
Friday, April 26, 2013

Fourth of July, Spring, Christmas, Fall

I'm a sucker for patriotic fabrics, and I love Primitive Gatherings stuff, so when Lisa came out with her "Old Glory" line of fabrics, I knew I was going to have to make a quilt from it. I also knew I would make said quilt from the first Primitive Gatherings pattern I ever bought. Here you see the beginnings of my Old Glory Picnic Quilt on my design wall.

Does it look familiar? Here are the first two I made.
 I am reversing the value placement in the red/white striped blocks to give more of a "flag" feel.
Also, I made these two bigger than the pattern indicates so that they would fit a Queen bed. I'm not sure if I'm going to make this one that large.

Well, I decided not to unpick the feathers on my Colorblind Baskets, for now. Maybe it is pure laziness, but it is now bound and hanging in my sewing room. It has a nice Springtime feel to it. I just try not to look too closely at the quilting, and then I can enjoy it.

This little pile of 6" Christmas blocks that were made while I worked on my Barrister's Sow-Along quilt is a constant reminder of my inability to "keep up." I started out making two sets of blocks, one set from shirts and one from Christmas fabrics, but I got bogged down in too many projects and after a while I set the Christmas blocks aside. This year I decided to work on completing this quilt top while sewing along with The Rancher's Daughter. I'm not making every block. John'aLee posts a block every Monday (along with a story from her life as a Rancher's Daughter). I figure if I make two blocks a month I will have a nice throw size quilt for the holidays. I had started falling behind already, so today at my monthly quilting day with my Mom (and occasionally a sister), I made a few more. Now I am only 1 block behind.

Finally, I have begun my version of Bonnie Hunter's Crabapples. Back in the Fall of 2008 DH and I went to Vermont with my parents. We drove back to Rochester, NY, to fly home and with the help of his GPS unit, DH found The Ivy Thimble along the way (what town is it in, Sarah?). Mom and I loaded up on fabrics in the colors of the season, determined to each  make a quilt to commemorate our trip. Mom chose a string pieced pattern and had her quilt made within a few months. I've only changed my mind about which pattern to use about 4 times, just recently settling on Crabapples. I'm sewing up the squares as my leader/enders, so this isn't going to happen quickly. I've got a few blocks prepped on design boards and in the queue, waiting their turn.

Next month marks two years for my blogging adventure. I'm planning a little giveaway to mark the anniversary. Stay tuned.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I swear every time you post so many nice bits, pieces, completions, starts, etc. that its a joy to visit! Fun fact your fabric choices.

  2. I thought your Old Glory Picnic Quilt looked familiar! I have that quilt in the KT fabrics ... and love it!

    I love your start (and story behind) your Crabapples.

  3. Eye candy galore! I love those PG fabrics too. Perfect project for them.

  4. Lots to look at today. The quilts from the Primitive Gatherings pattern do take on a different look with the change in color value. I can tell you like the design a lot since you are making it again.
    I don't do good on the sew-alongs. I start out very enthusiastic and then get caught up in another project. You keep plugging away at them and end up with a quilt eventually. I end up with a pile of unused blocks.

  5. Oh, Janet! I am so glad you got out your SAL blocks and joined another QAL to finish it. You are in great company, you know. The Primitive Gatherings quilt look like fun and so does the Crabapples by Bonnie. RESISTING your temptations.

  6. I always love seeing what you are working on. I love the patriotic picnic quilt! The color placement is awesome!
    Your other projects are super cute. The trees for fall will be perfect. I always have a hard time choosing the "perfect" pattern.

  7. The PG quilts are so yummy, girl. I'll have one in each color way please. ;) The BH Crabapples is new to me. I must go look that one up...I always leave your posts wanting to go start a bunch of new projects...that in my house will end up as loved UFOs. LOL

  8. So many wonderful projects to work fun fun!

  9. Love the patriotic and crabapples! It's fun to see some new projects on your design wall...not that you needed new ones...but still fun :)

  10. I just love seeing all the projects you're working on, it sounds like such fun to be able to start a couple more! I can't wait to do just that, as soon as the wedding quilt is finished-can't miss that deadline. I do so like your springtime wallhanging, it looks perfect for its spot in your room.

  11. I had completely forgotten you said you were at the Ivy Thimble (Victor, NY) - that was where I got the bags of scraps a couple weeks ago! Gosh I wish we had been friends back then - I would love to have met up with you at The IT! Your crabapples look great - love the color variety in each tree.

  12. Love your Old Glory picnic quilt. It is really stunning. RW&B. is my favorite combo. Your little Harmony quilt is so cute, too. The little touch of blue is perfect.

  13. Anything patriotic I love. The stars and stripes are really nice. I have the crabapple quilt started but, it is in my ufo collection, lol. Good job Janet on another beauty.

  14. Great red, white, and blue quilt top. It really has the feel of the 4th. I love your version of the crabapple blocks. The word that comes to mind is "dreamy".

  15. Another great post!! You always seem to get so much done!! May I borrow some of your energy?? :-)) LOVE the Old Glory Quilt as well as the two you have already completed!! Your Colorblind baskets are great and my second fav are the Crabapples!! Fred is feeling up to snuff as of yesterday morning!! Woo! Hoo!!

  16. I love your posts Janet.
    You show lots of fun and beautiful work every time.
    Love the Old Glory Quilt.

  17. The Primitive Gathering red white and blue quilt is awesome--use it at Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Veterans Day--its beautiful

  18. Your almost-two-year's old blog is always a delightful place where I can visit and see lots of eye candy. The old glory blocks are great! Keep up the good work, both quilting and blogging.

  19. I so enjoy your happy, busy posts! Your Ol' Glory piece is going to be great...I love that patriotic themes things, to....I'm not sure if that's why I joined the Navy, or if it was born from serving! As of this moment, I'm on a bus to Paducah, so I'm doing this from my phone, which means I can't go back and read your post as I comment , so I don't know all the names of things you've worked on! The spring piece was lovely and I think you made a good call not pulling your quilting from it! And the rancher's wife qal sounds like it's been fun!!! :)

  20. Of course, I love anything patriotic! That looks like a great pattern in any color. I really like the way you are doing the crabapple blocks. And good luck with your other projects. It is hard to resist starting some of the ones available on blogs, but I'm trying to get some projects finished this year. Of course, there is the odd small project thrown in from time to time. Hee Hee!

  21. Oooooh! Your crabapples quilt and your patriotic quilt look great! You have me wanting to play in my scraps!!!

  22. you have so many fun things going on. Love the crab apples, this is the first i've seen of them.
    I too am a sucker for patriotic quilts and your blocks are awesome!
    cute spring wall quilt

  23. Love, love, love your Prim Gathering quilts! All three of them. I love scrap quilts and these all carry their own personality. Very nice!

  24. Love, love, love the patriotic picnic quilt you are working on! It's so hard to resist red, white, and blue anything! Looking forward to seeing Crabapples when you are finished... how many design walls do you have???

  25. Love those Old Glory Fabrics. Your crabapple quilt will be beautiful. I've never seen one done this way. Great use of those Vermont fabrics. Nice to have a reminder of spring, both inside and out. Happy piecing!

  26. Love the patriotic colors in that PG pattern! It is obviously one that you love and enjoy sewing up :*) I am also guilty of starting out on sew-alongs and falling behind! I fell behind on the Quick Curve QAL recently much to my regret and now I am determined to catch up asap. Good for you getting those blocks done :*) I love the colors in your crabapples blocks!!! I just recently saw those colors in jars of jelly on a shelf in Gatlinburg - pure gorgeousness!!!!

  27. i love red/white/blue quilts and yours is so wonderfully patriotic! and congrats on your upcoming anniversary blogging!

  28. There's always so much going on in your quilty life. It's a joy seeing what you're getting done, or catching up on, or changing your mind about, or deciding what to do next. You're always so open as you write about what went well, what you were indecisive about, or what's just around the corner. Visiting here is always great fun, and no blogger I know visits and comments on so many blogs. You definitely know how to get the most out of your hours, Janet.

  29. Wow! What wonderful projects! Love the shading of your trees! Nice job! I too am always behind it seems. Not enough time in my life for all I want to keep up with! Thanks for sharing all those beauties!

  30. Janet my Barrister's blocks aren't finished either although I am VERY close. I like to think of quilt-a-longs more as "suggestions" and that way I feel much better when I can't keep up. Just 2 years of blogging? I feel like I've 'known' you much longer. :)

  31. You have been a busy girl. I too fell behind on my Barristers blocks. I started counting them last week and didn't realize how far behind I really was. They are just sitting there staring at me.
    I promised myself not to join in on any more sew alongs until I get some of these UFO's finished.
    Loved seeing all you are doing.

  32. You always have the greatest projects, Janet. I just love those Primitive Gathering quilts. The crab apple blocks are new to me. I love anything in fall colors.


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