
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time Out for Family

I haven't been in blogland much the past few days. DD#1 is visiting with us from New Hampshire. We have 8 days with her and we are keeping very busy. I have tried to keep up reading blogs, but haven't had time to comment.
Haven't done much sewing, either, but I will share my smidgen of progress.
This little 8" square mini finally got quilted and bound last night.
I recently received some scraps from Kathie (of Inspired By Antique Quilts) and among the scraps were 8 big  HSTs. I wanted to incorporate them into a mini quilt somehow, so using a 1 1/2" square ruler, I cut two small HSTs and 2 solid squares from each of the large HSTs.

Maybe you can get a better idea from this photo.
I used the little HSTs to create the pinwheels in this mini. Most of the fabrics used are from Kathie's scraps--even the backing.
Now this little quilt hangs from my new sewing room shelf and keeps company with another recently created mini which you have already seen.

I completed one more of the Crabapple blocks from Bonnie Hunters book "Adventures With Leaders and Enders." My sister thinks I should name it "It's So Vermonty," because the quilt is in honor of a trip we took to Vermont one Fall, and we are big fans of movies from the 30-50s. The name she suggested is a line from an old movie. Just for the fun of it, the first person who comments with the correct old movie will get a gift bag of my herbal soap. Anyone think they know? : )

And finally, all of the strips sets have been sewn and sliced for my patriotic version of the Primitive Gatherings Picnic Quilt.  This is made entirely from Primitive Gatherings fabrics--mostly the Old Glory line, but you will find a bit of Snowman Gatherings and Little Gatherings in there as well. Just keeping things interesting.
Now I need to sew the blue and tan strips into blocks and sew the blocks together. I have made it bed size by adding an extra row to a side and the bottom and including borders. I highly recommend this pattern for a quick, visually interesting quilt. This is one of very few patterns I have ever made more than once.
We have been having so much fun with DD#1 here. Among other things, she and DD#2 had a late night learning session on Gidget. I am pleased to inform you that both of my daughters caught on to this much more quickly than I did. Here is DD#1 at work on a practice sandwich. Their "first time" machine quilting puts mine to shame. The fact that I can machine quilt at all should give everyone out there who is struggling, all kinds of hope. If there had been a dunce hat in my first class, I would have been wearing it.

My girls are pretty special. When in the world did they get to be in their 30s?? And what does that make me? We don't want to go there.
This weekend we will have my sons (they are pretty special, too) joining us for some quality time before DD#1 heads back home mid-week.

This coming Thursday I will be attending the HMQS in Salt Lake City. Anyone out there going that day? I'd love to meet you!

I may not be back to blogging until after that show, but you know there will be lots of great quilts to share--AND in less than two weeks I hit my 2nd anniversary of blogging. There will be a giveaway for all of you patient people who follow my ramblings, you can be sure of that. So stay tuned, and in the meantime--can you name that movie?
Janet O.


  1. I have been a bit out if the loop but always keep tabs on what you've been up to. How exciting to have your DD home and to share time in the sewing room with both DD's. Love your little mini! You can always turn little scraps in to such works of art. Your patriotic quilt would not be quick and easy for me. I love it and love Primitave Gatherings fabric! I'm glad you will be attending HMQS again this year. I will be looking forward to hearing about your experiences. Please share some photos. I'm totally clueless about the movie. Can you believe I'm not comment #38? :)

  2. I really love what you are doing with Bonnie's Crabapple blocks. When I finish the graduation and birthday quits I'm working on, I may have to copy you...

    It's wonderful to spend time with your grown up girls. Mine is home for a week while she is moving. It's been fun. Enjoy the rest of your time with them and the big family gathering.

    Oh, and my guess would be Holiday Inn since it was done in the 40s. Though White Christmas would be another good guess, it was done in the 50s. Cheers!

  3. cute stuff! so I can call you MOM too :-)

  4. My uneducated guess would be White Christmas! One of my all-time favorites :*) Your little mini is adorable Janet! I am always amazed and inspired at what you can do with scraps. So glad you are having a nice visit with DD's!!! Take your time with them and enjoy them fully. We'll be here when you get back... and we'll be ready to see the HMQS through your eyes!

  5. I wondered where you had gotten yourself to---I was missing you. :) How fun to have your daughters home---and how fun for you share them with us. They are lovely. I hope the whole clan has a ball in the time you guys have left together. :)

  6. Fun, fun, fun!!! And your Old Glory quilt is fabboo, fabboo!! Cute picture of the girls!! May I hitch a ride to HMQS with you on Thursday?? Enjoy the rest of the weekend with your Family!! Always time for family!! :-))

  7. Lovely girls! How fun to have them quilting with you! Love your new little mini--Kathie's scraps look all new :) And your Old Glory tribute is terrific. But the stars to me are your crabapples--they are gorgeous! Enjoy your family time.

  8. How wonderful to havd your children to visit. Enjoy!

  9. Your quilts are beautiful so are your daughters. Love thr Primitive Gatherings quilt

  10. You've got me stumped on the name that Movie? I have no clue either. But I bet Teresa is the winner there. Great to see Pictures of your Girls. Enjoying family time is the best. Wish I was going to HQMS. I think I could fight you for that dunce cap though.

  11. Love your new little mini Mom! When did you find the time to do that? :)

  12. Cute mini. . . I still think the red, white, and blue quilt is quite dazzling. I would have guessed "White Christmas" for the movie. I have a quilt named "Pine Tree Vermont" from that movie.

  13. White Christmas is the movie when they are getting away from it all. Lovely quilt pics: blocks of crabapple and the patriotoic themed and your minis are terrific, nicely done.

  14. love your new little quilt! the red white and blue is looking great
    enjoy your family, so nice to have your DD home....

  15. Adorable mini, Janet. Very inspiring. Enjoy your family time.

  16. Enjoy your family and your class!! I agree, your girls are lovely!

  17. You are such a good blogger! Thanks for taking the time to share what you've been up to with your beautiful daughters. Your new mini quilt is so sweet. Look forward to hearing about your class.

  18. Janet, you sure do get a LOT done when you aren't sewing!!! VBG
    Have a wonderful time with your family!!

  19. I believe the comment "it's so Vermonty" is from White Christmas. Enjoy your family time. It is so precious.

  20. White Christmas!! Love that movie.....and your little treasures. And your kids! Just how did they get into their 30's? I tell my 34 & 37 yr olds that I'm only 20 so I don't know how they got to be so old. :)

  21. I wouldn't have a clue about the movie. It's wonderful to have grown kid that have your interests. Just wait 10 years and you will be in my shoes - age-wise, that is. My 3 sons are all in their 40s now. How did that happen?? It is wonderful to see what wonderful Dads they are.

  22. I was going to guess "Auntie Mame", but now I agree with the consensus of White Christmas. So glad that you are having quality time with your daughters! Someday I wish you would let us see your smiling face, too!

  23. White Christmas! Love your little quilt and the Primitive Gatherings patriotic quilt, too. Glad you are enjoying some family time.

  24. Janet, love what you are doing with Bonnie Hunter's Crabapple. Have a wonderful time with your daughters (and sons), family is all to special! Sandi

  25. Have a great time with your DD, mine is home on Saturday - finally! Love the mini quilts - so cute.
    The crabtrees are looking good, love that they are color studies.
    have fun in Salt Lake City!

  26. I always enjoy your phenomenal show and tells. It's So Vermonty is the absolute perfect name for that quilt with the tree blocks! I, too, have been busy with visitors from The Granite State! ;) I love this post and all the joy that is apparent in your home and family, you communicate that very well. Hugs!

  27. "It's so Vermonty" -- bahaha! That's a perfect name for it!! Are you familiar with Thoroughly Modern Millie? B&N had it on sale for $7! So I *snagged* it! Time for family is always good -- I hope you enjoyed it ever so much!!!!


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