
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Debbie, of Stitchin' Therapy, had committed to make 50 doll/cradle quilts for Christmas gifts for kids in need. She was encouraged by Freda to ask for help and Freda's blog is where I read about it. I managed to pull together four quick little quilts yesterday before tackling my monthly budget.
I mostly worked with 4-patch blocks, but when it came to the purple
floral, I couldn't bear to cut it up. There was no way to fussy-cut the
flowers without cutting onto the ones next to them, so I left that
fabric piece intact and just put on a simple border. 
I wish I had time to do more--this was fun. I don't usually sew with bright colors, unless I'm quilting for my grandkids, so I don't have much fabric with which to work. But I am a scrap collector and I have a box into which I toss the "bright & bolds" that come my way. I sat down on the sofa to sort through this box and see what I could use. When the doorbell rang I stood up and put the box down where I had been sitting. Upon my return I looked at the sofa and thought it looked like there had been an explosion inside the box and the contents had just spewed out over the sofa.

The thing that keeps me from doing more is that it is time to lather up! Yup, it is soap making time. Since soap has to cure 3 or 4 weeks before use, if I want it ready for Christmas giving I need to get with it--it is time!! Time to break out the coconut oil, the olive oil, the essential oils, the bees wax, the Pyrex measuring cups, the instant read thermometers, the measuring spoons, the digital scale, the molds and--the lye, which, thanks to meth labs and homemade bomb-makers, is getting increasingly hard to buy.
Today my order of coconut oil and essential oils arrived by way of the friendly man in brown. Now I need to roll up my sleeves, put on my apron and goggles and go to work. When I am finished I will post the results. 

In the meantime I will leave you with this photo of the rising moon in the east as the sun was setting in the west last night. Most of the photos I share of the mountains are taken looking west, from the back of my home. This photo is taken looking east, from the front deck. 
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. Cute little quilts!!! I thought about doing it, but have committed to a small quilt swap with my yahoo group, so declined this time. I'll post pics after she receives it. It has to be in the post by December 15, but mine is going to Australia, so I'm shooting for December 1. Lovely photo. Sure miss the mountains some times!!


  2. cute little quilts, so nice of you to donate these to such a great cause, they will be treasured I am sure.
    oh love those mountains
    just looks soooo peaceful

  3. I just clicked the link. Maybe I can bring some with me. Happy soap making. See you next week, I hope...

  4. Hi Janet - I didn't realize that you make soap! That's something I've never attempted (yet)

  5. Great little quilts...wasn't it fun!

    I've thought of making soap but haven't gotten up the nerve to try it...maybe next summer...

  6. I know nothing about making soap or that it has to cure before using. Interesting.

  7. What darling little quilts! I am still enjoying my lavender soap in my underwear drawer! Smells so good :D

  8. I love your view of the full moon rising! Makes me want to paint.
    And your dolly quilts are darling.

  9. What darling little quilts! Love 'em... and the photo of the fabric scrap explosion on the sofa! So much fun playing with scraps like that...

    Can't wait to see how your soaps come out...

  10. Love the little quilts.. so sweet.. and the pic of the moon. :o)

  11. Love those cute little doll quilts! Wonderful designs for each one!

  12. Thank you, thank you....these are so cute. Side benefit to this little doll quilt project, I've found some great blogs to follow.

  13. The doll quilts are adorable. It sounds like you're getting ready for lots of good, clean fun! ;) The moon rising is a terrific shot, thanks for sharing your little corner of the world with us.

  14. What fun happy bright quilts!! So nice to donate them.
    Have fun making soap!!

  15. Wonderful quilts for such a good cause. Wow, you really are going to make soap - look at all those supplies. You are certainly blessed with beautiful views.

  16. Darling quilts! I've always wanted to make soap. Goat Soap. Some day...when I get my hobby goat farm...
    Have fun!

  17. So good of you to quilt for others. I need to do some of that soon. I always love a 4 patch.
    Fabric all over any surface is a familiar site! ; c )
    Have fun in the "lab"!

  18. Sweet little quilts and excellent choice on the bright flower fabric. It's just perfect. Love the fabric all over the sofa pic - it looks like my kitchen table looks almost all the time. And soap making too? Now I'm intrigued.

  19. The doll quilts are a lovely idea for gifts, hand made are the very best presents in my mind.

  20. Love your doll quilts. Your soap making sounds intriging. And I love the photo at the end of your blog. It's beautiful. Hugs

  21. Yes, these are sweet little quilts. Just think, you have 4 FINISHED projects!!!

    I've announced the winner who guessed how many Q.U.I.P.'s I have. Put down that soap making stuff and come on over and see who it was!!!

  22. I love the couch covered in brights - it shows me a mind in motion! Can't wait to see the new soaps - especially with such pretty molds. I am going to start making some food gifts for people this year - better start my shopping list...

  23. These are adorable and for a good cause is so nice of you!!


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