
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Help, I'm stuck!

Last year I had printed out a few free applique shapes from a couple of websites and had grand intentions of making my second attempt at fused applique by creating some cute Easter thing with them. It never happened. So today I dug out those shapes, pulled out my repurposed, Kool Aid dyed wool and started one of those "design-as-you-go" projects (I prefer that to "fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants"--sounds more intentional, or dignified, or something). I got the blocks made, but am struggling to decide how to set them. I'm keeping it simple, but I'm struggling with color options for the border/sashing.
Is the black border too overpowering? I'm trying to stay with the colors in the wool, and since I have already used them all in the block borders, I didn't know what to do for a main border. I would probably bind in purple or pink. I will admit that I was influenced by the Little Buds I have been working on--all of the color against black is so striking, but does it work here?

 Should I put a narrow black sashing between the blocks?
Or should I stick to the tan for sashing/borders (but not necessarily this tan--it was just handy). I could bind this in the pink or purple--or even black.
If you have any other suggestions, I'm open to them. Just remember I don't want to complicate it (for once). I want a border, and I would prefer it not be pieced--the sashing is optional. What would you do?

I realize I have overlooked sharing this runner. I finished it a couple of weeks ago, but was sending it to DD#1 in NH for her birthday and I didn't want to post it until she had seen it. After she had seen it I forgot to post it. I call this one Patches of Fall. She wanted Fall colors and I made this from the Simply Charming book (with just a few additional blocks) and will eventually link this up for the next  Every Other Month Mini Sew Along. 
Can you believe it? That's all I have--of course I just barely posted, so that explains it. : )
Until next time (which won't be so soon),
Janet O.


  1. The black seems a little strong against the astels, but the beige makes it look like a baby quilt. What if you put a beige floating border before ading the black border? I think it is better to keep all the blocks tight, not sash them...look forward to seeing what you decide.
    I love your little table quaint.

  2. I like the black best, without sashing. I think it would look great with the black border being twice the width of the pastel block borders. BTW, I love your stitching on the appliques!

  3. I like the beige, but how about little pastel nine patches for the corner stones?

  4. I like the side by side arrangement in the first photo, but I would go with the light colored border and not the black.

  5. I like the black with the narrow sashing inbetween those cute blocks!

    If you go with the beige, then I would lean toward having the blocks touching.

    Just my 2 cents... :)

  6. The black is awful because it is too somber with the happy little Easter blocks that are so dear! But I like the beige. Wait, do do have anything like a plum color? Or would that maybe fight with the pink?

  7. I prefer the lighter Colorado for the border because spring and Easter are usually soft and pastels type Colorado and while pretty the black adds a harsher edge to the piece. Love the nine patch table runner..smashing...

  8. Oops did I type Colorado really? I mean Color...

  9. I like your cream for the sashing. Your Simply Charming quilt is simply charming....I love it. Hugs

  10. Your DD#1 must love her runner, Janet. The quilting looks divine.
    I like the light sashing and border with the bright binding. Very cute!

  11. I love that runner you made! Beautiful! And the appliques are so sweet! I know they're in wool, but since they are solids, maybe you could sash and border them in a solid or mottled light green, lavender or yellow, keeping it light and Easter-y! (I always see light blue and pink as baby colors, instead of Easter.)

    I can't wait to see what you do! :o)

  12. My vote is for the cream color all around. I think it needs to be kept light for Easter and spring. A pastel binding would be gorgeous. It is wonderful!

  13. I'm not loving the black, although it is your quilt, so if you like it then use it.
    Nice table runner!!

  14. This is where I always get stuck too. Your Easter applique blocks are precious. The black makes them pop, but how about trying a a plum. I like the light fabric as well. Maybe use that and bind it in a plum? I am so bad at this. I know that whatever you decide, when I see the finished piece, I will say, "Yes! That is perfect."
    That table runner is gorgeous in those wonderful fall colors. You can not go wrong with a 9-patch.

  15. Just my opinion and it's hard to really tell looking at pictures on a computer but this black seems a little overpowering to me.
    Maybe if there was some black in the blocks it would work better and the cream seems to wash everything out a bit. What about something that goes with that dark green stripe in the blocks. Sorry not much help here.

  16. I like the tan around the blocks myself. Love the runner too! :0)

  17. The applique is adorable, Janet! Love the chick and the egg :) To me, the black is a bit much with the pastels. I like the cream and with sashing. There. Do you have enough varying opinions yet, lol?

  18. Oh! And the table topper is terrific. I love fall colors too :)

  19. I like the side by side with a lighter sashing. It gives is a spring feeling. Love the little 9 patch, sometimes we forget how the simple block can be so lovely!

  20. I like the idea of the black sashing and border. Seems like your pretty blocks get lost in the light background. Maybe just let it sit on your design wall for a couple of days with each border and see what you like best. Sometimes having a couple days to look at it changes everything. Or you may find another sashing/border fabric altogether (a deep dark purple comes to mind). Have fun! It'll be wonderful, as is your recent finish.

  21. Light background and sashings looks more Spring like to me. Nice little 9-patches runner that you made. Go ahead and Post more often, I don't mind at all!

  22. I like the beige with the pastels and a colored binding. love the runner!

  23. Wow - I bet you are more confused than ever now as we all have different ideas.... it seems that either way your little Easter piece will be very cute!! I think the tan looked nice - and springlike but the dark rally made it stand out and say - look at me!! The runner you made you daughter is gorgeous - such a simple design but so effective!

  24. The black seems to harsh for me. I like the beige sashing and border. Binding it in that black seems okay. I just don't see using much black in Spring projects. Your DDs gift came out really nice. Looking forward to what's next from your sewing room. Sandi

  25. Absolutely adorable Easter blocks! And so many great suggestions. The sashing between blocks makes them float a little too much and putting them together makes the eye see them as a unit, which I like better. The lighter border gives a more spring-like look - but the dark does make the colors pop. What would you think of a narrow dark first border (the same size as your block edges) surrounded by a wider beige border?

  26. I love your Easter blocks, I would likely sash and border them, if they were mine, with a soft green; like settling them down in a nest of Easter grass.

    Your runner is striking, I just love the elegant simplicity of it.

  27. Happy Spring!
    I'm sure you will make a lovely sashing choice.
    Love the runner!!

  28. Way to many comments with ample suggestions - so I'll just say that I love, love, love, love the nine patch fall table runner for your daughter! I'm sure she loves it!!


  29. It'll be interesting to see what you decide on for the borders since there are so many opinions shared. I prefer the tan - or perhaps a medium floral with all those pastel colors in it? LOVE that cute little 9-patch - so simple and yet one of my favorites.

  30. I'd suggest you think more spring like with the border color. Great table runner. Your daughter will love it.

  31. Looks like you've gotten lots of advice and probably don't need more, but I'll add my 2 cents worth anyway :*) You know I love black to pop colors in a quilt, but if these little applique blocks were mine, I would definitely go with the lighter color for the borders and/or sashing. Such sweet spring motifs would sing in a lighter setting! And I bet your DD is delighted with her table runner! Glad you remembered to share it with us!

  32. I'm leaning towards the tan Janet.
    Black makes bright vibrant colours pop / zing, but these blocks need a softer colour.
    Love the runner, lovely seeing your work.
    Julia ♥

  33. I'm late with this comment so maybe you've already decided. I'll weigh in anyway. ; c ) I like the beige better than the black. Would a dark grey work? I could go either way on the sashing.
    Absolutely love your 9-patch runner! I'm sure your daughter loves it.

  34. I think a darker tan color would be nice ....something that is darker than the backgrounds of the blocks. I also like the sashing. Cute little table runner, too.

  35. Love the cute spring blocks Mama! I like the tan color with sashing in between the blocks :)

  36. Such darling little Easter blocks! As if you haven't been given enough ideas already, but this is what I would do... no sashing between the blocks... I love the scappy borders they already have! Biege instead of black... I personally think it looks more like spring and Easter with the beige. Some many suggestions! Have fun!

  37. great nine patch runner!
    I like the lighter background for those cute easter blocks.

  38. I like the beige color for the sashing, I believe a shade darker than the blocks, just to give them a little freedom. Love the table runner, so soft and natural.

  39. I think I like the side by side but with a border that is not so dark but not so light!! and your table runner is sooooooooo cute!!

  40. I'm a big fan of black, but I have to tell you I prefer the tan/beige option much better.

    It looks more Spring like to me. Then you could have fun with your quilting of say some ribbons or Easter designs in the borders. I like the idea of sashing.

    Have fun!

  41. You are probably overwhelmed with opinions now, but here's one more. I like the tan the best with those cute little pastel blocks! I love the table runner.

  42. Gosh that *was* a short post for you...LOL. You've probably already decided but here is my 2cents: At first I thought the black was not an Easter/Spring color but it really does pop the colors. The cream sashing/border just looked drab to me - none of the pastels showed up. I vote for black border with no sashing.

  43. i think it needs a pow! border but the black is a little too dismal...purple maybe? green? audition away!

  44. I like the tan as shown with sashing. That makes a nice contrast, but still spingy.


  45. The lighter color looks more springy and in keeping with the applique. What about a tan inner border and sashing with an outer border of one of the colors? Or each border a different color? Or adding a second round of colors to the blocks before setting them together? Somehow, to me, it just seems to need a little more punch. (Maybe that's one reason you were liking the black?) You probably have this all resolved and finished by this time! ;-)

  46. Wonderful Simply Charming tabletopper


I love to have your comments and feedback.