
Friday, November 18, 2011

Good, Clean Fun!

There has been a lot going on, but not much to show of a quilty nature. I attended another session of my FMQ class and have two assignments to complete before our last session is held next week--I'm hoping to get to them this weekend.
I also got my secret quilt back from the LAQ. Now I need to find the time to get the binding on.

I've spent every available minute for several days making soap and this isn't all of it. Still have a large batch in molds and a couple batches left to make.

Had a wonderful time Thursday evening, thanks to blogging friend Mary C., from Walla Walla, Washington. She was coming to Bountiful, Utah for Jennifer Chiaverini's last stop on her book signing tour for her latest release "The Wedding Quilt".  We met up, with our husbands, for dinner where we enjoyed a good visit and found we had an awful lot in common.
Our large, happy group.
We then went to the Davis South Branch library. Our husbands sat upstairs and visited while we went downstairs for the book signing. This was the 13th and last city of this tour and Jennifer told us that aside from her hometown, this was the largest and happiest group she had seen.
She told us a little bit about the book--reading a couple of sections. She told us of two books coming out next year--one for sure, the other one possibly.
She answered questions and then signed our books. Jennifer is very gracious, witty and real. I had only learned of her books earlier this year and have just read one so far, but I am interested in reading more (and now I am well stocked). Hearing about how she chooses her subjects, how thoroughly she researches historical settings and how much she doesn't care for cookie cutter book series' gives me  greater respect for her work. Now I just need to find more time for reading. It was so fun to meet up with a blog friend. This was my first experience with this. Thanks, Mary, I had a great time. Hope you did, too!

Mary and me. She was quite the
celebrity, having come the
farthest for the event.

Me and Jennifer

On a final note, suspense in blogland is palpable, don't you think? The buzz about Bonnie's first clues can't be missed. Almost makes me want to join in the fun--almost! Bonnie won't allow whining, so I'm pretty sure I'd get booted out before I got my first string block made. Good luck to all of you brave, non-whining souls.
I hope to have some actual quilting to show next time. Until then, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. glad you had fun and are enjoying reading her books.
    Nice that you got to meet mary too!

  2. Wow! You have certainly been busy with all of that soap! I really need to get busy with some of mine, I plan on trying a few of those recipes that you sent me this time.
    Sounds like you ladies had a wonderful time.

  3. You look like you had a very fun evening. Friends, dinner, and a book signing, what more could you ask for? Your soap looks like you will be ready for the Christmas rush.
    I am still thinking about doing the Orca Bay Mystery.

  4. Love all that soap... have always wanted to learn to make my own soap!

    Just read the first "clue" for Orca Bay but will not be making it... at least not now. I will save the steps just in case I want to make it next year. "Right before the holidays" is not a good time for me to start a project...

  5. Oh, the soap is made in different shapes. I spy gingerbread men, stockings, and trees. How cute!

  6. Wow - that is a lot of soap - love it! Glad you had fun at the book signing.

  7. I am so predictable...saw the photos and immediately though you had started making Christmas cookies already. (I have a one track mind - cookies!) I am also going to try and keep up with Bonnie's mystery this year...spent this morning sorting the neutral's and darks from the 1-1/2 inch bin....

  8. I can't even imagine how wonderful all that soap smells! YUM! I'm wishing that I could take the day off today and stay home to start sewing on Orca Bay. That sounds like way more fun than going to work. I must be sick - cutting 448 pairs of 1 1/2" quarter square triangles sounds like fun. Yep, I've been Hunterized.

  9. Wow! That is a lot of soap!!

    How fun to meet a fellow blogger and the author!! I've read a couple of her books!

  10. Oh you lucky, lucky girl!! I'm sure you had a blast! Your soap making is intriguing! I want to hear more about that!!! :)

  11. How fun for you Mom! I had no idea you had that little excursion. Glad to hear Dad joined in the fun too.

  12. Holy cow! You've been busy! Those soaps look beautiful.....I can just imagine how wonderful the smell is around that table!

    Sounds like a great time at the book signing! How great that your hubbies joined you!

  13. My first thought was the same as Regans - the scent must be incredible!
    That's so nice you fellow bloggers got to meet. Sounds like a wonderful evening.
    I was a little tempted by Bonnie's first step to the mystery, but I have so many other things I want to do. It doesn't appeal to me to start a quilt with no idea of what it will look like in the end. I do, however, enjoy seeing others participate.

  14. Your soap photo is quite impressive! But I'm with Yankee Quilter, my first thought was YUM...cookies!!!

    What a fun book signing event, especially getting to meet up with blog buddies. So far, I've not met any bloggy friends in person. I think I would be nervous!!

  15. Wow, you are a soap maker too. So talented. A nice treat to me Jenniffer Ch... I have read all her books. Love em.

  16. Hey Janet - I was there last night too!(just blogged about it) I didn't really decide to go until the last minute, so it would have been hard to make plans to meet up, but I'm glad you got to meet another blog buddy!

  17. Ohh I just picked that book up at the library... sounds like fun! are you doing Bonnie's mystery?

  18. How neat to see ALL THAT SOAP!!! Also...I'm envious you got to sit in on that book tour!!!

  19. I can hardly wait to get my Blog updated with all the FUN we had in Utah! Thanks so much for choosing to spend your Early Birthday time meeting up with us in Bountiful. I'll be using some of the soap you gifted me with as soon as I can get unpacked and take a shower. The Blog might just have to wait.

  20. My sewing circle keeps trying to get me to read Jennifer Chiaverini's books and I don't know why I haven't started. How exciting to meet her.

  21. Now that you have bravely posted a pic of your lovely face, we all want to see you in the mad scientist get-up. Goggles, apron, etc. I am so impressed by your soap making - it looks like you've been up late for every night in the last week.

  22. Janet, your soap looks good enough to eat. How fun for you and Mary to meet - I haven't read any of J. Chieverini's books...maybe after the holidays. I'm excited to watch Bonnie's mystery quilt progress. It is fun to finally "see" you!!

  23. As always, you are busy!!! How fun to meet Jennifer!!! I do love her books, but haven't read the last two yet. Been reading some other things.

    Hope you have a great week!


  24. janet, so nice to "see" you! and your soap looks beautiful! a real accomplishment i'd say. so great you got to hear jennifer too!

  25. You've been quite the busy bee lately. I would have loved to have been at the book signing. I think I have listened to or read all but one of Jennifer's books and I can't wait for this one to be available at my library.


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