
Monday, October 31, 2022

A Churn Dash Theme

My monthly mini is something you may have seen before. It was Pam Buda's Circa 1880 Club's Small Quilt for August, in 2019.  I had the top finished in September of that year, and it has been waiting ever since to get quilted and bound.

When I finished the top I posted this about it, "I really messed with the value placement on this quilt, making some of the churn dash blocks sink into the background, while others stand out. A few of the bits of fabric had to be pieced in order to be large enough to cut out the piece I needed. Three of the sashings were pieced. I wanted it to appear to have been made from a scrap basket, where choices were limited. I also slipped a little churn dash block into the center. I had fun playing with this one."

This gives you a little better look at the quilting. It is mostly ditch stitching (as usual), with a rope pattern in the outer border.

You can click to enlarge for a better look.

And here is a glamour shot just for the fun of it. I'm linking with Wendy, The Constant Quilter, for the list of other Monthly Mini-acs. Check out what the others have done.

In keeping with the Churn Dash theme, for Chooky's Churn Dash SAL, I have all the blocks made, and sashing, cornerstones, and setting triangles cut. It is all up on the design wall, awaiting assembly.

Technically, this should have been a finished top by now, but it just didn't happen. However, during a Zoom with Chooky a week ago, she admitted hers wouldn't be finished either. I don't feel so bad now, and I will shoot for the end of November to have this a flimsy. I love the scrappy goodness of this quilt. The blocks were cut from scrap baskets, using 4 different neutrals as the backgrounds. Only the sashing and setting triangles were cut from actual yardage. I have enjoyed making this!

I haven't been active on the blog this month, but I did join in with Chooky's Zoom last week--three different times. Just popped in and out when I could, and saw a different group each time. But I only remembered to take a photo once.

What an encouraging, supportive, funny and talented bunch of quilters from around the world! I appreciated the help in selecting the setting triangles and cornerstones for my Churn Dash quilt. If you are a blogger and want to join in, follow Chooky's blog (link included above) and you will see when she has a Zoom meeting of the Chookshed Stitchers scheduled. Then you will be able to request an invite. Rumor has it there may be another one soon.

I am trying to be really good and obey the sign I put on my sewing room door. It reads: NO NEW STARTS! I have so many UFOs and WIPs, so I will still have a regular monthly mini, and plenty of other projects to fill my time. But it is so hard not to join SALs from favorite bloggers and designers. 

November is one of my favorite months--the month of Thanksgiving. I am very blessed, and I count the friends I have made through this blog as one of the many blessings I treasure.

Until next time, 

Be grateful and be kind!

Janet O.

A sunset after a snowfall on October 26th.


  1. No new Starts is impossible when Quiltville Mystery is coming. I have a Scrappyiness is Happiness Sal that started today to. I resisted a bunch of SAL's last month. lol I love the Churn Dash quilts, I remember that tiny one in the middle, wowser!
    I am so glad Halloween is over! More time for Gratitude in November.

  2. Your glamour shot is wonderful Janet ... as is your Churn Dash. I just love your work & the colours you put together. That sunset after snow is amazing! I would get nothing done ever if I had scenery like that to look out at. I had thought I might've missed some of your posts & that I should go back & check ... but here you've said you haven't been blogging actively. So it was lovely to visit here today. xx

  3. a really lovely mini as usual janet....and i echo your sentiments about blog life has been so enriched by knowing all...and the setting triangles print works well...i wasn't sure when you showed it on zoom but i didn't need to's beautiful! and no new starts? an exercise in futility...LOL

  4. It's such a pretty churn dash with your signature tiny blocks included in it. Wow, the two views of your amazing sky and mountains! No New Starts is such a challenge - I always fail! lol.

  5. Always love a good churn dash block quilt, especially when it has tiny piecing in the centers! And I wish you luck with the 'no new starts.'

  6. That teenie tiny churn dash in the center block!! I love it! Another beautiful quilt. I think your zoom sewing with Chooky sounds like a fun time. Enjoy!

  7. What a fun mini quilt! I remember it, and loved it then, as now! Cool churn dash quilt!!! I would love to join Chooky on the Zoom meetings, but I doubt work would approve!

  8. The above note is from Juliekquilts!

  9. Churn dashes are such fun blocks to experiment with. Your tiny churn dash centers make me smile. The outdoor photos are so beautiful. No new starts until when? Only 2 months until the end of the year.

  10. Your churn dash projects are both lovely, though the mini is especially endearing. What a beautiful sunset but it's too early for snow!

  11. Two beautiful churn dash quilts. I'm sure the big one will be finished soon.

  12. Beautiful mini! I love how you filled the centers with 9-patches. Thanks for the amazing landscape photos!!

  13. The mini quilt is wonderful and the pumpkin's smile just makes me happy. I'm glad you were able to finish this, well done. The completed quilt blocks on your design wall are dazzling. Such a pretty quilt. I haven't been up to Logan for over a year. Miss it a lot. It sure was nice to get some snow last week. I'm curious to see what this next storm has in store for us.

  14. Love your Pam Buda Churn Dash quilt. Great idea to piece scraps to emulate a scrap basket look.

  15. Both quilts are beautiful and a great use of scraps. The setting of the large one looks great. Good luck with no new starts. I love the photo of the snow.

  16. I am glad you put the Chooky Churn Dash on point, it's beautiful and the setting edges are perfect.
    You can keep the snow! In Michigan we are enjoying 70 degree temps for November!

  17. Oh what a feast for the eyes and soul! Your newly finished mini is just darling. I love the play with values. You really accomplished an old fashioned "out of the scrap bag" look.
    Ha ha I need that sign for my room. Why do we like new starts? I guess it is the freshness.
    Your churn dash blocks are beautiful in that setting. You'll have it together before you know it.
    Can't believe it snowed! It is such a glorious view!

  18. Congratulations on a lovely scrappy finish this month! I only finished a mug mat :)
    I would love to attend one of these zoom visits - maybe one day there will be one when I'm not working.

  19. wow look at that last photo...........OMG stunning scenery...........
    I didn't know you were making the monthly mini a churn the little one in the middle............
    The Chookshed stitchers will give all kinds of advice.......fix all the problems of the world...........lovely to see you then and briefly today............your CHurn Dash - looking at the sashing and settings its going to look fab finished........I did look at it again when you were on for a short time..........hoping to get my blocks finished next week.............need to find sashing and setting fabrics also.............

  20. Oh, your little mini Churn Dash is great but your Chooky Blue Churn Dash is absolutely wonderful!! It's amazing how different the same blocks are when set on point - my fav!! I am so far behind on Chooky Blue's SAL that I am hiding!!

  21. You are so good to be finishing UFOs, Janet. Your little churn dash is very fun. I love the scrappiness of it. I also love your large churn dash and its scrappiness, too. I think the fabrics for the sashing and setting triangles work really well to set off the churn dashes.

  22. I love your mini! And your other churn dash quilt looks amazing on point! :0)

  23. Janet, I finally made it to your blog. I love your Churn Dash quilts. I also love seeing the Cache Valley Mountains again. I haven't been that far North in Utah for awhile.

  24. Wow, you are in Churn Dash heaven! What a sweet mini for October. I love the scrappy look especially with the tiny block in the center. Your big quilt is coming along nicely. Lots of scrappy goodness in that one, too! Your sky picture is gorgeous. Such an expansive view!

  25. What a wonderful quilter you are, Janet. Your churn dash blocks are stunners and look how beautiful that corner of quilts looks. Those mountains are also gorgeous to view; it's hard to look away! Like your sewing room sign too. Happy Stitching from me.

  26. Love the churn dash quilts, both the small one and the one you are working on

  27. Your plains and mountains and the big (coloured) sky are beautiful Janet! Your mini turned out really lovely - I think the varying values of the colours within the blocks just make it a little more interesting... 'one' has a second look to check if they are all the same block! Great team choices for your Chooky Churndash - I love the outer border - just perfect!

  28. I love churn dash blocks and yours are exceptional! I love seeing the mountains covered in snow after a long summer.


I love to have your comments and feedback.