
Saturday, June 26, 2021

This and That

Last week hubby and I celebrated our 43rd anniversary. The day before we went to a few local downtown antique shops and had lunch at a crepery. There was a quilt in one of the shops that caught my eye, but I talked myself out of buying it. The next day hubby placed money for the quilt in my anniversary card and told me to go get it. It took me a few days to get back to town, but it was still there, and it came home with me.

It is in great condition, has no odors or stains, and is well put together and hand quilted.


Interesting to see the quilting pattern. See how every other line stops a few inches from the circles in the inner corner?


And love that pretty purple backing!

I am very happy that I had a second chance to get this quilt.










There are only two prints in the quilt, and the rest are solids. I don't know much about fabrics of this era. Would you say these are 30s fabrics?

A few posts ago I shared photos of my mini quilt rack that I'd had for months, but only recently got stained. Several of you had asked for dimensions so you could have someone make one for you. One person sent me photos of the finished product. I would love to see any others that have been completed. It is fun to see the tweaks each woodworker makes. This is the photo Sheri Lesh of Iowa sent to me of the quilt rack her father made for her. If you had someone make one for you (or made it yourself), please email me a photo and I will include it in a future post. Thanks, Sheri--and I love your little quilts! Just from what little snatches you can see in the photo, doesn't it look like a fun place to play?
I have had a couple of good sessions in the sewing room this past week. I've mostly been catching up on the latest blocks in my SALs and working on my monthly mini--but I won't show it just yet. I still have to quilt it. I think this will be the last time I will attempt a block of the week. I struggle to keep up. I altered last week's Heartfelt pattern and ended up with these 8" blocks.
If you are sewing along, too, you can probably tell what I changed. And now Gay has thrown a curve ball at me--an appliqued medallion for the center. I guess I will have to make a Feathered Star or a Mariner's Compass.
You may have noticed that I've added a new email subscription option in my sidebar. It seems to be working, but I have not been able to make the transfer of my Feedburner email subscription list work. It is supposed to be "easy", but it keeps telling me it failed and I can't get anything more than an automated response to my requests for help. If you are following via Feedburner, you may need to transfer yourself using that subscription option, if you still want to follow along. I do appreciate each follower and don't want you to feel like you can't follow if you prefer email notifications. If you know of a better choice, please let me know and I'll look into it.
ETA: I have had an email from the people that addressed my issues. They had me send them the email subscription list from Feedburner and they were going to transfer the email addresses. If you have been following via the Feedburner emails, would you be kind enough to let me know going forward if the transfer worked and you continue to get notifications? Thank you!
Until next time, 
Janet O.

Click photo to enlarge and enjoy a full screen of this sunset!



  1. Happy anniversary, your gift from your husband is a treasure for sure! I can't stop looking at the pictures: close ups and details of the antique quilt. Yes, those prints look to me like 1930's feedsacks. It's beautiful! You're keeping busy, as always, with those SALs, have fun. That mini quilt rack is absolutely adorable.

  2. What a beautiful present from your husband !
    Ohhh I love that quilt and yes, I think they probably are 30's fabrics (but I'm not a specialist !)
    Happy belated anniversary dear Janet to you both !

  3. What a super anniversary present!! Lovely piece.
    Your mini quilt rack is really neat!! Hugs, Julierose

  4. Happy Anniversary and what a great gift!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Stunning Lone Star and suiting that you purchased it for yourself since the maker made it for herself. :-)

  6. The star quilt is lovely and your DH is lovely for giving you the money to purchase it. I think there are a lot of DHs of quilters who are thoughtful that way - mine is! The mini quilt rack is darling. If I had someone available to make one for me, I would love one too, but I manage to display my little quilt anyway.

  7. oh janet...that is a real beauty....i would definitely say 30s from the colors....a lovely remembrance of your happy marriage...

  8. Oh yes, you are giving this quilt a new home - it sure deserves it and how nice of hubby to notice you loved it! I'm not thinking many of the fabrics are thirties, just some of them, but I sure am not education in fabrics.

    I have a quilt ladder, made by DH! --to hold LOTS of quilts.

  9. Happy anniversary. What a sweet hubby you have!!!

  10. What a lovely quilt. The piecework is really nice, the quilting pattern unique and perfect for that quilt, and the backing. . . gotta love that purple. Happy Anniversary! Glad it was still waiting for you.

  11. I would love to have the dimensions for your little quilt rack. I had meant to ask earlier and have just now been reminded. Love your blog, love your quilts! Loved your ideas using yardsticks!!! Thanks for taking the time to post. Blessings, Mary

  12. Your new quilt is such a treasure! Beautifully crafted and the colors are so bold and beautiful. The green print looks like it may be feedsack, to my eyes the blue print looks like it could be a bit newer but I'm no expert. There's a Facebook group called Quilts-vintage and antique. If you join that group you'll have access to some longtime collectors and experts who could give you opinions about the age of the quilt. And that sunset!

  13. What a beautiful quilt. And your hubby sounds like a great guy, what a wonderful gift.

  14. Congrats on that big wedding anniversary....... The quilt is just beautiful.. . Maybe 1930's....

  15. Happy Anniversary. The quilt made a lovely anniversary gift. The colors are so striking, staring purple green and orange! It's a great combo. The prints look like the 30's to me and the quilting design is as unique as the quilt. I think the maker was a person who enjoyed life. She's glad you have her work now.

  16. I need a Quilt ladder. Beautiful old quilt. Looks 30's to me. Glad hubby encouraged the purchase. Happy 43rd.

  17. What a cheerful pretty quilt and so thoughtful of your husband:). One of those prints definitely looks 30's to me and I'm not sure about the other but I think you are on the right track. The quilter was not afraid of color! The way I follow your blog and all blogs is straight from my blog - either on the sidebar, or on my google reading list.

  18. Happy Anniversary! What a delightful gift from your other half. Such a sweet reminder of a special day. I think that first printed fabric might be a feedsack. I have a small piece of it in my feedsack scraps. I know what you mean about keeping up with sew-a-longs. I have given all but a few up this year. I feel honored that you continue to make such wonderful monthly minis. I am so far behind on blog reading and posting. Such is summer I guess.

  19. Janet, happy anniversary! What a great gift from hubby to have that beautiful quilt! That was so thoughtful! And it really seems like an heirloom.
    I’ve also not been access files in May sew along s projects. Great idea though!
    Can’t wait to see your June mini!
    Take care and stay cool!

  20. Happy Anniversary! That is a beautiful quilt! :0)

  21. Just thought I'd drop in and say hey! Love the quilt rack for little quilts. What a great idea! I've been going through my quilt projects deciding which to keep and which to donate. Also organizing my scraps which are getting my creative juices flowing! Finished a lap size quilt top this afternoon which once it is quilted will go to a local charity. That is sweet of your husband to gift you that quilt - what lovely colors and it looks like it is in great condition.

  22. A Very Happy Anniversary to you and your Husband.
    What a wonderful quilt to mark the day.
    I would say the prints are more 40s than 30s but I am not expert by any means.
    I find monthly sew alongs a big challenge and have cut back. I admire you for keeping up.
    What a gorgeous sunset. I find such wonder in nature's beauty.

  23. I am trying to do exactly the same thing without any luck..grrr
    Happy Anniversary... that is a lovely quilt to celebrate!

  24. Happy Anniversary!!! What a beautiful quilt! I’ll bet the maker never dreamed that the quilt would be purchased for someone’s anniversary! How sweet!

  25. Happy anniversary! What a beautiful quilt.
    I love the quilt rack. I use several old ladders but love the idea that this one is free standing. If you get a chance I would like the dimensions. Please and thank uoi. Jane

  26. What a lovely anniversary gift! I really like the radiating quilting lines in between segments. The fabrics look like 30s to me, too. Pretty Heartfelt quilt blocks. That sunset is gorgeous!

  27. What a thoughtful gift from hubby!! I've told you how pleased I was to see notification of your blog post come via email! Yay! Now I've got to give it a whirl. Hugs and Happy anniversary!!!! :)


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