
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Did I really do this?

That is what I ask myself when I look at the progress on my Little Buds project from Primitive Gatherings. Even as I ordered this kit I was chiding myself to get real, thinking I would never really get it made. I surprised myself. It is almost finished!!
I just have the 1/2" finished HST border to make and I am waiting for the Thangles to arrive by mail in order to make that. When that is added this will finish at 10 1/2" x 14 1/2"--teeny tiny. The little flower blocks are 2" x 2 1/2" finished and the colored strips around them finish at 1/4"!

I had a bunch of those little strips leftover because many of the first ones I cut were brighter than I wanted, once I laid them around the blocks and stood back and observed. You know I have to play with my leftovers, and this is what came of them. It is around 10" square.

And now, the moment we have all been anticipating (not!). Here is the Easter mini waiting to have the binding sewn down. It isn't the best angle, but you can see the quilting best in this photo.
 I so appreciate all of the suggestions. I tried to reply to everyone, but I ran into a few "no-reply" bloggers. If you didn't hear back from me you may want to check your settings (unless you prefer not to receive replies to your comments).
You should have seen my sewing room when I was trying out all of the options. I had a design board propped against a dresser and a pile of fabric around it on the floor. I had two pages of possibilities I had printed out from all of the comments and I tried to come as close to each suggestion as I could with the fabrics I had on hand. Sometimes your idea prompted new ideas. Twice I thought I had the answer, but when I would look at the photo of it on the computer I would change my mind. I even got a border sewn completely on and removed it. I'm happy with the final result, but why couldn't it have come easier?!?
I had lots of little 4-patches left. I had made enough to use as cornerstones if I sashed between the blocks. Of course, I had to do something with those. The 4-patches finish at 1".

My mailbox has been really good to me this week. Carol (Brown Quilts blog) sent a little package of scraps for my Small Sums (mini version of Charming Addition). She had been the lucky recipient of scraps from Kathie (Inspired By Antique Quilts blog), the pattern designer, to put in her quilt and she was kind enough to forward leftovers to me, along with a bunch of scraps from her. I have been busy cutting them up and I have almost got them finished. It will be a great scrap quilt with reminders of friends in it. Thanks so much, Carol (and Kathie, indirectly). This has been fun to "add" your fabrics to my version of Charming Addition!
Then I purchased a little AAQI quilt from the last batch submitted by Lori (Humble Quilts blog). It came this week and immediately went up on my wall. It is called Dark Side. You can read about Lori's quilts, and the meaning behind their names, here

Today there were two more packages in my mailbox, neither of which was expected. That kind is always the most fun!  My sweet friend, Doniene (Now It's Just Quilts blog), had thought of me when she saw some Fall fabrics on sale (my favorite season and color palette). She is a very generous woman, and she sent me some of these goodies. I would work on Fall projects all year if I could, but I try to pace myself.  I am already thinking of what I will be doing with them. Thank you, my dear!                                                                   

The second package contained this lovely little quilt from a "no blog" quilt friend, Annie Miksch. She loves to do applique and she knows I am applique-challenged. When she saw the photo on my blog of my little quilt corner, she felt it needed a dash of applique. She was so right!  She created this little beauty based on a Lori Smith pattern.                         Annie and I have become acquainted through emails as she has commented on things on my blog. I know her to be a kind, thoughtful woman, but I was taken completely by surprise by this gift. Isn't it beautiful? I will cherish it, as I do each of these little quilts that connect me in one way or another to a quilter I have met via the internet.

We have finally been enjoying some lovely Spring weather around here and I look forward to a beautiful Easter Day.
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. Always a feast for the eyes! Your Easter table setting is looking great. We love left overs!
    You mini wall is growing...............
    Have a happy Easter!

  2. Your Little Buds is waaay too cute! See, did it!!!

    Love all the eye candy, especially your mini wall.

  3. Wow! I can't believe your appliqué quilt blocks are only 2"!! You did good!! I love it . Darling easter quilt & mini. Neat mail packages! I love Lori's B/W quilt - lucky you! And the flower applique quilt is lovely - lucky you again! Your wall looks great. BTW, what is in the drawers of your little chest? I just love things like that.

  4. These are ALL just darling, Janet! Those wool appliques are TINY!!! Great job! And your surprise applique hanging and the Fall fabrics are beautiful---and isn't that kind of love and kindness just what the whole world needs? Happy Easter :D

  5. Well, dang, here I am back---already---LOL---I'm getting old, you know. I meant to say also that Carol (Brown Quilts) is just a sweet sweet woman and that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Lori Holt quilt. It, and your applique quiltlet, look wonderful on your wall. :)

  6. All kinds of goodies in your post. Are you hooked on wool applique now? You have created such a nice piece. And you always seem to think of something to do with your left over fabrics (or someone else's). The rose applique piece is a beauty. Quilting blog friends are so generous.

  7. So many pretties! Congratulations on all these wonderful finishes! You have been busy...

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  8. Little Buds is wonderful! So glad you jumped on the wool applique band wagon! All great projects, like always. You have had some really good mail days - nothing better than surprises in the mail!

  9. Once again my friend you delivered an awesome eye candy post...a feast for these eyes! I want your friend!!!! She was right on the money with that sweet appliqué quilt for your wall. I'm also appliqués challenged unless of course I iron it on! Even then..finding that PERFECT stitch is a challenge in itself. Your wool flowers are beautiful and your quilting perfecto! Enjoy your Easter.

  10. so many beautiful projects going on! I love them all! Have a lovely Easter!

  11. You never disappoint! You did a fabulous job quilting. Tell me you have a longarm machine. It is perfect!

  12. Good morning and happy, happy Easter to you and your family!! I can attest, that the little "Little Buds" project is amazing!! Those little flowers are so sweet!! I love your "leftover" quilt!! And your Easter mini turned out perfect!! Plus, you are getting pretty darn good with your quilting skills!! I can't wait to see Annie's gift to you!!! Lots of love!!

  13. Oh my gosh! What a great post! Each and every little mini is fantastic! I can't believe how small those little buds blocks are! SO SWEET! Hope you have a Happy Easter!

  14. What beautiful little quilts. Such a breath of Springtime! Have a joyful Easter.

  15. Congratulations on your final choice for your Easter piece. It looks lovely as does your "leftovers" and the progress you are making on your little buds.

    I applaud your finish it up attitude.

    Happy Easter.

  16. You started with a very difficult wool project, to me, Janet! It looks terrific. I love that houndstooth background for the flowers. And all of your other minis are just as darling, as usual. Your quilting looks wonderful on the spring mini! Too many choices are as hard as too few, right? Congrats on all your lovely mail. Squishy mail is best! Happy Easter :)

  17. beautiful little quilts janet! i love the applique a la lori smith especially, and the easter one too! beautiful and such nice presents too!

  18. Great post Janet, everything looks terrific. Your quilting is lovely enjoy your lovely mail fabric gifts..
    Have a Happy Easter,
    Julia ♥

  19. I always look forward to your posts because I know I am going to be inspired. I love all your new projects!

  20. I'm not sure my stiff and clumsy fingers could handle applique as tiny as yours, but I sure love seeing your finished teeny tiny projects. Absolutely charming!

  21. Some teeny weeny little bits and pieces at your place. Love the colours you are using to border them too. Have a nice Easter.

  22. What wonderfulness you have been up to again!!

  23. Congrats on the Little Buds project. It's hard to believe it is so small with all that detail. Well done!
    I love how your Easter mini turned out. You were so patient to try out so many options. The quilting is fabulous, of course!
    Love the additions to your little quilt wall. So nice to have so many reminders of friends.

  24. Hooray!!! Whoop! Whoop! Your Little Buds is simply amazing - I love it!!! And to think, it is so tiny! The black background is just perfect :*)

    And I love what you did with your Easter mini - you found just the perfect fabrics! Sometimes I have to audition half my stash for something, but it is always worth the effort :*)

    I am not at all surprised to see that you have many friends in blog land who love you and feel generous toward you - they are responding to your friendship and generosity! :*)

  25. Amazing!! Thanks again for purchasing my little AAQI quilt.

  26. are just TOO good girl! You know I'm a fan!!!!

  27. What a wonderful solution you have devised for the Spring/Easter mini! I like the way the light tan border is separated by the little strips and all so happy-looking. Your display of your minis look like a pretty little primative gallery. Nice work!

  28. You are so gracious. I read your comments on other blogs and it is always warm and encouraging. What a nice lady you are.
    I like the way your Easter quilt is turning out. You've probably got it all done by now knowing you.

  29. Ohhh...I love all your mini's. Small sums especially caught my eye! I had the idea to do a mini version too. I loved the project, and will have to attempt the mini soon!

  30. I absolutely love your little buds! I didn't realize the borders would be so scrappy :) I think that adds so much charm.
    Your Easter foursome turned out darling...and of course your little minis from your scraps of both are sweet.
    What fun mail you get! :)

  31. Sounds like a delightful week - lots of finishes, lots fo squishies and even more projects from leftovers. If only I could be that productive this week!

  32. There's never a dull moment in your posts. Great fun, going from photo to photo, seeing all you've done, what came in the mail, what your plans are, on and on.
    Lucky you, getting Lori's black/white AAQI quilt. They're very special.

  33. I missed seeing this post. Lucky you to have friends from all over sending you things. I can just picture you trying out all the suggestions. I love using my design wall and camera to make sure I like it before I sew it all together. Have a great Conference Week-end!

  34. Stopping in to see what you have been up to. I love your little buds! and the little quilt you made with the leftovers is adorable!


I love to have your comments and feedback.