
Friday, November 22, 2013

Borders and ornaments

Has it really been almost two weeks since my last post? And I have so little to show for all of that time.
Faithful (from Lori's QAL) is a completed flimsy. I had planned to make all of the solid borders from the same black fabric, but came up just a few inches shy on the last round. Would you bind this in black or red, or maybe even orange?

I made more HSTs than I needed as I was making this. The leftovers went into a "baby sister" quilt which I think I will name "True". Faithful and True--it just seems fitting.

These little pineapple and log cabin ornaments have been my focus most of my sewing time. The first four are finished, the next four just need hanging loops and the last eight need stuffing, stitching closed, and loops. I believe I will have them finished for the craft fair/fundraising booth next weekend.

I know some of you have been making, or planning to make, some of these little ornaments, so I want to share a tip. If you enlarge this photo you should be able to see that where I leave my 2" opening for turning, I stitch onto, and off the fabric edge as I start and finish, backstitching each way. This keeps the stitches from pulling apart as you turn it right-side-out. It is a tight fit, and can stress the seam. It also helps keep a more uniform line after turning, when you fold the sides down to stitch closed. Maybe this is not new to you, but just in case you are like me and didn't know that already, now you do. : )

A few wool ornaments have been completed. When we were in NH last month we visited a Shaker Colony historic site and I picked up this small peg rack in the gift shop. Makes a great place to hang little ornaments.

This mini is now to flimsy stage. The small 9-patch blocks were assembled months ago from the scrap basket. As usual, I had stalled on the borders.
A couple of days ago, while rummaging in the sewing room, I came across this fabric that I thought would be a good border. Now it is marked and ready for basting and quilting. It may need tea dying, too.

View from my sewing room a couple of mornings ago.

I am heading to a distant favorite quilt shop today, to celebrate the birthday that I have tomorrow. Stay tuned. I believe I feel a giveaway coming on. : )
Janet O.


  1. Happy Birthday tomorrow! The view from your sewing room is amazing...I think I would spend all my time looking out my window! Faithful and True are stunning quilts. Love seeing all your ornaments. Everything you do is so pretty!

  2. Oh Janet, what an amazing view out your sewing room window! Love your Faithful, I think I would use the outside border fabric on the bias for the binding...I think you just want to frame that beautiful piece and keep the focus on the inside. You've gotten tons those little ornaments and your "sewing off" technique is fantastic...I've made a zillion pin cushions and never thought of that. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday - tomorrow!
    That view is so gorgeous!! how far away are the mountains from you?
    I adore you little nine-patch! the border fabric is wonderful. I really like your idea of tea dying, will give it a nice patina. Have you ever tried spray dyeing, it's fun but you have to want that spotted look, lol.
    Cute ornaments and such tiny pieces and thanks for the tip.
    Your quilt along is wonderful. Love your colors and all those hst.
    fun, busy and inspiring post!

  4. Wow! That view is absolutely breathtaking!!! All of the ornaments are fantastic. Love that wool stocking! Thank you for the stitch tip... i've always stretched the opening when I stuffed little pillows... looking forward to giving this a try!

  5. What a beautiful view....I would never get any sewing done! The quilt is wonderful.....and a spark of bright for the binding would be great but it will probably distract from the center. Your mini work amazes me. Buy a lot and have a great Birthday!

  6. Well, first and foremost, happy birthday tomorrow! I can't wait to see what you bring home from that quilt shop. Thanks for the tip on the ornaments. I hope to get some made for gifts this year, and I'm sure that I'll have an easier time now. ;-)

  7. Happy Birthday! Faithful and True are gorgeous and I love the names. Your ornaments have gotten me all inspired to make some...must add to the list!Nice view from your window.

  8. Wow, looks like you have gotten lots done sice you last posted! Love those nice ornaments, and your black quilt is a beauty! ( I'd bind it in black). What a great view you far to your nearest neighbor?

  9. I've said wow to that view before and I'm going to say it again !!
    I would never get any stitching done if that was out my sewing room window.

  10. As I was writing before my iPad decided to freeze.......Love the little ornaments !

  11. A Happy Birthday and shop til' you drop at the quilt shop!
    I vote for orange as the binding. Makes me think of fall. Your whole quilt looks so precisely done.
    The little wool ornaments....cute. Especially the snowman.

  12. Orange or red binding would work. Cute little HST sister quilt, if look s a bit Amish! Happy Birthday, I knew it was coming up. Borders stop me too. Even Blob -o-Borders. I have to LIKE the Lamb on the Mitten. Could it be you are headed to Rupert? Have fun. I loved the scrap bags and clearance wall.

  13. What a truly beautiful little mini it! Your tree will be magical with all your pretty ornaments on it.

  14. Birthday Blessings, dear Janet. As always you little quilts amaze. I've slapped myself on the forehead in regards to you great little tip. Thanks for sharing it. This is a wonderful example of how quilters so generously help each other learn. Enjoy your day.

  15. Lots of pretty projects. I would go with a orange binding, maybe even scrappy.
    Enjoy your birthday shopping!

  16. Happy early birthday!!
    Nice tip about turning things inside out.
    I'd go with a bright binding, but you are the rogue, so who knows? lol Love the baby sister quilt too.

  17. Happy Birthday to you, Janet. I hope your special day is filled with fun and love! If "Faithful" was mine I would bind it in orange. And how cute is "True"? You do love to work with the small stuff, don't you? Your pineapples and log cabins are wonderful. I think you've become the expert on making these many does this make?

  18. For sure, a yellow orange binding!! Love your view!

    Enjoy your special day tomorrow and many more!!

  19. Happy birthday! I'd go with orange! What a beautiful view you have!

  20. I'd go with the red.
    Oh, to sew with such a view! I have been sewing like made, and now am finishing up those little squares like yours! Only, mine are not nearly as labor intensive.

  21. Happy Birthday. What a view from your window. Your little nine patch turned out great with the pillar border you chose. I think I might go with the orange binding for a final pizazz ending.

  22. Happy Birthday Janet, have fun at the quilt shop.
    I would go with the red, but whatever you choose will be lovely.

  23. Hey birthday gal!! With the time difference between our countries it may well be your birthday. I love your new header, very pretty. The view from your sewing room is breath taking. I love the little ornaments. I made a small pincushion filled with crushed walnut shell. I like your way doing the opening much better than mine.

  24. Thanks for the reminder on the little ornaments. I think I had seen that before, but it got lost in the caverns of my mind. What a great view, I would get no sewing done with a view like that to look at. I thought it was a painting!

  25. Happy Birthday!!! And, boy oh boy!, have you been busy!!!! I love all your little ornaments and those minis......and if it were me, I would be binding that Faithful in orange! It's wonderful! So is True! Sweet! And the view is spectacular! Thanks for sharing that! AND the great tip when turning ornaments......I didn't know that! I'm totally thankful you shared it! :o)

  26. Your quilts are gorgeous!! As usual!! And thanks for the tip on the seam for the ornaments - that technique will work well on my little pincushions as well!! Happy, happy birthday!! Will you come by the studio and pick out a little birthday present?? :-)) Nice view!!

  27. I want to wish you a Very Happy Birthday!
    A trip to a distant quilt shop would be the best day ever!
    I recently enveloped 4 humanitarian quilts and I'm excited to try your tip on the opening next time. I think it will help give them a nicer finish. I love your darker version of the wool ornaments and the little pieced ornaments will surely be a hit at the fundraiser.
    Faithfull and sweet!

  28. I love your little mini at the end Mom!
    The ornaments are coming along beautifully :)
    Again, thanks to you and Sis for doing them.

  29. That is a Million dollar view, just breathtaking...Love, Love, Love your ornies. Make sure you put a good price on them!!...

  30. Great tip for turning small quilts without ripping stitches or fabrics. I actually piece the backing down the middle and leave that open to turn the piece. This is because I was never happy with the job I did of hand stitching the opening on the edge - much easier for me to do it this way. Glad you got some stitching time in - you've got some beautiful projects!

  31. So little to show? I think not!!! Faithful and True are both wonderful! Love 'em both... I would use black binding... just a personal choice.
    The ornaments will definitely be best sellers at craft fair... they are so cute! The mini 9 patch is adorable... I love what you are using for the border!
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday!!!

  32. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Your latest finishes are awesome. And the view from your sewing room.....WOW! Wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  33. Oh, I missed your Birthday. Rats! I hope you had a good one and spent lots of money at your fav quilt store. Your view is stunning. I'm sitting here waiting for the storm to hit - they said 4pm so I have 29 minutes. HAHAH. BTW - orange binding :^)

  34. So lovely!
    Greetings from Finland!
    Ulla's Quilt World
    Hugs, Ulla

  35. Wow Janet - that view from your sewing room is simply AMAZING!!!! I would never get any sewing done if I had that view :*) You are getting so much done - I couldn't believe all the little mini-ornaments! I'm predicting they will sell like hotcakes :) Faithful turned out to be just as beautiful as I thought it would. As for True - it couldn't get any cuter!!!


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