
Thursday, June 28, 2012

In All Its Glory

Here it is--Tumbling Glory, quilted and hung before the actual holiday for which it is intended. That doesn't happen often at my house. I usually have to tell myself I am just getting a jump on next year's holiday because I don't finish things in time.

After making the little patriotic table topper DD#2 bought at the reunion auction, this is what came of the scraps from its creation. It is about 10" square, which means that the center star is 2" and the 4-patch units finish at 1". It is all quilted (Gidget has been busy) and just needs a binding, which I think I will do in blue.

Last post I showed you everything cut to make Cheri's little "Puss In The Corner" quilt. It is so named not because it is made with the traditional block by the same name, but because it has a cat appliqued in the corner. Since applique and I are not on good terms (we haven't spoken in years), mine has a tiny pieced house and I thought I'd call it "House on the Corner". I also made it narrower and longer to be a table runner. This is not sewn together--just laid out on a design board, and it looks like the photo turned out a bit blurry. I'm still trying to decide if I like the house in there or not. It may remain unsewn ( if that isn't a word, it should be) while I ponder. Cheri said she didn't duplicate fabrics in hers. I did duplicate and as I look at the photo I see fabrics "too close to each other". I wasn't going to let that bother me on this piece--I was just going to let the scraps fall where they may. I.JUST.CAN'T.DO.THAT!! Can you?

Anyone else out there serve as  poll worker for the elections in their area? I spent a long day at the polls Tuesday as the provisional clerk and in 13 hours of voting I helped 7 people cast provisional ballots. Needless to say, I got some handwork done. This piece just needs the border quilted, then it will get its blue lines washed away.
You may recall that it was made with leftovers from the little basket quilt I made with leftovers from a quilt my Mother made. I also started hand quilting that tiny 4 block sampler I made from scraps from the piece I made with Kathie's scraps. If you understood all that, would you explain it to me?

Tomorrow is my monthly "Quilt Club" with my Mom and sisters. Most of the time just Mom and I end up quilting--my sisters will bring a project to work on, but not usually a quilt. I plan to tackle the latest installment of blocks from the Barrister's Sow-Along so that I can be caught up before the next batch are posted. In honor of the coming holiday, I may do these three in R/W/B plaid shirts. 

I only have a couple of days left to get my FMQ Challenge for the month completed and posted. I am running true to form on that, but I really am going to try NOT to be the last one to link up this month.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Love the flag and the star block. The rest of your projects seem to be moving forward too. You are one very busy Quilter, glad I am not the only one working on so many projects at the same Happy Quilting!

  2. Your flag turned out beautifully! Congratulations!

    I like your "house in the corner" quilted-runner-to-be... I may have to make one myself since I have a ton o' repro fabrics left! The little house is very cool...

  3. So many wonderful the flag!

  4. Okay, so everyone else said "love, love, love" all your projects and I didn't want you to think I was copying them!! But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, all your little finishes!!! Even the quilting done - such inspiration you are!!! I've never made a quilt with a tumbler block - maybe in my future!!! It is darling. The little house is a cutie!! Doing great job!!

    What do you mark your quilts with? I've used several, but my all time favorite "General Quilter's Pencil" doesn't wash out very well. So, I'm looking for other marking pens and pencils!

    Gotta go do morning chores - just finishing up my morning coffee, Mike is off to work and I'm enjoying a moment with my friends!!


  5. Glad that you were able to make some patriotic quilts for yourself! They are both awesome. And - I love the little house on the corner! I, too, struggle with just letting the pieces fall where they may. I do it sometimes, but am usually happier when it's a little more controlled.

  6. Your little flag made from thimble shapes looks just perfect hanging on the star. I put out a couple patriotic quilts a couple days ago even though no one but DH and I will see them.
    You are creative with adding the little house on the corner. I pieced the little quilt but have not added any applique on it yet.

  7. Beautiful, as always! The tumbler flag is on my to-do list and seeing yours makes me want to hurry on up and do it. Yours is really gorgeous, as are the other projects.

  8. I adore it all! The glad is my favorite. You are making me want to stay home from work and make one.

  9. Oh my girl, lots of quilty goodness over here this morning!! Of course I just LOVE everything, especially the flag...too cute!

  10. Your flag looks great...I forgot to put mine up! Looks like another project for this afternoon!

  11. Oh Mom! You have been "sew" busy!
    I love how your tumbler turned out...I hope to start cutting mine out today :)
    Your second patriotic table topper is adorable!
    And your cute little house in the corner is so fun!
    I'm glad Gidget is getting some good use :)

  12. Love the flag, but I too, would fuss with the value/color. You will be happier with it in the end, so fuss away!

  13. I like the House on the corner better. It should be bigger though... fusible is the answer to the "A" word. Hand work on two quilts huh??? Glad Gidget is getting to play on R,W& B fabrics like your waving Tumbler Flag. My Colors hang all year, not just on the 4th of July! I like the star your Flag in hung from. Those 3M command strips are so nice to use- aren't they?

  14. ... no, I can't, either - so I understand very well. (I had to follow the Cheri's picture to put my scraps... see? :rolleyes:
    but : I like your little-house-in-the-corner-tablerunner very very much as it is!! The all-over-look is just great! :)

  15. Oh Janet, I'm am *totally* in love with your Tumbling Glory! It's just marvelous! How hard was it to bind? And crimeny -- your little patriotic table topper is just that, isn't it? A 2" star center?!? But it's darling too! :)

  16. Hi Janet - I worked as an election judge for 10 years probably and loved getting so much hand work done (most of the time). Your Americana quilts are so delightful - I love them both! I think your house on the corner is a fun variation - I would leave off the cat too since I'm not a fan of them - however I AM a fan of applique (have you ever tried to do the freezer paper method?)

  17. Your old glory looks great! Did you have troubles with the inside out binding method? I hope not. Now I guess I better drag mine out and do something with it before the 4th.

  18. Wonderful, wonderful projects! Love your flag! You're ready for the 4th!

  19. Tumbling Glory-perfect name! It turned out wonderful! It's nice that you were able to get some handwork done while working at the polls. Provisional Clerk??? I had to google it. I think it is so fun that you, your mom and sisters have a "Quilt Club".

  20. I love them all! I love the fabrics that are used in all of them. I have been thinking that now that we are moved into the house I will start decorating for more of the holidays. Usually I only decorate for Christmas. But maybe a cute little wall hanging, door banner, or something like that would be nice. I'm not much on over kill decorating...

    Have a wonderful and Blessed weekend

  21. Love your tumbling glory!
    And it's wonderful to see your hand quilting progress!

  22. Love the flag, and your "House on the Corner" project is cute too.
    I'm also a quilter who isn't comfortable letting random be purely random. If similar or same fabrics are near each other--I have the urge to move something.
    But if I miss something and the project is quilted and done, that's when the project is described as "charming." Translation --> there's something I wish I'd done differently.

  23. ok love these, you can just send me that flag quilt when you get tired of it!

  24. Tumbling Glory is perfect with that cute hanger. Well done!
    You are so creative with the scraps. Love it!
    I've gotten better about letting things fall where they may. It saves a lot of time rather than fussing with placement. Especially since no matter how much time I spend I always find likes close together.
    I hope you'll share photos of your quilt club some time. Sounds like fun.
    Good luck with the challenge.

  25. nothing prettier than old glory! and i love the little RWB too...

  26. How lovely to have the flag done and beautiful BEFORE the holiday! It turned out lovely. 8-))

  27. Oh how cute! Is tumbling glory a pattern I can purchase? That is GREAT!


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