
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

More little quilts in the making!

There are several projects I should be working on, but I had an urge to try something different. I wanted it to be a quick project. I'd had the pattern for the "Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheels" from Primitive Gatherings for several months, so I decided now was the time.
The fabrics look washed out to me in this photo.
Well, it isn't as "quick" as I had expected. I haven't had a lot of sewing time, but I started on this Friday evening and at this point I just have the very small blocks on the design board, waiting to be sewn together. I know many of you have made a "Twister" quilt, but if you are unfamiliar with this technique, this is how it works. There are many template sizes on the market, but this one  starts with 2 1/2" squares, which you sew together in rows, making concentric squares (I chose to reverse the position of the light and darks on mine) with the colors.
Then using the template (in photo above) that comes with the pattern, and the tiny rotary cutter, you match the askew lines on the template with the seams on your flimsy and cut away. As you cut the 1 1/2" squares, you lay them together in the same order. This creates the little pinwheels in the 10x10" finished quilt. There is one of these little quilts on display at a LQS and it catches my eye every time I am in there, so I decided I should make one.
Another thing I am going to try for the first time is a Quilt-Along. Lori, over at Humble Quilts, has posted the first info on her Doll Quilt-Along. I always think I have a lot of CW repro fabrics, but when I went stash diving for the fabrics for this little quilt I was having a hard time finding the right colors. Still not sure if I have them, but it is a place to start. I'm determined not to go to the fabric store for more fabric for a while, so these will have to do.

I must say, I am loving what I see of everyone's Orca Bay quilts. So many stunning quilts! Nice work! 

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. i just looked at Lori's QAL tonight too. I dont' need another project that's why I only saved the steps for the Orca Bay quilt. I have both sizes of the Twister Ruler and still havn't made one. They do look better with the lights and darks alternated. I wanted to do one with the 5" charm pack I have. It's still waiting.

  2. I do like your new projects. It will be very interesting when finished.

  3. I like how that outer row of dark pinwheels frames the design.

  4. I love your bitty pinwheels quilt and must plan to try this technique out after seeing yours. Love starting the year off with a little adventure. Judy C

  5. I LIKE the looke of this one it looks great

  6. it's so cute Mom. I love it. i'll have to try that pattern some day...

  7. That twister quilt is so pretty!! I love every version I see.
    Nice stack of fabric for the quiltalong. No need to buy a thing for it!!

  8. I love those twister quilts. I have one and I hope to try it sometime this year.

    Happy New Year!

  9. I only made one of those lil twister quilts after I made my template. I think I will cut some squares and try another one. I love your smaller version with the repros.

  10. I love the Itty Bitty Pinwheels but not too crazy about the leftover fabric...more scraps. LOL

    I too...seeing those Orca quilts...swoon!!! They all look wonderful but I didn't have time like that to sew during holidays either.

    I'll watch your little quilt progress!! I saw another blog looking for swappers for a swap of little quilts.

  11. Cute, cute!! Love the fabric choices! Always lovely and eye catching!!


  12. I have a 'twister' template, but it's much larger than this one (I think I started with 5" squares). It would be fun to make one this little! CUTE!

  13. Mmmmmm how scrumptious!
    What do you do with the off cuts?
    Nice winter header.

  14. Thanks for explaining this, Janet. You'll have a pretty little quilt when you are finished.
    I plan to do Lori's quiltalong, too. Your fabrics look fine.

  15. Cute little twist! Somethimes smaller can take as long as a larger project. I like your colors.

    I also think you have a wonderful selection of fabrics for Lori's Quilt Along. I'm looking forward to starting too.

    Great Fun!!

  16. I'm enjoying watching everyone's progress on the OB quilt, too! It's all the more fun because I don't have to fool with it! LOL! I love your primitive pinwheels quilt -- and the colors look fabulous!!! :)

  17. The internet can be so deceiving! Just glancing at your post without reading I would have never thought your Twister was such a tiny project ~ great job! Tiny must be in...tiny houses and little doll quilts everywhere. Looking forward to seeing your doll quilt creations. Love your selection of fabric.

  18. Your mini twister is so cute! I have the little one too, but have yet to try it. This makes me want to make something with it!!

  19. I like your fabrics whether or not they are the "right" ones for your project. I know what you mean, though, going stash diving (love that term) usually sends me to the quilt shop to fill in the holes.

  20. I've not made one of these twister quilts although I do like the way they look. I would think it would be nerve racking to cut into the pieces after getting them all together.


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