
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Secret quilt finally revealed!

Light fixtures got in the way. This is a big quilt!
I named it "Mostly Troubles" because all but two of
the fabrics are from the KT line by Moda.
I hadn't planned on making any quilts as gifts this year. Some years I make a bunch, other years I make none. This was going to be a "none" year. But sometime in October DD#1 called to say none of their quilts fit their new bed and could I possibly make them one for Christmas. I used the Primitive Gatherings "Picnic Quilt" pattern and added several borders to make it big enough, since the pattern doesn't include any. It is a quick quilt to put together, and I think the results are quite nice.
The trick to the whole thing was whether or not my LAQ could squeeze it in to her schedule to give me enough time to get it bound, seeing that I am the WORLD'S SLOWEST BINDER! It all worked out and it felt good to be able to wrap this up a couple of days before the recipients arrived to spend Christmas with us.
It was a great, but different holiday. DH came home from work early on Friday and went to bed, sick. (He didn't surface again until Tuesday.) Saturday DD#1 and her hubby arrived to spend Christmas with us and our two 20-something sons came home for the holiday weekend. They have spent the last few days moving all of their stuff home to take over our basement. (After being empty-nesters for some time it will be interesting to have a lively household again.)
For Christmas Eve dinner we had all of our children, spouses and grandchildren for a total of 12. Oops, I forgot Mona, DD#1's new puppy, which the grandchildren love!
Christmas Day brunch included Saturday's group plus my parents and my MIL for a total of 15 (oh, and Mona).
The day after Christmas we hosted the party for DH's side of the family for a total of 23--that includes Mona. She was, after all, often the center of attention.
Needless to say, I haven't cooked for the past two days and the fridge is still full of stuff!

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but my guess is that a good share of men leave much of their shopping until the last couple of days before Christmas. Such is the case in my home, and since DH spent that time in bed, I got to finish up for him. These two books were under the tree for me. We had purchased the "Country Threads" book for me with a coupon at JoAnn's on a recent trip to town. After giving it away on my blog last month I decided I would like my own copy. The other book is one I had looked at on-line before. It isn't new, but I liked what I saw. So when I saw it on clearance at a local bookstore I thought I couldn't go wrong for under $9.

On Tuesday DD#1 and I visited some stores in town, and that included a fabric shop. Of course, I visited the remnant baskets and found 4 great CW prints.
The Christmas stuff was all on 40% off. There was a fun line called "Scandinavian Christmas". DD bought pieces of several of their prints that included little hearts and mushrooms. I cleaned off the bolt of the creamy fabric with little stars from that same line. I love finding holiday sale fabrics that aren't really limited to the holiday. I have used star fabrics found at Christmas sales for quilts made throughout the year.
I love the Christmas season. Stressful at times, sure, but it has that special magic in the air. Every carol sung, and every strand of glowing lights, every "Merry Christmas" greeting, every gift exchanged, and every look of wonder on a child's face just confirm to me that this is a time of peace and good will. We focus more on the love of our Savior and that translates into acts of kindness everywhere we turn. I am always sorry to see it end.

May the new year bring you joy!
Janet O.


  1. Fun to see your family enjoying Christmas together. I love the "Mostly Troubles" secret quilt. I'll bet your daughter was thrilled and will forever treasure this gift of love~

  2. Your quilt is fabulous, Janet. It is done in my favourite tones and colours. Your holidays were certainly filled with the love of family. Blessings.

  3. That quilt is beautiful! And I hope your hubby is feeling better! It seems everyone is coming down with a cold this week! :o(

    Have a Happy New Year!

  4. The quilt is very good. For having used squares and strips, the design still has a lot of interest. Well done!

  5. Beautiful quilt....great job getting it all together. Love the family story and Mona. You have been a busy gal, so put the feet up and let the guys fend for themselves.

  6. Beautiful quilt! Looks like you all had a wonderful holiday (and with a full fridge you can sit down and do some more stitching and no one goes hungry!)

  7. janet, sounds like you had a very busy and cherished holiday; love the 2 new books and the fabric of course; blessings for the new year

  8. Love your "goodies"; but, Janet, that quilt is TERRIFIC! Well done. I, too, am sad to see Christmas come to an end. Let's not let that happen... what do you say? I'm going to keep Christmas, wanna join me?! :)

  9. Such a lovely quilt, I just love those fabrics that you used in it. Sounds like you had a wonderful and full Christmas even with hubby being sick.

  10. I hope your family is feeling good by now and enjoying each other even with all the changes. The quilt is beautiful and I'm glad you could keep it a secret until the time was right. I hear you on the late shopping men. I have to finally take the ad and circle something to motivate mine sometimes. You chose well for him. Enjoy your New Year! I hope for a great Annual family Gathering that day with my DH side that day.

  11. Your quilt turned out just wonderful - I'm sure they loved it!

  12. Beautiful quilt and beautiful family! I am so sorry your husband was sick. That's a bummer at Christmas. Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. :)

  13. I just love your finished quilt, beautiful warm fabrics. Scandinavian Christmas line of fabric is lovely isn't it, I have some too.

  14. Simple, but effective - lovely quilt! Glad you were able to complete it in time.
    Too funny! Mona sure seems to have made her way into your hearts!
    Not familiar with those books, but they look interesting. I have a JoAnn's coupon. I should check out their books -like I need another! Good fabric finds and I agree about some of the fabrics labeled Christmas.They don't always scream it.
    Happy New Year!

  15. Janet,
    Love the quilt!! It turned out to be so beautiful!!! The books look good too! Glad you got to share time with your family. I too will miss this season - it is one of my favorites!!!

  16. beautiful quilt! you did a great job and so glad you were able to bind it in time...
    Glad you had a wonderful time with your family and enjoyed your holidays

  17. Love your secret quilt! Great fabrics and pattern. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  18. I love "Mostly Troubles". It is beautiful. Now I have to add that pattern to my "Want to do List". lol. Have a Happy New Year. Hugs

  19. Sounds like you've had a revolving door with all the parties and family - I'm sure you had a blast. The secret quilt turned out great!

  20. Beautiful gift! A new quilt is a sure treasure.
    Looks like you had a beautiful holiday filled with love.
    The shopping looks fruitful too ;-)

  21. Janet, the quilt is LOVELY! I love that pattern--very striking! It looks as though you all enjoyed a marvelous holiday! The best part of the holidays is sharing time with loved ones. How dear! Happy New Year to you! :)

  22. Your quilt is beautiful and DD has a true treasure made with love. Thanks for the pictures. Judy C

  23. I love that quilt and hope your hubby loved it as well!!
    It looks like you had a wonderful holiday.

  24. What a happy houseful! You are so blessed to have all your family together. The picnic quilt is beautiful. I love the colors and I'm sure it will be well loved. Congrats on your gifts and fabric as well. A nice way to start the new year with inspiration.

  25. AFter 35 years, I quit making Christmas presents last year, and everyone was on board (and relieved) with that; except my sister, who insisted on her homemade present. So I made her a quilt. I liked it well enough I'm making myself one. And I really like what I've seen of yours and bookmarked a few of your posts for my next project. Izzat okay?

  26. mom, we love our quilt and it fits our bed beautifully! it is the perfect gift. thank you! i think mona is missing all of the action and people from the holidays. we are pretty boring to her now. :)


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