
Monday, June 13, 2011

Coins, Strings and Leftover Bits

I picked up Chinese Coins from the quilter over the weekend. I made this top a couple of years ago , but felt the wide border needed something. When I was sewing up the backing for the double 4-patch leader/ender shown in my header, I realized that the gold fabric would make a nice addition to the border of the Chinese Coins. So I sliced the border up, added the gold and sent it off to the longarm quilter.

I like what she did with it. I told her I didn't want feminine-looking feathers, and that she could stipple the "coins" because there was so much activity in that area that fancy stitching probably wouldn't show anyway. I also wanted straight lines in the gold strip.

Seeing this quilt reminds me of a string quilt I started at the same time, so I dug out the blocks. I used the leftover sashing/border fabric from the "Coins" quilt to make the centers of these string blocks. I just barely had enough of the black to make the required number of strings if I piece the last few. I really like these blocks and would love to finish them, but I need to get some other quilts with deadlines finished first.
I haven't even trimmed and pressed the last block I made.
You can see that the middle strip is the same as the fabric
in the Chinese Coins quilt.

I'll end with these blocks You may remember the first one that was a block from a vintage quilt featured over at Collector With A Needle. When I made it I cut extra thinking I might make two of them. Ended up there wasn't enough of everything for two full blocks, but I played around with the leftover bits and pieces and came up with the block on the right, which shall be nameless.

'Til next time, from the little mountain valley where it is raining and in the 60s today (in the middle of June!!!),
Janet O.


  1. Your coin quilt came out great. I really like what your quilter did. You reminded me that I have a quilt at the quilter. LOL!

  2. That black with your coins is really pretty. Makes your quilt elegant looking. Love it.

  3. Your coins is fabulous, and the sharp feathers look great. Your string blocks are going to make a fine quilt, too. Your quilter listens to you! Like your "nameless" block - it's fun to play, isn't it?

  4. I LOVE your Chinese coin quilt. Your quilter did a very nice job on it too.
    Anything with strings or scraps I adore!!

  5. Your chinese coins looks great. One little design element can really make a difference. Love what your quilter did.
    I almost like your block better - maybe because of the 9-patch.

  6. Your chinese coins looks wonderful and your string blocks are great. Thanks for sharing.

    Carolyn :)

  7. The addition of the gold strip was perfect! Love the quilting that has been done - great for a man :)

  8. The Chinese coins is a winner. I am intrigued by the huge difference between the two blocks at the bottom of your post.


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