
Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Marinating Mariner's Compass, etc.

If you have been with me from the beginning (bless you) you may recall that I was in the process of a Mariner's Compass, but I set it aside because as I was working on the surrounding radiating checkerboard I decided the bold fabrics overpowered the compass.
I've been marinating ideas as I worked on other things and I found a fabric in my stash that is the color I want--I'm just not sure there is enough of it. Do you think it is a better option? Or do you have a suggestion for something you think would look better? I am open to all possibilities. It is the closest match I can find to the blue background in the flying geese ring. I used every scrap I had of that to make the ring. When the t-shirt top is finished I will cut this fabric up and see if I can make it work. I will also keep my eyes open as I participate in a shop hop tomorrow and see if I can find a similar fabric, or more of this one.
This shop hop happens every year at this time and it is usually fairly close to our anniversary (our 33rd is coming up on Monday). When I don't have friends to go with, DH has often spent our anniversary shop hopping with me. This patient man called today from work and offered to take me to as many shops as we can fit in if he takes off early from work (he goes in at 6 a.m. and will get off at 10 a.m. tomorrow). Since the farthest shop is one of my favorites and it is at least a 2 hour drive, we won't get to all 15 shops, but I've been to them all a couple of other years and some of them don't really appeal to my style and interests. We should be able to fit in all of the ones I really want to visit. The funny thing about my favorite shops is that two of the best are in completely separate cities but look how similar they appear. The photos are from their respective websites. Can you believe it?
This is Corn Wagon Quilt Co. in Springville, UT.

This is Elaine's Quilt Block in Salt Lake City (Cottonwood Heights).
You are probably all tired of the t-shirt quilt--I know I am. I never dreamed it would be so much work. This is the first one I have made, and I have to say, I have made pieced tops quicker than this is coming together! Of course, the fact that since I thought I first had all of the blocks made, my son has brought me three more shirts to sub for ones I already had made hasn't helped it along any (I have to keep rearranging when he chooses to remove a block of one color and replace it with a shirt of a totally different color--the gold in the upper left corner is gone now). But I finally have it to the assembly stage--except for that hole in the middle of the top row.
DS knows he has one more shirt that he would like in it, when he can get it to me (probably not until he comes out for Sunday dinner). I actually do have this section all sewn together and I have started on the section below it.
My thanks go out to whomever it was that posted a month or so ago about assembling quilts by sections rather than rows. I think that is so helpful to me as I put together this heavy, king-sized top.  My goal is to have everything but that top row with the hole finished before Sunday. In a little less than two weeks we are headed to a family reunion in Canada near Waterton Park and then we are taking in some of the Banff/Lake Louise area afterward. I want to have this to my longarm quilter before we leave.

As I sit typing this I can feel a chilled breeze coming from the open window. The clouds are gathering--again. That is the story of our weather for about 6 weeks now. Tonight I am helping my friend at her daughter's garden wedding reception. They reserved the church just in case, but as of this morning they had decided to go ahead with the garden setting--come rain or shine!

'Til next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush would grow if the sun would shine,
Janet O.


  1. I can't decide about the mariner's compass. The new color combo highlights the compass, but at the same time the reds and yellows in the first choice draws the same colors from the compass so ???? Not sure what else you were going to add as borders etc. that might draw those colors out. Have fun shop hopping. I've never done one of those - sound like fun. I might try it someday.

    As I type, the AC is on high and I won't even look at the thermometer - I'm sure it is somewhere around 100!!! Have a "cool" time at the reception!!!

  2. I actually like the darker version better. The dark around the flying geese makes them pop along with the compass. Just my opinion.

  3. P.S.

    Congratulations on your anniversary!! Ours is on Tuesday - 31st!!


  4. I love the blue combination with the mariner's compass. It all blends together beautifully

  5. I think both look fine, but have a slight preference for the first one. You are quite a talented piecer!
    Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a fun outing. That's pretty neat about the buildings. Do you know if they were built around the same time and their original purpose?
    I see a t-shirt quilt in my near future, too. Made my first one last summer. Not as bad as I thought it would be. I really like the one you are making. The sashing fabric really pulls it all together.

  6. mom, i know i wasn't supposed to find your secret quilting i hesitate to comment...also adding to my hesitation is my non-quilter status in a quilter dominated realm...however, i cast my vote for the first color combo for the mariner's compass quilt! i think it's beautiful!

    glad to hear you get to go to shop hop this year. hope you have fun! now if dad only had his nook then he could read all sorts of stuff in the car while he waited for you. :)

  7. I like the new colors for the Mariners compass.
    I think I would not let DS bring any more shirts for the quilt!! What a huge project, although it is looking great.
    I'd love to go to both quilt shops. They look like they have a lot of personality.

  8. I love both combinations!! The first one is so pretty to me....what a neat t-shirt quilt! I just moved my sons t-shirts from one space in the closet to would think I would at last get a quilt together of them!!


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