
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Random Stuff

My "House on the Corner" table runner is assembled. I hope to get it quilted next week. If you don't know, this was adapted from the Puss in the Corner little quilt that Cheri posted recently.
It seemed impossible to get a photo that was anywhere true to the actual colors. It was much more muted than this. With a flash the colors appear way too bright--but without a flash I couldn't get one that wasn't blurry. Most of these are repro prints--you may recognize some of them from your own stash.

Yup, there is one 4-patch turned the wrong way at the top.
And I thought I had checked for that before adding the borders.
I may have to do some ripping. That will bug me. : )

I got caught up with the Barrister's Sow-Along blocks, too. In honor of the upcoming U.S. holiday I decided to do them in R/W/B plaids. I want to do one or two of these in Christmas prints, too, but that will have to wait.

My second little patriotic quilt is bound and on its way to its new home. All but the border was quilted with a walking foot. The 5-point stars are pretty easy to do on a small piece like this so that you can pivot the quilt at each point.
And finally--here is my attempt at the June FMQ Challenge by Cindy Needham over at Insights from SewCalGal. I'm cutting it close again, but maybe I won't be the very last link this time. 

It is not a thing of beauty, like some I've seen, but it was kind of fun just doing a bunch of free-form designs inside the scribble drawing. Reminded me of a sixth grade art project. I tried some new things and had a good time quilting away. After I had filled the scribble I just kept adding things around the outside. It needs some improvement, but it is coming. I know--practice, practice, practice! : )

Well, I'm tired and I need to link this up before the clock strikes.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Very cool, esp the stars quilted in the patriotic quilt... and you did well with the FMQ! That stuff is hard....

  2. looking fabulous.Your 'house in the corner' runner is lovely....happy quilting.

  3. Your runner is wonderful -- full of color!! And hey, your FMQ looks great!! :)

  4. I had to study the House On The Corner to see a block turned the wrong way. But if it bugs you, pull out the seam ripper and have at it. I do recognize a few of the fabrics you used for it.

  5. I love House on the Corner! Sweet! And I would leave that block as's quirky fun! I know what you mean taking pics with/without flash.....I just can never get a true color of the fabric.....I guess that's why so many take pics outside. But I just have no place easy to do that. Oh well! I love your FMQ, it's great! And isn't Cindy Needham's work amazing!

  6. I like the humble block, and I have to know if you fixed it or not (thinking of our control issues!). And I'm very impressed with your quilting! That is some tiny stuff.

  7. I like your FMQ, daring girl! I think I can when I'm asleep, but when I drop that presser foot it doesn't always look like my dream quilting. I scribble a LOT! Nice Sow-Along Blocks. Have a great Sunday before the 4th. Utah celebrates all month, Right!?

  8. Your little quilt is SO cute! I just love the sparkle and play of the fabrics!!! Yep, that 4-patch turned the wrong way would bug me too and I'd have to fix it :*)
    Your R/W/B plaids are just wonderful! I especially love the middle one. You have done so many cute patriotic projects, I'm just amazed!
    And your FMQ looks like you really had fun! Look at you doing those fun feathers! And pebbling too! Wow - you go girl!!!

  9. what a neat mini quilt. I'm looking for a scrappy leaders and enders project. may do something like this one. I looked for a good few minutes before seeing the OFF block.
    lovely FMQ as well.

  10. Great job on your quilting! I love the bottom left corner design!

  11. You must have a large table for such a huge table runner! It's wonderful! And, of course, your sow-a-long blocks are looking so great. It makes me want to do it in a different color way!! Isn't it time for a bonus block?? vbg

  12. You must have a large table for such a huge table runner! It's wonderful! And, of course, your sow-a-long blocks are looking so great. It makes me want to do it in a different color way!! Isn't it time for a bonus block?? vbg

  13. I'd leave it in and use it as a conversation starter around the table ;-)
    A carrot stick to the one who finds it...
    I admire your use of plaids - very nice!
    As is your FMQ - have a great week.

  14. Love you house in the corner!!! I wouldn't change the block that is off - I like it - keep it - it will remind you of me - a little off at times, but still fitting in!!! LOL

    I do love the RWB plaid blocks!! I see your plaids and I'm thinking - I want to do a plaid shirt quilt - maybe all stars - who knows!! LOL

    Your FMQ is amazing!! You are very talented!!

    And of course the little star quilt - oooo la, la!!!


  15. Micro mini from leftovers--man, you are nuts! But in the most wonderful creative way :)

    Love the House in the Corner, it is really special.

  16. Love all of your projects, especially the table runner.

  17. Very nice Mom! I'm impressed with your sixth grade art project:)

  18. As usual, I'm not disappointed when I come for a visit. Plenty of eye candy over here.

    Your table runner is super FAB!!!

  19. Your FMQ looks good! I've been watching zentangle for some time but never jumped in - your sample is a prime example of what a little doodling can produce.

  20. Oh my gosh! Janet, your quilting is wonderful! How long did that take? So much quilting in that, love it!!!!

  21. I always like your little "find it" games. However, they don't happen very often. Have a happy 4th! I'm going to miss your cute R/W/B projects. I think your FMQ is looking quite professional!

  22. Your quilting looks terrific~ really! I love coming to show and tell at your place, lovely!

  23. The table runner is delightful! After you mentioned that it had a flaw, I STILL had trouble spotting it. But you must take it out because I know it will bother you forever.

  24. Love the house on the corner quilt. I didn't notice the 4 patch turned the wrong direction, but if you are like me it is best to rip and turn it because it will bother you. Also love the patriotic quilt. You always have great projects on your blog.

  25. Oh wow! That quilt/table runner is amazing! And all my favorite fabrics!

  26. I like the maverick/humble block. Did you change it? or leave it? It's not that obvious. I'd leave it as it is, but if it bothers you ...
    I do recognize a few fabrics.

    Love the R/W/B block, and your FMQ project is interesting. All the practice I see here and there--definitely progress being made and confidence growing all around.

  27. With the four patch scrappy quilt at the top of the post, I kind of like the one turned the wrong way, we aren't perfect, lol.

  28. Pretty..pretty patchworks. Super love these! :D

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