
Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Primitive" Trunk Show

All I can say is, if you ever get a chance to attend a class or trunk show by Lisa Bongean, GO!
This isn't everything she displayed, but I think you can get a feel for the quality of show she puts on.

The "Old Glory" mini charm pack and pattern for making this sweet little 12" square piece was at each place setting.

See the fingers in the upper left hand corner? They give you an idea of how small this one is. This is the size of the kit that I ordered. So cute!

The shop that sponsored the event (Village Dry Goods in Brigham City, UT) provided a little quilt from one of Lisa's patterns as a giveaway. I didn't win. : ( 

Okay, this little gem is the other kit I ordered. Am I crazy or what? Look at the tiny HSTs around the edge. What am I thinking? This same pattern is available in a larger size with a black background (see below), and I love it, too. But this one stole my heart.

She had so many cool table mats. I can't believe I didn't get photos of any others.

I really think I need to make these ornaments!
I wish I had been able to get pictures of more of the large quilts, but you get the idea. Very fun evening!

BTW, I have contacted "dstitcher" (no blog), whose name I drew to receive the Jamestown pattern. Sorry I didn't mention that sooner. Things just get pretty crazy sometimes and stuff slips through the cracks.

And finally, I joined the group at a LQS for a Scrappy Trips sew day using Bonnie Hunter's pattern. I had a bunch of 2 1/2" mostly KT strips left from a few quilts I have made from those fabrics. So I cut a few more and spent 6 hours in My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe "Attic" classroom (just before going to the trunk show), and this is what I have so far. And yes, the control freak in me required that I put the light squares through the center of each block.  That's how I roll. : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I love the start of your scrappy trip. It's very different to the ones out there

  2. mine will have to be controlled too, trying to decide black or red hmmmm maybe cheddar:)
    wish I could have seen her trunk show!
    love her works/quilts that snowman is just adorable!
    it is smaller then I thought.
    thanks for sharing your day with us

  3. What a wonderful trunk show...thank you for sharing it with us...I'm loving your scrappy trips...I really like the light going through the middle. Control is good!

  4. Oh, my gosh! The trunk show was awesome! Can't wait to see your quilt with the tiny HSTs! That will be fun to do - Hee Hee! I love your scrappy Trip blocks. They look great. I have so many scraps, I should do one of those, but I can't start another quilt right now. We're going home tomorrow and I can't wait to get there. I have so much I need to do!

  5. I love that little cheddar quilt. What an amazing body of work. How lucky to see it in person. thanks for sharing it!

  6. Wow! No wonder you succumbed to several of those kits! Amazing... and so tiny!

    As for photos... I would have been so overwhelmed at all the loveliness that I would have totally forgotten to take any pictures at all.

    Thanks so much for sharing these with us... so much inspiration!!!

  7. Wonderful, wonderful!! I loved every little tidbit that you shared!! It would have been fun to see it in person!! So glad that you had so much fun!! What a great way to spend the day!!

    Be Joyful!

  8. Love your Scrappy Trips! I always admire this pattern when I see it in blogland. I have lots of 2 1/2" strips already cut just waiting for a project. I finally started a leader/ender with the intent of making Bonnie's crabapples quilt. Another I admire every time I see it.
    I really like the lights down the center of your blocks.
    Thanks for sharing Lisa's trunk show. Primitives aren't very popular in my area. I don't really understand it. At our quilt show there was only 1-2 vendors out of 70 who carried wools and primitives.
    Have fun with your new treasures!

  9. I'm so excited for you! I knew you would have a great time. Isn't it hard to pick which kits to buy? They are all so great. Now I just want to go sit and stitch!

  10. What wonderful wool quilts! I dare not even look too closely or I may have to make one myself LOL! I really love the kit you bought, but of course you know I would make the one in black :*D But I love the smaller size too - so cute!!!

  11. Well, girl, the way you 'roll' is gorgeous---I'm not much for the TAW but I have to say I LOVE yours. Love those fabrics, have always love KT fabrics. :) Oh I would have loved the trunk show. I love all of their things. Your kits that you ordered are going to be so fun---and I'm so jealous. ;D

  12. Wow! I didn't realize so many projects of Lisa's were that small!!! My favorite is the yellow and red.
    I'm sure you'll figure out the little HST on your latest project:)
    Gorgeous scrap blocks!!

  13. Fun fun and more fun! And yes, you are crazy to make that applique quilt with such teeny tiny blocks!! LOL

  14. Awesome trunk show! And your scrappy trips is looking great! I really like that light streak going down the middle.....will make a fantastic design on the whole quilt!

  15. Janet, those quilts are beautiful! I think you exercised great restraint in only buying a couple. They are fabulous!

  16. Looking at these quilts today has inspired me! My LQS has had a couple of trunk shows but I have never attended. I will definitely be going to the next one. These are amazing! I have made a few mini-quilts, but they are the equivalent of one regular 12-inch block or something of the sort. I have never attempted the itty bitty pieces. These are just stunning and I am going to try my hand at starting one this evening. Thank you for the inspiration!

  17. Oh yes those ornaments are calling to me too! Love your scrappy trip also. Can't wait to start mine!

  18. Those tiny HSTs around the edge of that one quilt should be a snap for a scrap mistress like you, Janet! Love your Scrappy Trip and yes, I would control freak one color too :) Have a great time with all your kits. I am close to finishing a table mat pattern of Lisa's I bought two years ago.

  19. Thank you for sharing. What beauties, all of them!!

  20. Hi Janet - Looks like the trunk show was awesome - I hope the food was good too? I'm thinking I will try to make a trip around the world at half size - just for fun! How big will yours be when it's finished? Gorgeous colors and fabrics you're using.

  21. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the trunk show... how fun to see everything up close! I think the little cheddar is my favorite, too. Your scrappy trip quilt is going to be lovely!

  22. Oh wow -- I have several favorites in this set of photos!! I love all the minis!! The geranium basket piece is DARLING!! So are the ornaments. So is Little Buds. And the snowman piece. And the oval poinsettia runner. And the Old Glory piece!! LOL! Does she have an online store? Or do I just need to look for her patterns elsewhere??! I *need* to know! :)

  23. Thanks for posting all the great pictures! I love the snowmen quilt! I will be on the lookout for a trunk show by this lady!!!

  24. so many nice and lovely patterns, i'd have a hard time choosing...looks like it was a real fun day...good for you! and the scrappy trips is beautiful, love those colors!

  25. It looks like a fun evening Janet, and I love the little quilt that you ordered. It would be hard to pick a favorite from those that you showed. I am really trying to resist that scrappy trip that is showing up all over the internet. I love your blocks.

  26. so stinkin' fun Mom! I love all the fun pics! Like I said, I can't wait to see all the nifty projects in this new realm.

  27. Your scrappy trip blocks are beautiful. Wasn't it fun at Girlfriends? I had to work during the day but went at 5:00 and had a blast...

  28. Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pictures. Hugs

  29. Thanks for sharing pics from the trunk show. Lisa's designs are a favorite of mine too. I think I'm going to add the scrappy trip pattern to my list of projects. It looks fun and a great way to use up some fabric. Thanks for the info.

  30. Your Scrappy Trips looks so warm and inviting. With Bonnie's patterns you won't find it difficult to make it big enough to wrap up in. Someone mentioned last night about Primitive Trunk Show coming out our way. I'm going to look for more information on that event. Have fun with the kits and patterns you brought home. Sandi

  31. Glad you enjoyed the trunk show. Lisa's patterns and fabric are so appealing. I love your Scrappy Trip blocks.

  32. I wondered if you were close enough to see her trunk show. She has great booths at shows too. Fun projects.

  33. What an awesome trunkshow!!! I'm doing the scrappy trips too with dark blues through my centres (does that mean I'm a control freak too lol)

  34. I LOVE your scrappy trip! I like the light squares though the center of each block. I think it adds a nice secondary design ... and it also satisfies my desire for order. ;-)

  35. Oh my! I solo enjoyed the quilty parade! Everything was something I would WANT!!

    Thanks for sharing!!

  36. ....ha, saw my type-o just when I hit the publish button........I sooooo enjoyed.........

  37. What an enjoyable quilt show for us bloggers - thank you.

    Today I DREAMED (during nap) about a scrappy TATW! I agree with you using one light on the diagonal on your blocks - I will do the same!!! I started my quilting obsession with that pattern.

    I'm back to quilting after being retired, then called back to work again, and then re-retired! What a trip. 8-))


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