
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Long time coming!

This quilt has been on my design wall for about 4 months now and it is finally all sewn together! Here we have "It's So Vermonty"in flimsy form.
This is based on Bonnie Hunter's Crabapples pattern from the book Adventures with Leaders and Enders. I've mentioned before that I wanted it to be bigger than the pattern so that we could use it on our bed. I made the 25 trees as the pattern indicated and then added setting squares between them to create extra rows. I simplified the borders, too, to keep the focus on the trees in the center (and to make it faster to finish).                                                          
I was trying to capture the feeling of dense Fall foliage, and I am pretty happy with the results.
While watching the Olympics I haven't done as much stitching as I usually do during TV time--I get too caught up in the action! But I have stitched up one more little house (Building Houses From Scraps) and have about half of another. This is usually my travel project, but it was handy to grab, and needed no prep work, so I made an exception.

Speaking of the Olympics, I have enjoyed seeing the Matryoshka Dolls--especially the huge one on the Slope Style venue. I have been a long time collector of nesting dolls, starting my collection before the break-up of the Soviet Union, when exported dolls were mass produced and very regional.

Over the years I have given several dolls away, feeling like my collection was getting out of hand. I haven't bought any for a few years, but I did purchase a bobble head nesting doll Sochi Olympics pin this month. Here is my current collection of dolls.

My biggest doll is about 10" high and the smallest is 2 1/2".  Here they are, side by side.

The large doll is a set of 20, the smaller doll is a set of 10. You can click the photos to enlarge and see details.

After the Soviet Union dissolved it became easier to find beautifully painted dolls. These are a couple of my favorites, front and back.

This doll isn't the tallest, but it contains the most dolls. There is a total of 30, with the smallest one being smaller than a grain of rice. Can you see it at the bottom of the doll to the far right?
 This picture gives you some perspective--those are the smallest dolls from the three full sets displayed above. The tiny one in the middle is from the set of 30.

Haven't had much sewing time lately, but it feels so good to finally have an empty design wall for a minute. I think I will pull out something that only needs a border and see if I can get it done in less than 4 months! : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. How wonderful a to see your doll collection as I am sitting in my quilting chair way pitching the Olympics! You have an amazing collection! As for your quilt, it is a stunner! An award winner for sure. Congrats on a wonderful finish!

  2. Wow, I just LOVE that quilt! Breathtaking! And that doll collection is amazing ... such tiny little dolls!

  3. Your quilt is gorgeous and definitely has the right colors for fall! My sister gave me one of those nesting dolls and I do love it. I think it has 6 that nest in it. I'm to lazy to get up and check. Your collection is awesome!

  4. I love fall colors and especially seeing fall foliage so naturally, I like your tree quilt very much. The border well suits the center. It could get very busy with a pieced border.
    An interesting collection of the dolls. They are quite colorful.

  5. Your quilt perfectly capture the lush colors of fall! congratulations! how will you quilt it?
    Your collection of Russian nesting dolls are amazing! I have a couple and I just love the detail of them. Did you know that the skiers and snowboards got extra bonus points if they touched that giant doll? so fun!
    thanks for sharing your wonderful collection!

  6. p.s. your tiny house are so sweet!

  7. Your nesting dolls are really amazing - thanks for sharing them. I just can't believe the detail and how TINY some of them are. You might need to leave your quilt up on your design wall, just so you can admire it! Very pretty! Cute little house blocks!

  8. Love your Bonnie Hunter quilt. I am trying to keep one of her patterns on my list at all times.

    Your doll collection is AWESOME. I am not really a collector of anything but I would start with those. Just beautiful!

  9. Your quilt is fabulous, Janet. Well done. When I was a child my Aunt Martha had a nesting doll. I was fascinated by it and played with it for hours and hours. Thank you so much for showing your collection.

  10. Your Vermont flimsy looks amazing! And I love your little houses! :0)

  11. A round of applause for your gorgeous Vermonty quilt. We were there visiting friends with a cabin in the woods during peak season 25 years ago. I still remember the vividness, and your quilt captures it beautifully. Enjoy sleeping under it when it's done.

  12. Oh my your Vermont quilt is beautiful. I just love it. Your house blocks will make a beautiful neighborhood one day.

    You doll collection is fantastic. They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing photos of them. Hugs

  13. janet i love the autumn quilt....i love autumn, autumn fabrics and this captures it perfectly! and the dolls are beautiful...and i agree, i didn't get much quilting done...too busy watching the action! another terrific bonnie pattern beautifully executed....

  14. Love your trees! I like how they are floating on the surface of the top.....very neat effect and the simple border gives you lots of quilting space!

  15. Now for the Quilting...Have fun with the alternate squares. I didn't know you collected Russian dolls. They are very ornately painted. I have to pay attention when watching the Figure Skaters and Ski Jumpers or I miss the best parts. I did get two quilts binding tacked down, it took me almost 6 hour of watching for the biggest one, including tacking down the hanging sleeve.

  16. "It's So Vermonty" turned out just perfect!! Can't wait to see how you will quilt it! Are you doing it yourself - or sending it to the longarmer?

    Your dolls are gorgeous!!! I've seen them, but have never owned one, or actually taken one apart! What a fun collection!

    The Olympics have been fun - I've gotten some stitching done - applique and knitting! A nice change of schedule, but ready for normalcy!

    Blessings and hugs!

  17. Great post as always!! Your Vermonty quilt is gorgeous and you really did capture the incredible fall colors!! And those dolls!! Wow!! 30 dolls inside one?? Who has good enough eyes to paint those little babies?? I need to see you collection in person some day. I'll bring the little gremlin thief with me when I come!! :-))

  18. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I know that feels like a weight off your shoulders, right? It's really beautiful Janet - love the glow of those colors - yummy!!! Your dolls look like such a fun collection - I bet the grandkids are fascinated :)

  19. Your quilt is a perfect representation of your photo - well done - it looks great!
    Neat to see your dolls, what a fabulous collection. I would never have thought they could come so tiny! I was keen to look at them all and see if I could find the set we have in our family, which my grandparents brought back from their travels for my sister in the 70's. And yes, I found it... on the shelf, second from the left, at the front. Is the second one of yours purple too?

  20. Did you see the story of the making of the nested Russian dolls during one of the 'interest stories' during the Olympics? So interesting that they're all handpainted (as least wherever this story took place). There was one just on about how one town handcrafts bells as they always have. LOVE those stories!!

  21. I'm so happy you got "Vermonty" to a flimsy :)
    I told you everyone would love seeing your doll collection :)!
    I'm glad you posted it!

  22. We lived in Vermont from late summer into late fall one year with husbands job. It was spectacular to see the leaves as the season changed and your quilt top captures it wonderfully well!!!

    My son-in-law was in Bosnia on a mission trip and brought all of us back a nesting doll. Yours are beautiful!!!!

  23. The colours in your quilt pick up the Vermont fall colours perfectly Janet, it's beautiful!
    I have just one set of nesting dolls....your collection is amazing!
    Julia ♥

  24. Both are lovely in their own way -- your Vermonty quilt and your collection of nesting dolls. I've seen many versions of Bonnie H's crabapple block quilts, and your quilt is right at the top of my favorites. The blocks just seem to glow.
    How fun to have your extensive collection of the dolls. Have you ever bought any of the Matryoshka Dolls fabric? I've seen it from time to time.

  25. You're captured the autumn feel perfectly. Those rust colored alternate squares really enhance the effect of the gold, green, orange, and red trees. It's a beauty. Thanks for sharing your collection too. You've got an amazing variety and the detail is exquisite.

  26. The colors in your finished quilt are so rich and beautiful - the quilt captures perfectly the feel of autumn - great to have it done, huh? I haven't watched one minute of the Olympics - I'm sure I'm in the minority of people, but I'm just not into sports. Fun little nesting doll collection - we saw quite a few of those in shops when we took an Alaskan cruise a few years ago.

  27. Your quilt definitely speaks of fall. It's really beautiful. Wow! What an awesome collection do dolls. Thanks for sharing so many, big and small!

  28. Congrats on finishing a flimsy. I think you captured the fall foliage perfectly. Looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing your nesting dolls. I've never seen so many different ones.

  29. Thanks for sharing your doll collection. Absolutely beautiful.

  30. Four noths is nothing considering the masterpiece you have created... having gone to college in Vermont your quilt rekindles happy memories for me. Your Matryoshka Dolls are absolutely stunning... I appreciate the details and the workmanship, what a fabulous collection you have. We saw many gorgeous nesting doll sets when we visited St. Petersburg a few years ago but they were very $$ and way above my souvenir budget; but I did feel that they were worth every penny. I love how you have yours displayed.

  31. Ooops... proof reading is NOT overrated! That previous comment should begin: " Four MONTHS..." not noths! Sorry.

  32. I say you achieved your goal with It's So Vermonty most impressively!!! What a wonderful gift to yourself as a reminder to your east coast visit last year!
    And speaking of impressive... so is your collection of the nesting dolls. The details are amazing!
    Cute houses as well... we sure have the same taste in fabrics... love 'em all!

  33. Gorgeous crabpapples! Love all the colors. Wow to your collection--I have one doll that was brought to me by a Russian guest and it has a spot in my sewing room--they are so charming. Yours are stunning. That tiniest grain of rice one is amazing.

  34. Your flimsy as beautiful. I think you nailed the Vermont look and feel.

  35. I love what you've done with the crabapples to make the design truly your own, good job! Thank you so much for the tour of the dolls, I learned so much just by seeing them in such detail.

  36. I love your quilt! It is so autumn-y. I wish I lived where there are seasons.

  37. I think you nailed fall on the head with It's So Vermonty!! Congrats on a gorgeous finish!

    I don't think I've ever seen so many nesting dolls - they are so bright and cheery and obviously made with lots of skill. How did you start collecting them? I'm hoping you'll post your new pin sometime. I didn't get to see any of the Olympics and missed all the action and pretties :(

  38. Whoa! What a cool collection and the painting is so amazing!
    Congrats on the quilt top. I'd say it captures the autumn feeling perfectly!!


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