
Saturday, April 30, 2022

An Out Of Season Mini

Last September, Lori (Humble Quilts Blog) hosted her annual small quilt Quiltalong called Land That I Love . Though I am normally all on board for anything in red/white/blue, I was longing for some fall weather and decided to pull autumn colored scraps from my basket and use those to sew along. I made the top last fall, but I just barely got it quilted. So I am terribly out of season.

I will be linking this with Wendy (The Constant Quilter blog) for our monthly mini parade. Check out the link for the other marvelous mini makers and their creations.

I almost bound it in a matching, subtle brown, but I couldn't do it. The quilt wanted a warm color that stood out, so terra cotta was the winner.

This photo shows the quilting. Not crazy about the way I decided to quilt it. After the fact, I decided the feathered wreaths in the center were a little highbrow for this humble quilt. But I'll live with it. The pieced blocks are just stitched in the ditch.

My version of Gay Bomer's Heartfelt has come back from the quilter. I am really happy with it. I will show you an angled view so you can get an idea of the quilting, and I will give you some better peeks after I have the binding completed (just a little ways into the second side--very slow binder here).

That sums up the quilty portion of this post. I just want to take you out on the farm for a moment. 

Tell me, are you familiar with the word "gambol"? Because that is what the baby lambs do every spring, and it is so fun to watch. The other day I stood at the kitchen window and tried to zoom in with my phone--picture quality not the greatest, but it was the best I could do, under the circumstances. You have to catch them when they are in the mood. Look at the lambs in the background of these 4 shots.
The lambs will just be running along and all of a sudden they will leap up into some of the funniest positions.
Dictionary definitions will say things like "frisk or jump about playfully". The lambs have it down to a science. And that, my friends, is gamboling!
There are no photos of the babysitting llama this year, as Coco has moved on to a better world.

There is a dirt road that runs along the north side of the farm, and that is where I often go to take walks at dusk. That is my favorite time of day to be out walking. Whether I am facing east or west, I have a mountain range in front of me. These photos were taken early this week. 
This was the sight just after the sun dipped behind the end of the Wellsville range to the west. This is the mountain range I see from my sewing room.

When I turn around and head for home, I am facing the Bear River range to the east. This is the range we see from our family room or deck.

Until next time, be creative and be kind.
Janet O.


  1. lovely little quilt....autumnal colors are so warm and cozy...and i love your is so beautiful...

    1. Thank you, Grace. I love fall colors--and since visiting New England in the fall a few times, when I work with fall colors I always go back to those wonderful visits.

  2. Perfect season for me so just say your making an Aussie mini and your in season...... It's beautiful......
    Wow never heard that word but love it .... They are such fun when frisky and playing around..... It can go on for quiet some time.... The pics are cute....
    Love your walk views..... Both gorgeous.....

  3. That is a darling little quilt! Love it! Your large quilt is so pretty, Janet. Your pictures remind me of home in Colorado...what a lovely place to live. Enjoy those walks, for they fill your soul, I am sure of it.

  4. I love the quilting on your mini. Hugs

  5. No quilt is ever out of season! lol And baby goats do the same's hilarious! Beautiful sunset...I want a sewing room with a view like that! :0)

  6. Wow, I've never heard of gamboling and you learn something every day, in this case something so delightful! Your mini if out of season, won't be out of season for long, as time seems to just fly by! I love the feather quilting on your purple quilt - so lovely.

  7. Fall colors are my favorite and I love your mini! I am familiar with “gambol” and oh how I wish you could have posted a video of those lambs! I can, in my mind, however, see them romping and jumping 😊. Those sunset photos are spectacular! You are very lucky to see them on a regular basis; I live in the woods so don’t often get to see sunsets.

    1. Fall colors have always appealed to me--fall has always been my favorite season.
      I tried to get a video of the lambs, but I would start recording when I saw action, and then none of them would gambol until I turned the camera off. Just my luck.
      I get plenty of sunset exposure, and I love it, but your walks through the woods seem magical.

  8. Beautiful as always! The sampler is gorgeous. Will it go on your bed or are you giving it away? Love your views of the Mountains. We have views at my sister's place she is at for one more month.

  9. Out of season or not, your mini is a delightful quilt. I always love autumn colors. And look at the quilting! Love it.
    Heartfelt is beautiful. Love the bits of cheddar.
    I've seen a video online of lambs gamboling but never in person. My daughter and son-in-law have sheep but we never seem to get down to see the lambs when they are young enough to do this. I'm so sorry to hear about Coco. She was such a good lamb-sitter.

  10. Your mini is darling!! Your Heartfelt quilt is absolutely gorgeous!! I love the colors you chose and the quilting is beautiful!! And the views all around your house are nothing short of spectacular!! And that gamboling is so cute!! Baby goats do it too!!

    1. Thanks, Kris. I took the last stitches on the binding of Heartfelt yesterday. Don't know how I got it done without your help! I saw baby goats gamboling just today as I picked up another quilt from the longer quilter this evening. They had a corral with baby goats near the house and I was grinning at their antics as I walked to the door.

  11. I love your autumnal quilt Janet & I really love the wreaths you have quilted in the centre. I have done some autumnal displays this past week & those colours are perfect. Love them! The lambs remind me of kittens & I could watch them all day long. Gosh I think I would be out walking wayyyyy more often if I had those stunning views of yours Janet. Just breathtaking. xx

  12. Hello Janet ! Your quilts are both beautiful ! Ohhh and your quilting awesome as always !

  13. What a wonderful mini in those lovely autumn colors and impressive feather quilting! Wow! I don't know how you do such intricate quilting on small quilts. Heartfelt is beautiful. Love it! Oh, I wish I could see those lambs. What fun it must be to watch them. You live in a great location with gorgeous mountain views and sunsets!

  14. Your Heartfelt quilt is just amazing! I love the colors. What fun to see the lams gamboling! I never heard of that word description before. And your views are awesome. Sometimes we can see Mt. Hood from the roads around our town and we love to see it, but it is only seeable when the sun is shining. I continue to be amazed when we do see it because it is about 50 miles away as the crow flies (I think). We do have closer mountains but we can't see them from our house.

  15. Sweet little quilt and your purple quilt is gorgeous!

  16. Oh my gosh! Two beautiful quilts. Looking forward to seeing the purple one completed with it's binding all closed up.

  17. Yay for finishing your mini - even if it is out of season (it's charming)! Thanks for sharing the gamboling lambs and your lovely mountain views. I so enjoy seeing peeks into everyone's everyday world - especially if mountains are involved!

  18. Every season is a good season for a special mini like this one. I love it! Your Heartfelt quilt is simply amazing. I am so behind on my blog reading I wonder if I will ever catch up. Thanks for another super mini!!

  19. In some facebook videos one can see cats racing about and doing strange antics, I wonder if that too could be gamboling?

  20. Never the wrong season for a sweet repro mini like yours. The quilting on your BOM quilt is wonderful. It looks feathers you would do which makes it just right.
    Oh, I loved seeing your views and those funny leaping lambs :) Aaahhh spring at last!

  21. Ohhh my goodness Janet, your mini quilt is just lovely - autumn tones are never out of season, and your quilting is amazing! So much eye candy in your post, thank you so much for sharing!

  22. It's not out of season - it just has those dark and dirty fabrics you love. I was thinking about working on a Halloween quilt that I found when going through my sewing room downstairs. If it makes you happy then it's the perfect season to make something.

  23. Lovely mini Janet! Thanks for the views too - so nice to see what’s outside someone else’s windows!

    1. Thanks! I know I enjoy seeing the surroundings of other bloggers. I hope they don't tire of mine. ;)

  24. I love that little quilt and the one you are binding! Love seeing your mountains on both sides!


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