
Friday, July 1, 2022

June's Monthly Mini and Chooky's Churn Dash SAL

If I hadn't been dealing with COVID this week, I might have had this finished and posted on time. Here is my June Monthly Mini,  joining the other Miniacs with Wendy, The Constant Quilter. Check them out!

Back in April I made the center of this from leftovers of my version of Gay Bomers' Heartfelt pattern. I  couldn't decide--border, or no border? Since then I had given up on a border and had even cut the batting and was trying to choose what to use for backing. That was when I happened across the floral print stripe on a visit to Village Dry Goods. It is a Nancy Gere design, and I just had to have some, but I didn't have anything in mind for it. Back at home, as I looked at the quilt top, and then at the striped print, it just seemed to click--they belonged together. The leftover purple strips I used to border the stripe were not long enough to enable me to attempt mitered corners (not sure I'm sad about that--haven't done one of those in so long). So I used some leftover 9-patches, and surrounded them with a dark purple leftover, and trimmed the blocks to fill the corners. Then I machine quilted the whole thing, and squirted it well with water and let it air dry to give it more of a crinkled, vintage look.

The colors in the quilt seemed to be in harmony with the floribunda roses currently blooming in my garden. That is a purple rose in the center of the bouquet, but when it is in bud, it looks more red.

Aside from being late to post my monthly mini, I am also late on my monthly check-in for Chooky's Churn Dash SAL. I have not yet decided how many blocks I will have in my quilt, or how they will be set. I also have no idea how many "Double" blocks I will include. But I have 50 blocks cut--just in case. And 16 of those blocks are made, and shown below.

I have always loved Churn Dash quilts and have made several--but nothing larger than a baby quilt. So I am excited to make one large enough to cover a bed. 

It was fun to catch a bit of a Zoom with Chooky today. Just what I needed after a week of isolation. Always fascinating to see what we end up discussing, besides quilting, of course.

Sunsets lately have often been stunning. I'll leave you with one over the farmyard.
Until next time, be creative, and be kind.

Janet O.


  1. The mini quilt is stunning, that border fabric seems to have been made for it, great find.
    Lovely Churn dash blocks too.

  2. Darling mini! Love its colors. And fun Churn Dash project; I am loving your fabric choices.

    Sorry you had covid, hope you are feeling better now.


  3. I'm so sorry to hear you had/have Covid, Janet. I hope it was a mild case!
    Your little quilt looks so elegant! Who knew common little 9-patch blocks could pull of so much style!
    Gorgeous churn dash blocks. I like your use of two similar prints/colors for each dash.
    I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Gorgeous mini, Janet! I like those double churn dash blocks, made with your usual perfection. Wish I had your view! Did you have covid? I am so sorry!

  5. The above comment is from Julie...I don't know why it says anonymous!

  6. Love the mini quilt. The splashes of cheddar on that purple make it sing! Hope you had a mild case and feel better soon.

  7. good to see and chat janet..zoom was just what i needed as's the only time the TV talks back...LOL

  8. Isn’t it great when the right fabric comes along at the right time? Great border. Sorry you were sick, it is going around, for sure.

  9. Don't you love it when something serendipitous happens like finding that border fabric? It's such a sweet frame for you mini and I love those little pops of yellow. I hope Covid isn't too awful and you are feeling great soon.

  10. The floral border stripe adds so much charm to this mini, it was meant to be! And made it a perfect size for your little patio table. So sorry you had to go thru covid, these current variants are certainly not very friendly and seem more prone to rebound. I hope you recover quickly.

  11. I love the little purple quilt, the striped fabric is perfect for the border! I also love the churn dash blocks, that will be a wonderful quilt!

  12. Janet siento que tuviste Covid, deseo que pronto estes recuperada. Tu mini espectacular, tus bloques chum dash muy bonitos.

  13. What a wonderful mini! I love it when things come together like that :) The border fabric is perfect. Your Churn Dash blocks are so crisp-looking and I'd say you are well on your way to making a bed size quilt! Gorgeous sunset! I'm so sorry to hear you had Covid. I hope you are finally feeling better!

  14. What? Did you get Covid again? That is not good news! I hope you are feeling much better.
    My brother and wife came for a visit from Las Vegas. When they got home their adult son, who is living with them, had Covid and both of them caught it. It was the 2nd time for them too.
    The mini quilt is wonderful, so tailored looking. I really like it and the border is adorable, such a good match.
    Lovely sunset~

  15. I’m in love with your mini and the border is fantastic!! Wow! Your churn dash blocks are lovely and the sunset is amazing. This post is a true feast for the eyes! Sorry you had to deal with Covid, but sounds like you’re doing OK now.

  16. Your mini is just lovely and the border and corners are fantastic! It looks so striking with the complementary yellow roses too! Churn dashes are looking great. Sorry about the Covid. It seems like every day, I hear of someone else having it.

  17. I love your minis! Sew glad we swapped a few years ago. Sad you got Covid! I thought of stopping by on our way home last Sunday. Feel better! It's ok to be late...Blog posting is optional. Nice to see what you're making.

  18. I so love mini quilts and yours is just gorgeous! right place right time for the fabric finish! Your churn dash is gorgeous I love when there is a little "umph" and you have it! I hope your health improves so that you can continue making these wonderful masterpieces with gusto!

  19. A perfect combo of a pre-made center and newly found border. The quilt looks lovely with your garden flowers. Sorry you had covid. Hope it was mild.

  20. Another beautiful mini! I hope you are feeling better each day!

  21. the mini and the churn dash blocks look great......that border print worked a treat.....and I love the sunset..........hope you are improving from covid......

  22. That is a beautiful sunset. Your churn dash blocks are beautiful and your mini is stunning, the floral print stripe works perfectly. I hope you are feeling much better now.

  23. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!! Love June's mini!! You are right, that border print with the 9-patches in the corner are perfect!! I FINALLY got my churn dash blocks figured out!! Hopefully, no cut off points!! Happy 4th of July!! xoxoxox

  24. WOW, such tiny blocks. Love you mini, and the fabric you found for the border really sets it off. I too sometimes do blocks in the corners of a quilt border. Very effective.

  25. Oh Janet … that has to be one of your most spectacular little quilts! Your workmanship on those teensy 9-patches is impeccable, and each fabric is a perfect complement to every other fabric. I love it when it all comes together like that! Your churn dashes look like fun 😀

  26. Pretty little purple mini! I'm so sorry you've been sick ... bleh. Praying for you. Love the sunset!! :)

  27. Is purple the "IN" color now? I recently received some gorgeous purples from TwoThimbles and also bought a small bundle of purples when I visited my sister in Illinois. I love your table topper!! I should take a picture of one of my purple "experiments" to put on my blog, Also, churn dash is one of my favorite blocks and I love the ones with the baby size churn dash in the middle. So cute!

  28. Ohhhhh my goodness Janet, your mini quilt is just stunning, I absolutely love how you use the fabric to such wonderful effect. I absolutely love it! And your churn dash blocks are so lovely too, you've been such a busy bee!

  29. oh Janet... So sorry to hear that you got Covid. I hope you weren't terribly ill and that you were able to recover completely.
    Your June minis great. Very purple! Nice job!
    And of course your sunsets never disappoint. I think you live in an amazing part of the world to get such beautiful displays!
    I am not doing the churn dash swap with Chooky--I know that's amazing... luckily I hadn't heard about it in time. Sorry to have missed the zoom with her. Hopefully next time.
    Take care, be well.

  30. Gorgeous mini, love it. The churn dash blocks are lovely.

  31. Fantastic mini and great Churn Dash blocks…


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