
Thursday, March 31, 2022

March Monthly Mini and More

Could not resist the alliterative title for this post.

My monthly mini is in the photo below, on the right. This is based on Pam Buda's "Glad Tidings" pattern. I couldn't finish the borders according to the pattern because I couldn't find fabrics that I liked in combination for the borders as written. The green I used in the quilt is a very old one, which I couldn't currently match, and I had used all I had in the blocks. This photo was taken in the "Christmas Corner" of my sewing room.

I had planned to make this my monthly mini last December, but was still trying to match the green, so I set it aside and made the quilt on the left in the photo above, instead. I finally faced the fact that I couldn't match the green and made do with a black Judie Rothermel print that had tiny red/green flowers printed on it, and I didn't use cornerstones. 

Since it is in holiday colors, I chose a holiday print for the backing, which you can see below. I really struggled to get photos that show the quilting well, since I couldn't get the sun streaming through the window at 9:00 p.m. This is the best I could do, with the Ott-lite on my cutting table laying on its side.

This finished at about 11"x14". I am linking this with Wendy The Constant Quilter, where you will find the list of mini-acs with links to check out their creations.

My version of Gay Bomers "Heartfelt" quilt has been delivered to my neighborhood longarm quilter. I just can't quilt everything I piece--there isn't time. 

It is about 86" square. You can see the ripples in the two lower corners. I did try to correct those, and they look better, but I didn't get a photo after the repair. I did not do any of the appliqué in the pattern, including the center medallion. I did my own setting and borders. After the fussy sashing and cornerstones I chose, I couldn't bring myself to do fussy borders. Except for the 4 corner blocks, each block contains different purples. At first I was worried that I would not have enough purples to use different ones in each block, but I had a box of purples left that I didn't even touch. (And I bought more yesterday.)

Yesterday was the final meeting of The Tiny Club at Village Dry Goods.  I have yet to get all the blocks made, but these are some of the ones I have made since my last post.

Can you believe all those tiny pieces in a 2" finished block? 
Wait until you see some of the blocks in the patterns we got yesterday! Lynn told me to let you know that if you have been waiting for the next set of patterns and rulers to be available, he will have them ready by April 7th and you can contact Village Dry Goods to get your hands on them.

Here is Lynn with one of the ways he is using his tiny blocks.

But that isn't an end to the fun I've had lately. Last week Chooky had a spur-of-the-moment Zoom session and I was able to pop in and enjoy the gals chatting and stitching for an hour.

I really need to get back into the routine of posting more than once a month, so I don't have such lengthy posts, but if you have stayed with me through it all, I thank you. 

Until next time, be creative and be kind,
Janet O.

I wanted to leave you with a peek at what makes me smile each  morning during the long winters. I have these at 5 windows in my home right now, but these two window ledges are the ones where they have been blooming all winter. Click to enlarge.


  1. Your orchids along the window are beautiful Janet! So are your tiny blocks and your mini quilts, I am in awe!!! Zooms are always fun aren't they! Love your header photo, it is a stunner.

  2. OH I love your tiny blocks! So much fun, and your mini is just perfect. My one lonely orchid has a blooming shoot coming off of it, and I just discovered it yesterday. Lovely display!

  3. Your orchids are fabulous! It’s wonderful their blooms last such a long time…..because so do winters ;-) all I can say is wow to your tiny blocks.

  4. What a fabulous mini!! Funny how we strive to find that perfect fabric and then use what we have on hand and it is sensational! I love the black print border. Delicious! Your Heartfelt quilt is beyond amazing. I love those purples and the corner blocks are great. As for those "tiny" blocks - I have no words!!!

  5. And, I'm sorry I missed another Chooky Zoom!!

  6. You know I love your tiny blocks! The sampler quilt is beautiful and oh, those orchids...lovely.

  7. I always enjoy seeing all your projects. Your Monthly Mini is adorable. I absolutely love your sampler. Hugs

  8. Your Christmas mini is great with the darker border. I think it looks as good or better than if you had "matched" the older green. And oh the purple quilt, wow, that is a showstopper! I love the sashing and cornerstones. It is just a gorgeous quilt - and how nice to have a "neighborhood" long arm quilter! Your tiny blocks are just... mind blowing. I held out my own hand, trying to imagine!

  9. I think the border fabric you chose for this month's mini is perfect! Love that you have a dedicated "Christmas Corner" in your sewing room. Your purple sampler quilt is amazing, and I'm looking forward to seeing how your longarmer brings out the magic. Those orchids! Gorgeous! You have a wonderful green thumb and your home must have their perfect climate needs, simply amazing.

  10. The border is great and I love the poinsettia fabric on the back. The quilting is lovely as usual. You do such nice work. What amazing teeny blocks. Just amazing, I can't imagine doing anything like that.
    Those orchids!!! Whatever it takes to grow them - you've got it.
    How long will you have to wait for your purple quilt to be quilted? I took in one of my quilts to be machine quilted this week and they told me 4 or 5 wks which I thought was great considering the last quilt I took in had a 10 to 12 wk waiting time. It's always worth the wait.

  11. always love seeing what you come up with for your heartfelts.....was wonderful to see you on zoom.......and those blocks I am still amazed.......

  12. Another mini beauty!
    Also loved seeing your pretty flowers - my orchid has not bloomed in 2 years and is maybe on it's last legs.

  13. Oh I love your Christmas corner in your sewing room Janet. Does it stay up all year round I wonder? Your quilts are beautiful as always & such tiny pieces - always amazes me & makes me cross eyed just seeing all that detail in those tiny pieces. Wonderful to have a Zoom with likeminded ladies. Your orchids are stunning - I have only two but I love mine. Enjoy your weekend Janet. xx

  14. Your mini turned out great!!! I love the fabrics and the quilting. I’m always amazed at how many different shades and tones, and values, and styles of each color fabric there are and how tricky it sometimes is to find pieces that look right together. Your solution works well. Your big quilt looks great too and it will be fun to see it quilted. Those tiny blocks are mind boggling!!!!😊

    1. Thank you, Gladi. And the way color trends come and go, you can't always find just the shade you would like. I couldn't believe that there wasn't a coordinating green to be found in my stash.
      I can't wait to see the finished version of Heartfelt.
      My mind gets pretty boggled every time Lynn comes out with new patterns. And they just keep getting more complicated. Yikes!

  15. Oh my goodness, such tiny little blocks.
    Your Orchids are beautiful. Sorry to have missed zooming last week.

  16. Oh my heck, 2" Blocks!! I love the quilt you're sending out. Pretty Orchids. That's a flower I haven't tried. Loving my Small pops of Spring here in Walla Walla. Blogging more than once a month sounds fun.

    1. I know, 2" blocks are crazy--especially when they are made on a 3x3 grid, instead of the typical 4x4. That is why you use Lynn's special rulers. They make all the difference!
      Orchids really aren't hard, if you have a place that gives them optimum conditions.
      Who knows, I may actually post again in a few days. Wouldn't that be shocking? LOL

  17. Wow! What a wonderful post! Always enjoy seeing your projects from mini to large to teeny-tiny and all are fantastic! Love your Heartfelt quilt and good for you for having it longarm quilted. I'm doing the same thing with more than a few of my quilts. I just can't hand quilt them all but I'm okay with that. You certainly have a green thumb. Those orchids would make me smile, too!

  18. Your posts are always filled with wonderful things to enjoy. A delightful little mini. Searching for the "perfect" fabric can be a daunting task. Your mini is a jumbo compared to those teeny tiny blocks you're making. Fabulous. Beautiful blooms. Your orchids are lovely. No green thumb at my house.

  19. If orchids had feelings and showed love by blooming, I'd say these love you to pieces, Janet. Beautiful.
    Your miniature Christmas quilt is beautiful. I like it exactly the way you finished it, and the backing fabric just adds to the beauty of it. Very festive, too.
    I can believe all those tiny pieces but I it's till hard to imagine making the little 2" blocks, even though you've told me that you make larger and cut down. They are truly amazing!
    Heartfelt is one of those quilts that I can pour over for hours. So many different blocks and fabrics. I think you did a nice job of balancing the weight of the blocks. The center one is stunning. Do you have a favorite block? And one that you particularly enjoyed making?

  20. The latest mini is great with that dark border. That really makes the center POP!

    1. Thank you. I hadn't thought of it that way before. :)

  21. Janet, I'm sorry but I had to re-subscribe because I no longer receive anything from American blogs... pfffff !!

    1. I use bloglovin and I couldn't access mine list for about 2 weeks. boo hoo

  22. Yes, those 2 inch blocks are insanely tiny!! But how cool!! Your Heartfelt quilt top is gorgeous!! Looking forward to seeing it back from your quilter!! Well, I finally broke down and got the extension table for Martha, my longarm and a thick ruler and I am going to try free motion quilting and some ruler work!! You have inspired me!! Hope you are healthy and happy!! XOXO

  23. What a fabulous post. YOur mini is charming. You always add just the right amount of quilting.
    I am so far behind on my blog list. I LOVE your block of the month and I can't wait to see it quilted. Those tiny squares are like little precious jewels.
    Your orchids are amazing. They are so happy at your house!!


I love to have your comments and feedback.