointless or not! :o)

  17. Oh I like the curved cross hatching. I need to remember that.

  18. Again, everything is absolutely stunning. I love that curved crosshatching!! I, too have a tendency to quilt small areas especially on big quilts, but all over on small quilts is really fun - I think you will like it!!

    So sorry to hear that you were under the weather! I thought about you a lot - now I know why! Hope you are all mended up!!

    Ah, the dilemma of "quilting overload"!!! One thing I'm trying to do this year is "enjoy the process".

    Blessings and hugs!

  19. You continually make me happy and I am sorry to hear you have been sick!! I hope you are feeling better!!

  20. I think we as women & as quilters do find it hard to rest when needed! Your quilting really is lovely! Love the cross hatching.

  21. Your curved cross hatching is absolutely stunning. You and your Sweet 16 are a great team. Just look at all the wonderful projects you've finished. I would think I was in heaven if I had a wall of quilts like yours. It must make you smile every time you're in that room.
    We're blessed -- and cursed -- with all the wonderful inspiration we find in our magazines and books, from our friends in person and our friends online. So many ideas, but only so many hours in the day. I also only blog -- and I'm hardly ever on Pinterest. Just a tiny bit of looking now and then. No Facebook or instagrams, no texting or tweeting. I'm old and totally satisfied with how little I've invested my time in the tech part of my world. Every minute on the computer or phone is time away from my stitching.
    Now -- back to my quilting.

  22. I love your machine quilting ... because it does resemble hand quilting! ;-)

    I love that basket quilt ... and of course Punky! I love ALL your quilts! The patterns, the fabrics, the quilting ... what's not to love?

    Hope you're feeling better!

  23. Janet your quilting is so wonderful and your wall of little quilts is amazing. Oh what a wonderful lesson you learned...Temecula pulls me in every single time...I love what she does but there are only so many hours😍. Thank you for sharing your insight.

  24. Wow you have gotten so much quilting done! I love the curvy lines on your basket quilt. All the basket quilts are great.
    Your wall of little quilts looks great! What a nice gallery of quilts.
    Hope you are feeling better!

  25. I think you are being entirely too hard on yourself. I can't find any issues with today's post. I really enjoyed seeing all your finishes and they are all beautifully completed.

  26. LOVE that curved cross hatching - it adds so much movement to the quilt. Which by the way is a fav you might have guessed! LOL

  27. Janet your quilts and quilting are beautiful. You are such an inspiration. You sure do get a lot done when you're not feel well. Hugs

  28. Look at all of those cute little quilts! LOVE curved cross hatching and I think yours looks great! Punky looks so cute surrounded by those pineapples! Hope you are feeling better!

  29. Whoa! You should get sick more often! (not really) I had no idea that you were getting THAT much done Janet! Seeing all your beautiful quilting makes my little Baptist Fans look pitiful - sigh -

  30. What a delightful post, Janet! I too, wish we could start everything we see and love on other blogs, but I have LEARNED that it's just not possible!
    Every project you finished during your "down time" is just lovely... I especially LOVE the curved cross hatching on the basket mini! How fun it must be to walk into your quilting room and see the wall of minis! Lucky you!

  31. Wow! What a nice bunch of finishes. Hope you're feeling better; just looking at what you've accomplished should certainly help!

  32. I love all your little quilts! I too am a hand quilter who is learning to quilt designs that aren't my typical MOA. It 's hard to break that pattern.

  33. It's no surprise that you don't "rest" very well ~ hope you are feeling better! The pointless basket quilt is one of my favorites, I love the curved cross-hatching. What a good feeling to get some projects finished. My internet was down for three weeks, it was a blessing as I have completed three UFO's to a flimsey stage. Your little quilt corner is truly special! Speaking of Pintrest, one of my vice's, do you care if we pin from your blog?

  34. Very nice! Your curved cross hatching outdoes my Baptist Fans, that's for sure! The BF have a lot of backtracking too. Machine quilting certainly doesn't give one that wonderful undetected hidden "needle travelling" from place to place like hand quilting does. Drat. I only hope to be as good at my Sweet16 as you are at yours. You continue to inspire me. I noticed the binding fabric ... I think your setting triangles are also from Tavern Blues. Thanks for all the eye candy and hope you're feeling all better.

  35. I sure hope you are feeling better. Both of my boys are under the weather too. I hate for anyone to be sick. I love all of your little quilts! Janet, your quilting looks sooo nice.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  36. You over-achiever you ... even when you're sick!! I worked on making knots all week, and you finished up a gazillion quilts! Hahahaa!!! I hope you're feeling better. All your work is simply lovely ... I could sit and gaze at your mini-corner for just hours!! Hugs! :)

  37. By now, I hope that you are feeling all well and back to full speed ahead! You have such a nice complement of small quilts to admire, but my personal favorite is the blue setting triangles with the curved cross hatching. Your quilting lines always look so very even to me!

  38. Your quilting looks lovely! You are way too critical on yourself!

  39. I am so sorry you're not feeling very well- hope you're better by now. I have a sit-down long arm also, just getting brave enough to use it on quilts, but I was so impressed w/your curved cross hatching, I ordered the set of rulers. Your quilting was lovely! Love your blog, thanks for taking the time.

    Temecula always pulls me in also-their sew alongs are great.

  40. Oooh! I just love your little quilt wall - it looks so effective and its nice to see how people actually display their quilts once they finished. Love the colours you use and the more traditional patterns! xCathy ps giveaway on my blog!?

  41. When I read your first paragraph I thought you were saying you were homesick...and I had to think to myself, "Where is Mom right now that she would be homesick?" Haha! Sometimes it takes me a minute :)
    You certainly are coming right along with finishing up all your projects. Good for you!

  42. Your curved cross-hatching looks great! Very effective. Do you pre-mark it or just eye-ball as you go?

    Your little quilts wall is enviable.

  43. I haven't been on your blog for a while, have to admit that I have missed seeing your beautiful quilting. I have enjoyed your little quilt wall and it is very impressive to look at each one. Hope to be a regular again. .


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