
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Eleven years, and counting!

Monday, the 16th of this month, was the eleventh anniversary of my blog.  All week I had been meaning to get a post written, but things always got in the way. So I'm finally getting to it.

First I want to show you what I have been doing recently, besides binding the Wyoming Valley Star quilt. On May 10th I took a Zoom class with Lori DeJarnatt (Humble Quilts Blog). She taught us the machine appliqué method she used in creating her Blue Baskets quilt that is in the current issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. Even though I am not a fan of doing appliqué, this wasn't too bad. Who knows, I might even do it again someday! This is what I created with my basket blocks.

The dark fabric over the upper right corner was what I used for the cornerstones, and I am thinking it may be the binding, too. I wanted this to have a feminine, almost Victorian feel. I want to do a mix of hand and machine quilting on this, but with all the binding I am doing lately, I don't seem to have much time for other handwork. 

Last year I signed up for Lori's Antique Block Challenge. I am at the binding stage with my piece. The deadline is May 30th. I will be in Oregon a few days between now and then, so I need to get that finished up. This is what I received for the basis of my creation. It was machine stitched, but the tension was so poor in places, it is a miracle it was staying together.

I did deconstruct the block, and at the end of the month you will see what came of it. I had fun with this challenge.

In Chooky's last Zoom marathon the idea of a Churn Dash SAL was presented. I wasn't online at that time, but read about it later on Chooky's blog. This was my "No joining SALs" year--I was so weak about such things last year!  Can you see where this is going? Of course, I caved. I can't resist Churn Dash blocks. I decided to see if they will work as my leader/enders. The other day I pulled out the AccuQuilt dies needed to create 9" churn dash blocks (they seem huge--I make quilts smaller than that!), and I now have over half of my blocks cut, bagged, and in a basket by my machine. I made up the first one just to show you. 
I am doing them each in one color, but scrappy--so far I have just pulled fabrics from my scrap baskets. But there may not be "scraps" left in the baskets to cut more pieces this large, so I may have to move to FQs for the other blocks.

Now, as to the anniversary, I usually do a giveaway on such an occasion.This is my way of saying thanks for the years of community and friendship I have felt through blogging. Until just this year I have never belonged to a guild, and you have been my way of feeling connected to the quilting world. I cherish the friendships made here. So, there are two bars of my herbal soap, a small pincushion I made (wandering geese pattern) that will fit well in a take-along project box or bag--it is 1 1/2"x3"x1", a box of my favorite extra fine pins, a 4 1/2" square Quilters Select ruler (I LOVE these rulers), and a small Dresden ruler. It says it makes a 9" block, so it isn't really that small. I actually don't mind appliquéing Dresden blocks to their backgrounds--all the edges are finished. :)
Sorry--not trying to be mean, but I barely have time to keep up with blogging, and don't have time to hunt people down. If I can't respond directly to your comment, or find your email within your comment, you will not be included in the giveaway.

On a more upbeat note, did you see the lunar eclipse last Sunday night? It looks pretty dramatic when it comes up over the mountains. The photos don't do it justice, but I tried.

As the eclipse became full, the moon turned orange. My real camera and my phone camera struggled to capture it. My real camera couldn't get enough light to capture the color, and my phone camera got too much and made it bright and blurry, but 
at least you can tell it is orange.

I have always loved sights in the heavens, getting up in the middle of the night (or just staying up) to view Northern Lights, meteor showers, eclipses, etc. But hubby hasn't usually been too interested. Ever since we traveled north a few years ago to see the total solar eclipse, he has shown a little more enthusiasm. And with this lunar eclipse he was the one calling to me to come see, and encouraging me to get photos. It was fun.

This was longer than I thought it would be. One of these days I am going to actually do a short post. I think I did one, once. ;)

Until next time, be creative and be kind!
Janet O.

p.s. You will find a new tab on my "pages" below my header photo. As I was thinking back on my 11 years of blogging, I was reflecting on the many bloggers I have met, and decided to make a record. You can find the link here as well. If you are a blogger, and we have met, you should find yourself there. 

Drawing Now Closed


  1. Of course I want to win some of your soap. It's my favorite. I haven't been brave enough to make it by myself. We're going to Portland. Wish we could meet up in Oregon on your way. Just let me know. We went out to watch the eclipse last Sunday night too. Hubby is usually in bed when it happens.

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! What a fun gift, and fun pictures of the eclipse. ON we go!

  3. Congratulations on your blog longevity. The gifts would be wonderful but you have made me curious about the SAL. I too like the churn dash, need to check out the dies, whether it is possible with my cube set. I always look forward to your blog creations, dotti in CT

  4. Bon "anniblog". J'espère qu'il durera encore longtemps car je le trouve très intéressant.
    Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps je vous suis mais c'est un réel plaisir que de lire vos articles et de voir vos ouvrages.
    A bientôt.

  5. Congrats on your blog birthday.....its amazing to think we are still blogging after all this time....I enjoyed reading your other post also.........the baskets look lovely...........
    So pleased your joining me making a churn dash quilt............your looking very organised......well done.......
    the lunar eclipse was not visible here so I am pleased you shared the photos.........

  6. I’d love some of your soap and that cute pin cushion. That is a fantastic gift away. Your photos are wonderful and I’ll be following all of you making the Churn Dash quilt.

  7. Your photos of the eclipse were great. Can't wait to see what you do with Lori's challenge. I'd love to win your little gifts.

  8. Wow I would certainly love to win your give away-so many wonderful things included. I, too, love watching the sky and liked your photos. Pat Clark. dpclark78163@gmail .com

  9. Love reading your blog have enjoyed your pictures and inspiration have now started a series of minis you have inspired me.

  10. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! I always enjoy seeing what you are working on. I just finished a 6" scrappy Churn Dash. It was so much fun that I might have to make another one! Keep up the good work!

  11. thanks for including me! i assure you the pleasure was all mine...oh 9 years ago...where does time go? lovely churn dash blocks...

  12. Congratulations on your blogaversary.. I’m going to be joining along with the churndash sew along as well. Should be lots of fun.

  13. Happy Anniversary. The time has gone quickly. Here's hoping to see many more posts in the coming years.

  14. I love that you think a 9 “ block looks huge- I just love little blocks too!!! I also did machine appliqué- once. The quilt was beautiful but probably will never do it again. Congrats on your anniversary. Thank you for sharing. My guild has not met in 2 years and there are no quilt shops nearby. I really appreciate those who blog as you are my window to the quilting world. Thank you!

  15. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your giveaway gift is wonderful. The pictures of the moon are amazing. Thank you. Hugs,

  16. Congrats on your anniversary. Great giveaway and beautiful projects. I always enjoy reading your blog. Hugs (

  17. Congratulations! I have always enjoyed seeing what you are up to.

  18. How fun to have met up with so many blogger friends! Love your little basket quilt--the sashing is great. Congrats on keeping your blog going--love seeing what you are up to.

  19. Congratulations on your blogaversary! Looking forward to seeing what you have done with the antique blocks. It was too cloudy to see the eclipse last Sunday so I enjoy seeing the pictures. Would love to join the churn dash sew-a-long but probably won’t. Too many other things going on. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. The pincushion is wonderful!

  20. What a prize package! Your stuff is always so cool. Congratulations on the blog. Love all your stuff. Happy May!

  21. Congratulations on you 11th anniversary. Id also love to win and I never knew you made soap too. It’s been nice catching your posts through those years and I too love to witness the heavenly events like eclipses and such. I enjoyed the eclipse during the “blood moon or Flower moon” as well. Didn’t stay awake for the whole of it but caught the beginning middle and the end with my nocturnal bladder.

  22. Oooo what a lovely giveaway and congratulations on blogging for 11 years! The pincushion is adorable!

  23. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging!! I so enjoy your blog, and seeing your beautiful projects!! Love the pincushion!!

  24. Hi Janet. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! Next month is 10 for me. Wish I’d had a chance to meet you here in NH before your daughter moved away!🙁. Of course I would love to win that bundle of lovely prizes!🙂. (If I win, you can contact me through and you should already have my address.)

  25. Hello Janet ... firstly huge congratulations on 11 years of blogging! That sure is quite an achievement & I always love your posts even though some of your quilting language is a bit foreign to me being a non-quilter. 😉 I am however, learning lots! Your eclipse photos are stunning & mystical & magical. I am wondering with your basket blocks ... did you machine blanket stitch around them? I enlarged the photo but I cannot see clearly enough. I love the colours you are using in this 💙 Thank you for the chance to enter your wonderful giveaway - I have been the lucky recipient of some of your soaps before & can attest that they are just beautiful! Happy New Week to you Janet xx

  26. Congratulations on your blogiversary! Don't enter me in the giveaway though...give those lovely goodies to someone who can use them more than me! ":0)

  27. Another year blogging- congratulations! I think you achieved the Victorian look with your little baskets, that gorgeous blue background fabric takes it over the top! I was lucky enough to wake up in time to see the full eclipse. As I fell asleep it was just beginning and the moon shone right on the pillow so was able to watch the progress for about 15 minutes before falling asleep. It was orange here but nowhere near as bright as your final photo.

  28. Well just who would not LOVE your soap and other goodies? No one on this planet..... :) I know I would definitely love getting it. Long-time reader and subscriber but I can't remember if I've ever posted a comment before. Congratulations on the blog anniversary---I hope you have many many more. I adore your churn-dash block; it's one of my favorite patterns so I may join in the SAL as well. Thank you for pointing out Chookyblue's blog too. Your baskets are very beautiful as well; quite elegant looking. The fabrics you chose are just gorgeous. Blessings from WV.

  29. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I love churn dash blocks and my next project will have oodles of little churn dashes in it. I'll start it right after I finish my insane nine patch project--the nine patches are 2" unfinished and the quilt is over 70" square. I'm also quite fond of basket blocks in general so your sweet basket quilt really caught my eye. When you asked if we'd seen the lunar eclipse, I had to laugh because whenever there is a big event in our corner of the world, we seem to have clouds. I'm glad you and your husband got to see it!

  30. Happy Anniversary! I love seeing what you're up to at the machine. cindiesam at yahoo dot com

  31. It has great to follow you for so many years. Your blog has been an inspiration to so many. You've shared gorgeous quilts, your incredible machine quilting, your tiniest blocks, and lovely scenery. Thank you for taking the time and effort to do that. Happy Anniversary.

  32. Oh goodness, you sound all happy and energetic and excited with everything - photos, blogaversary, new ideas and lotsa energy squishing thru the Internet. Congratulations on all the projects and ideas! ,

  33. I found your blog and love it! Love your pictures and stories along with your quilts . Congrats on 11 years and wish for many more
    Aurora at

  34. Thanks for sharing your little corner of Utah with us.

  35. Janet, I have read and enjoyed your blog- and the comments you post on others'- for years. You are a positive voice and always sound sincere. Thank you for this. Suzanne

  36. Congratulations on your anniversary! Thank you for the opportunity to win your prizes. Love your photos!

  37. Wow! All of your SAL pieces are cut and bagged?? I've just decided on the colors and size for mine! Wednesday is supposed to be a rainy day so I'm reserving that day for getting started. Congratulations on 11 years!

  38. Happy Blogiversary! It's amazing to look back and see just how much you have accomplished! Hope to meet up again some time soon!

  39. Congratulations on your blogaversary. Wonderful eclipse photos. (It was cloudy here.) Love the little baskets.

  40. I always look forward to your posts! You make such pretty things.... and such pretty tiny things. Happy blogversary and I hope to win your give away. I missed seeing the eclipse, but did see some great photos the next day. ❤️

  41. So glad to have quilt blogs to read to encourage creativity since moving away from my guild, and there are none here. (Remote). Would love some of your soap to try out.

  42. Congrats on your blogaversary. I enjoy following your quilting escapades. Nice

  43. Congratulations! And thank you so much. Love reading your posts and viewing your pieces!

  44. Congrats on 11 yrs. blogging! Now that you have done applique (lovely baskets), perhaps EPP is up next? LOL

  45. Congratulations on 11 blogging years! Great fabrics in your basket quilt - and appliqué! Can't wait to see what you've done with your antique challenge blocks. Enjoyed the eclipse photos. I didn't watch, but we have been enjoying the early morning planet show (Venus, Jupiter, Mars, & Saturn) on our daily walks.

  46. Congratulations on your blogging milestone. I'm intrigued by the antique blog challenge. I'll definitely pop back to see what you did with your pieces. Your picture of the lunar eclipse peeking above the mountains is wonderful. My astronomer husband will definitely appreciate that shot. Your record of quilting bloggers you've met is a lovely idea. I haven't actually met any of my blogging friends in person yet! No need to enter me in your giveaway. It's a lovely gift package, but I know I won't have any time to play with those tools, so they might as well end up with someone else who will!

  47. Congrats on the blogging milestone! I think we are becoming outdated though. I sure love it as a good way to connect with others.

  48. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! I've read your posts nearly that long and enjoy them. The giveaway looks delightful! quintuplicatemom at gmail dot com

  49. Love your churn dash blog. And what a great idear to use plastic bags to store the fabrics together. Want also to congratulate you with the event but wont join fot the giveaway.

  50. Hi Janet. Congratulations on 11 years. I enjoy your blog and your projects are darling.
    I am interested in your Yardstick Gallery Know-How tab but cannot get it to link to a post. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you. S. in MD

  51. Happy Blogaversary! 11 years wow, that is a landmark. Your little basket quilt is darling! I posted the same style blog on IG. The churn dash sal will be worth it and fun.
    I did see the eclipse! I was in Florida and it was wonderful and as you said it lasted a long time.
    Thank you for continuing to blog and share your inspiring work.

  52. Love your little baskets!! And it does look very Victorian!! Is it possible for me to join your Churndash SAL? We couldn't see the moon for all the overcast that night!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!! Congratulations on 11 years and I would love to be included in your Blogaversary Giveaway!! My 12 year Blogaversary was this past February!!

  53. I used to only make 12” blocks, then I fell in love with small blocks. Now I don’t like to make blocks bigger than 8”. I’ve followed you for sometime, it’s one reason I started making small blocks. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your anniversary.

  54. Congrats on 11 years and counting and thank you for all you share with us bloggers. You are such an inspiration! Love your little basket quilt and I'm looking forward to your antique block challenge finish. I was tempted to participate but will get to admire yours instead :) You are so organized with your Churn Dash blocks! All cut and in baggies . . . wow! I totally missed the eclipse but your photos are fantastic! It is so nice of you to offer an anniversary giveaway :) Thank you!

  55. I love those scrappy little churn dashes, what fun. Congrats on 11 years of blogging, it is always nice to check in a see what you are up to. I so enjoyed that flower moon and the red looking eclipse.

  56. Congratulations on 11 years. That is quite an accomplishment!

  57. Your baskets are gorgeous, Janet. I like the colors for your churn dash blocks, too. Nine inches must seem gigantic to you. But that's a great size for a bed-size quilt. I think I will participate in this, too. I just have to get back to Chooky to confirm, if it's not too late. Congratulations on 11 years!


I love to have your comments and feedback.