
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lucky Thirteen!

That is how many years I have been blogging, as of next week. There is a lot going on next week, and I wasn't sure I'd get a post written on the very day, so this will do. More on that at the end of the post. 

This two-year-old project is a finish! This was started two years ago this month as a SAL with Chooky. Just barely got it bound, after picking it up from my quilter less than a week ago. That must be some kind of record for me, to have a king-size quilt bound in less than a week.

It took two men in the family to hold this over the deck railing for the photo. Its  93" x 106" size was too much for one wingspan.

I've always loved a Churn Dash, and I've made several mini quilts with the block, but this is the first bed size Churn Dash quilt I have made. It was a lot of fun to dig through my scraps and find coordinating fabrics to go in each block.  Then I was crazy enough to accept Chooky's challenge to do some triple Churn Dash blocks. That got tricky, trying to create the 1" Churn Dash blocks in the center. There is a good reason why I only put 3 triple blocks in the whole quilt. Go ahead and try dividing an inch into thirds. ;)

Didn't get the best shot of the quilting, but maybe if you enlarge this you can get an idea of the texture.

And while I am on the subject of this quilt I just bound, I have a question for those of you who use Clover Wonder Clips when binding. Have you had clips breaking on you very often? I have used them for years, having originally purchased a large package of the red (which I think was the only color available in the beginning). Then I was gifted a large pack of multi-colored ones a few years later, and had dumped them all in a container together. I was interested to note that after I had clipped the binding all the way around this quilt, as I stitched my way around the quilt I found several broken clips--and they were always the red ones. Anyone else have a similar experience? I have used these for years, and have clipped around entire quilts before, including the only other king size quilts I have made. Don't remember ever seeing a broken clip before. And now on this one quilt I have all of these. I even found another after taking this photo--that makes it a total of 20 broken clips. 

In April I did my last class on the tiny club blocks for my guild. It has been a delight to work with the gals who were crazy brave enough to make all of these 2" finished blocks. I just want to share one of the last ones we worked on in that class.

This little thing has 68 pieces in it!! That is insane in a 2" block! I think this is the only one where I had to trim some of the seams down to 1/8".

My fabric choices for the lower right quadrant weren't the best for contrast, but you get the idea.

I have learned a lot while making all these little blocks. Lynn is an incredible designer of tiny things, and I look forward to seeing what he does next.

As I wrap this up I need to say thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my blog over the years. I am so grateful for the encouragement, suggestions, sharing of ideas and fabrics, fun surprises in the mail, friendships, Zoom visits, and even visits in real life. I am a better person because of the goodness I see in all of you, and a better quilter from the things I have learned from you. I thank you for enriching my life.

This little "anniversary" drawing involves the following: 3 bars of my handcrafted soap, a magnetic closure sewing themed notebook, a new seam ripper (like rotary blades, I never replace these as often as I should), and a mini quilt I made over a year ago from an original pattern. It was a sample when I taught a class for a guild on a very snowy, blowy day.  If you aren't into batiks, you may not be interested in the quilt. Just mention in a comment if you would like to be included in this drawing.

Until next time, be creative, and be kind!

Janet O.

The valley is green now, but there is still snow on the mountains. In fact, they received more today.

Drawing is now closed.


  1. Oh Janet, your work is stunning. I would love to be in the draw. Your miniatures are so awesome. Love your blog too.

  2. a beautiful finish, worthy of the wait! and congrats on the blogging anniversary! i know i enjoy each and every post and seeing your stunning workl...not interested in the draw tho

  3. I always enjoy your blog, especially the pictures of the beautiful mountains! I just recently had 4 of the red clips break when i finished a binding. And "yes" I would like to be in the draw. (

  4. Congratulations on the finish of your churn dash quilt. Wow! It is a big one. The biggest quilt I have ever done is 99" X 99" and that took a while. But, these big quilts go over the whole bed and drape down neatly on the sides and bottom. Nice job. I've never had that problem with the clips but I only have a dozen so I clip with them all and then sew and repeat. That being said I often reach for my hairclip type clips more often than the clothespin type. They seam to hold things in place tighter. Don't put me in the drawing but I couldn't help but notice how well your pretty little quilt picks up all the colors in your last photo. So sweet. We are having unusual weather for May too. It snowed big slushy snow on Monday and everything was miserably wet. There's been a lot of wind too. Hope you're feeling well.

  5. Congratulations on your completion of the Churn dash and your anniversary, you definitely mastered the triple churn dash challenge . One can find some information on making mini's, but there is nothing like an in person class, I have admired Lynn's and your work from a far. Beautiful!

  6. Congratulations on your blogiversary’. I have admired your churn dash quilt over the past months and it was well worth the effort. Churn dash has long been my favorite of blocks! I have had the experience of wonder clips breaking, but not sure why, age” use? thickness of binding? Not sure, but they do not like to be opened fully I think.

  7. Love the tiny blocks! I am interested in entering the draw. Good luck everyone.

  8. Interested in the Drawing, of course! Love your Churn Dashes SEW Much! I use the clips a lot too I found one that got too close to the Iron. Bought a bunch of Purple ones that are still good. Breakage happens. Clover Seam Rippers are my Favorite. Happy Blog-o-versary!

  9. I haven’t experienced clip breakage like you have but I’m wondering if the plastic degrades over time? Thank you for your wonderful posts…..amazing it’s been so long, 13 years! I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading your blog but I know it’s been many, many years :)

    1. Oops, Cherie Moore aka izoofan2 @! Guess I wasn’t logged in :(

  10. Yes, please - share your gluten-free baking tips and or recipes. I am new to gluten-free and have only baked from suitable store bought mixes like Go Nanas. Please enter me in the anniversary drawing. I use the clips when binding but I only have 2 or 3 on at a time. I know one red one broke recently but I think it was already broken when I pulled it out of my jar. Thanks for all you have shared.

  11. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging Janet - that is quite some achievement. I do love to visit your blog & see what you create, especially those teeny tiny blocks you do. Yes please to be entered in your generous Giveaway.
    Love the pink sky in your last pic - even looks pinkish on the tips of the mountains. I cannot help you with the clips query but I can say I am using Mums clothes pegs (think you may call them pins) & they are plastic & are breaking like crazy lately. Maybe its that they are just old ...... not sure? xx

  12. Hi Janet! I love your blog and enjoy looking at your quilts and hearing about your family and home life. I'd love to be entered in your give away! Suzanne from Kalamazoo

  13. Your quilt is stunning and congrats on your blog anniversary! Yes, please add me to the draw😻.

  14. The big quilt is amazing. Quite an accomplishment. I love the miniature blocks too. I haven’t had trouble with the red clips. Maybe it was a bad batch. I would love to be in the draw. Congratulations on 13 years.

  15. Congratulations on another year of blogging and a beautiful king size quilt finish to celebrate! I haven't had any breakage with the binding clips so far, though they aren't used very often any more. I generally use them to clip together block pieces, and rows after arranging blocks on the design wall, etc. rather than using for binding. Beautiful mountains as always Here's to another year of quilting and blogging!

  16. OMG a teenager now.........13 years is a great pleased I found your blog can't even remember how we connected seeing those mountains......
    HUGE congrats on getting your churn dash sure is huge......and LOVE the colours.........that triple is still amazing.........would be great to be able to do a class on those tiny blocks...........they are so cute.......

  17. Hello faraway- long- time bloggy friend! Congratulations, it IS an achievement, 13yrs! I believe I started blogging in 2008 back when I started quilting for others. I use the clover clips for binding, but haven't had any break on me....OMG have I jinxed them by mentioning it? I adore the mini churndash within a bigger churndash - it makes me think of a baby in a womb being nourished & cared for by it's mother. What a scene, sprinkles of snow on your beautiful mountains. Quilty hugs from New Zealand xox

  18. That's a lot of good blogging! Don't include me in your giveaway but what a generous idea. Your churn dash quilt is enormous and enormously beautiful! As is your landscape and sky. What a mystery about the clips. I don't think I've ever had one break. Could someone have walked on the edge of your quilt while the clips were on it? (super unlikely I'm sure).

  19. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'd love to win all those goodies...that mini quilt is beautiful...I'm sure my granddaughter would love it as those are her favorite colors. Thanks for the chance! :0)

  20. Your amazing tiny things always amaze me. Thank you.

  21. Your Churndash quilt is stunning. I shall miss seeing it during zoom sessions, what will hang on the wall now I winder. Your mini is stunning, did you notice, it is the same colours as the beautiful scenic image that follows it?

  22. Gwynette in NWArkansasMay 10, 2024 at 8:44 AM

    The churndash is one of my favorite blocks….so old fashioned and substantial! Congratulations on 13 years of blogging! Always a treat to read about your quilting adventures and view your changing blog headers!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

  23. I don't remember any of my binding clips breaking but they aren't Clover as my sister had bought them for me on Amazon. Although I have made many large quilts, my largest one was made for my nephew and It was a little bigger than yours - it was a monster! That one was so hard to maneuver! Have you contacted Clover about the clips? They are too pricey to have to replace so often. Those 2" tiny club blocks are adorable but I wouldn't want to attempt anything that small with 68 pieces in it. I would love to be entered in your giveaway and congrats on 13 years! I don't remember how long I have been following your blog but it's been awhile. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your beautiful photos - lots of inspiration all around.

  24. Oh, wow, your Churn Dash is gorgeous!! My Churn Dash from Chooky's SAL is now in a box for moving!! I think the only time I have had clips break on me is when I step on them!! :-). I was talking to a friend last night who lives in Provo and she said her mountains were "glorious in white"!! I love that little quilt and I would be honored to have it if I should be so lucky!! My 14 year Blogiversary was February 6th. I was not in a very good space then but maybe after life settles down a bit I'll have a 14-1/2 year celebration!! Love ya and we need to talk!! Call me when you have time for a long chat!!

  25. Yes, I have had several red clips break. Thought it was thanks

  26. From miniature quilts to growing orchids, I've learned so much from you. Please enter my name in your anniversary drawing. PS: I, too, have had a package of the red Clover clips for years but so far no broken ones.

  27. Oh, wow! Would I, would I LOVE to be entered. I wonder if the red clips are the oldest. I remember the first couple of times I bought wonder clips they only came in red. Just a thought....blessings from West Virginia!

  28. Congratulations on 13 years, Janet. That's awesome. What commitment!
    Your churn dash quilt looks wonderful and those tiny dashes add so much interest.
    Your quilt holders did a great job holding it evenly and perpendicular to your porch rails. That couldn't have been easy.
    Your last tiny block is amazing. I have trouble with regular sizes and 68 pieces!
    The sunset photo looks like a painting!

  29. Your quilt is a amazing as are all of them. No problem with the red clips. The colored ones gifted to me are a more brittle plastic and I was expecting those to be the ones broken. I gave several clips to my sister to help in her jewelry making, keeps the beads from sliding off the wires. I certainly would like to be included. Would certainly like to experience your famous homemade soaps. Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day.. Dotti in CT. You have my email.

  30. Glad you are in the blogging-verse and keeping us company. Keep going! My main blog has been live since 2008 (and 2006 on my second one). You can Include me in the giveaway. Thank you.

  31. Congrats on finally completing your churn dash. It’s gorgeous…and huge. I agree that blogging has been a wonderful experience.

  32. Your Churn Dash quilt is just incredible! I love it! The first king sized quilt I made was a Nine Patch quilt made from batiks. It was a great learning experience. Mainly I learned that you can definitely make and quilt a big quilt on a domestic machine. It's worth the effort too. Now, the tiny quilts are something else altogether. The smallest I've made is a 5" bear paw quilt using Kim Diehl's pattern from one of her Timeless Treasures books. I learned the value of an accurate seam allowance. The clips have broken on me too and not just the red ones. I think some of them are just more brittle and break after several uses. Please include me in your drawing!

  33. I use the clips whenever I'm sewing the binding to the back by hand and I love them. I have had a few break, but don't remember if they were the red ones or not. Not many have broken though. Congratulations on 13 years of blogging! I am about at 16 years, but I haven't been blogging very much lately. I'm trying to be better.

  34. I just entered a comment and forgot to put my name at the end. I'm Ruth from countrylogcabin.

  35. Love your tiny quilts. And thank you for being a blogger. Please enter me into drawing.

  36. It's been a while since I've had a chance to visit so am glad I can come now and wish you a happy blog-aversary! I know you primarily for your mini quilts so was thrilled to see you go to the other end of the spectrum --- wow a King sized beauty, kudos!! Yes, love the Churn Dash block and one inch small for those triple centers?!? Whew, brave but not surprising given your years of mini quilt skills. Yes, I too have had the same problem with the red clips (and all the Clover brand), I thought it was just me. I didn't want to buy the multi-colored ones but if they will last longer I may just have to. Don't include me in the drawing, just let me again offer congratulations on your blogging milestone!

  37. This post is one of extremes~ your gorgeous king sized quilt and the magnificent mini blocks! I'm truly impressed by that 68 piece, 2" block! Wow!! I, too, love a churn dash. Nothing like the old favorites in my estimation. Congrats on 13 LUCKY (for your readers) years!

  38. Did you ever drea a winner for your anniversary drawing?


I love to have your comments and feedback.