
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Lucky Thirteen!

That is how many years I have been blogging, as of next week. There is a lot going on next week, and I wasn't sure I'd get a post written on the very day, so this will do. More on that at the end of the post. 

This two-year-old project is a finish! This was started two years ago this month as a SAL with Chooky. Just barely got it bound, after picking it up from my quilter less than a week ago. That must be some kind of record for me, to have a king-size quilt bound in less than a week.

It took two men in the family to hold this over the deck railing for the photo. Its  93" x 106" size was too much for one wingspan.

I've always loved a Churn Dash, and I've made several mini quilts with the block, but this is the first bed size Churn Dash quilt I have made. It was a lot of fun to dig through my scraps and find coordinating fabrics to go in each block.  Then I was crazy enough to accept Chooky's challenge to do some triple Churn Dash blocks. That got tricky, trying to create the 1" Churn Dash blocks in the center. There is a good reason why I only put 3 triple blocks in the whole quilt. Go ahead and try dividing an inch into thirds. ;)

Didn't get the best shot of the quilting, but maybe if you enlarge this you can get an idea of the texture.

And while I am on the subject of this quilt I just bound, I have a question for those of you who use Clover Wonder Clips when binding. Have you had clips breaking on you very often? I have used them for years, having originally purchased a large package of the red (which I think was the only color available in the beginning). Then I was gifted a large pack of multi-colored ones a few years later, and had dumped them all in a container together. I was interested to note that after I had clipped the binding all the way around this quilt, as I stitched my way around the quilt I found several broken clips--and they were always the red ones. Anyone else have a similar experience? I have used these for years, and have clipped around entire quilts before, including the only other king size quilts I have made. Don't remember ever seeing a broken clip before. And now on this one quilt I have all of these. I even found another after taking this photo--that makes it a total of 20 broken clips. 

In April I did my last class on the tiny club blocks for my guild. It has been a delight to work with the gals who were crazy brave enough to make all of these 2" finished blocks. I just want to share one of the last ones we worked on in that class.

This little thing has 68 pieces in it!! That is insane in a 2" block! I think this is the only one where I had to trim some of the seams down to 1/8".

My fabric choices for the lower right quadrant weren't the best for contrast, but you get the idea.

I have learned a lot while making all these little blocks. Lynn is an incredible designer of tiny things, and I look forward to seeing what he does next.

As I wrap this up I need to say thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my blog over the years. I am so grateful for the encouragement, suggestions, sharing of ideas and fabrics, fun surprises in the mail, friendships, Zoom visits, and even visits in real life. I am a better person because of the goodness I see in all of you, and a better quilter from the things I have learned from you. I thank you for enriching my life.

This little "anniversary" drawing involves the following: 3 bars of my handcrafted soap, a magnetic closure sewing themed notebook, a new seam ripper (like rotary blades, I never replace these as often as I should), and a mini quilt I made over a year ago from an original pattern. It was a sample when I taught a class for a guild on a very snowy, blowy day.  If you aren't into batiks, you may not be interested in the quilt. Just mention in a comment if you would like to be included in this drawing.

Until next time, be creative, and be kind!

Janet O.

The valley is green now, but there is still snow on the mountains. In fact, they received more today.

Drawing is now closed.