
Monday, November 30, 2020

November Monthly Mini

True to my norm, I am posting my November Monthly Mini just under the wire. I will link up with Wendy, our faithful and fearless leader. Check out the link to see the other monthly mini makers (I love alliteration). Haven't thought of a name for it yet, but it measures 20"x24".

This was made up when I came across a bag of Sandy Gervais autumn and Halloween scraps given to me by my retreat buddy a few years ago.
She met me at a local quilt shop that is about halfway between our homes, saying she had something for me. Her trunk was full of boxes and bags of scraps and yardage she was cleaning out.  It was like Christmas for me.


It is a simple double 4-patch. I have always loved those. Once upon a time I actually made one that was large enough to keep someone warm. I need to do more of that.


I was so excited that my copy of Barbara's new encyclopedia came early. Wasn't due until Dec. 1st. It arrived on the 28th of November. DH ordered it for my birthday. I am enjoying perusing it. My old edition has been a favorite, and this edition is even more fun, with colored versions of each block included.


Hope all my U.S. friends had a good Thanksgiving, however you had to adapt your celebration this year.

We had a pie social on Wednesday in my youngest daughter's backyard. There were 10 of us, and we kept our distance between households. It was supposed to be in the 40s, so we were prepared for it to be cool. But just before we gathered, the sun went behind the clouds and a breeze picked up. It was cold.

We wrapped up and did our best to enjoy pie and ice cream in spite of the chill factor. We only lasted about 50 minutes, but we had fun and created a memory.

That evening on my walk, the sunset looked like the mountains were on fire. Love it when that happens.

Our actual Thanksgiving dinner consisted of only 5 of us--smallest ever! Last year I think we had 20, and we thought that was small.

In spite of the craziness of this year, there is still so much that fills my heart with joy and thanksgiving. Among those blessings are the friendships I have made through this blog. I think about you and pray for you, and I enjoy the visits, whether via email, texts, calls, or those rare but delightful visits in real life. Thank you all for being a consistently good thing in my life.

Until next time,

Janet O.



  1. What a beautiful post, starting with your great double four patch, and your nice family backyard gathering, and such lovely sentiments at the end of your post. I feel similarly - really grateful for the blogging connections! Your mountains are absolutely gorgeous!

  2. OH I love your little much fun!! I am glad for the pie social. Since I work with covid patients, I told my quilting group that until I get a vaccine, I would not meet with them...but I miss them! That picture of your mountains is just amazing!

  3. The mini is beautiful and that picture of the mountain.... wow!!

  4. Your mini may be small but it is full of rich memories...from friend to full size quilt. Pie sharing sounds fun but looks cold. And your mountain photo is fabulous.
    This year is like none before, and we hope it passes soon. But many lessons learned from it all, the least is home is still sweet and the secret to joy is in your heart not circumstances.

  5. Oh Janet, there is nothing I like better than a simple nine patch. I adore this one. And, I am so happy to see that you were able to get some quilting in this month despite the craziness going on around us. The pie social was such a wonderful idea. My niece's baby shower was a similar situation - nice day turned cold very quickly but as you say "what memories"! I was looking at my calendar (something I have not done very often this year) yesterday and discovered that I had missed your birthday. I should remember it since it is so close to my Mom's! Happy belated birthday and I hope you get a few moments this week to enjoy that book! Thanks for another great mini. I have linked your post.

  6. Oh, and that view always gets me! Sensational!

  7. That sunset view! Wow!! Wishing you and yours all the blessings of the season~ I don't think I could have lasted 50 minutes in the cold eating pie and ice cream, I've become a wimp in my older age! ;)I'm impressed by your tenacity. That mini is perfectly lovely in its tininess and I, too, love alliteration. Hugs to you~

  8. I’m glad you had a good thanksgiving. The pie social looks like fun. All you needed was a fire in the middle lol.

  9. Very cute mini for the month! Oh, that pie eating looks chilly, but what a fun memory.

  10. Your mini is marvelous :-) I love that simple design that the colors warm up.
    We enjoyed 'pie on the porch' with my sis. Fortunately, it wasn't so cold here. What a sweet family to take the effort gather safely.

  11. Wow! The mountains are amazing! I've always loved your view.
    Too bad the weather didn't cooperate for the pie social, memorable for sure. I'm looking forward to the day we can laugh about this pandemic year!

    Love your mini!!

  12. Ohhh the mountains are beautiful and you're lucky to have this view during all the year !
    Your mini is absolutely gorgeous and the fabrics beautiful !!
    A simple pattern is always the best ever !

  13. Love your Mini. An good Double 4 patch is always fun and fast. Beautiful Sunset- Mountains on fire is appropriate. We love seeing your posts whenever you get the time. Sorry, I didn't get your Birthday card sent in a timely manner, it's in the mail... Love you Janet O!

  14. Mmmmmm.... a pie social! Now, that's my kind of celebrating! Beautiful monthly mini.... and always enjoy seeing pics of the mountains! Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. I enjoy hearing how people are able to create new memories despite the obstacles that we have had this year. A chilly pie social! Your November mini is beautiful I love the colors and sometimes we forget the beauty of the simple patterns. The sunset is spectacular. Thanks for sharing that lovely moment.

  16. Janet, your mini is great. I am going to "copy" it if you wouldn't mind.!!

    and the idea of a pie social cracks me up! It does look chilly. I'm super curious about what pies you had! What a fun idea!

    So glad that you are doing well. Having 5 for Thanksgiving. sounds like a lot of people to me, at this time. We were 3!!

    Stay well, my friend.

  17. oh forgot to mention my take on your view?? YIKES>
    It sure does look like the mountains are on fire...
    Thanks for sharing that.

  18. Wow! Lots of comments as I scroll down. I'm late to the game. This mini turned out so cute. I have some Sandy Gervais Halloween scraps too (only in a teal colorway) that I haven't known what to do with because they don't go with anything else. This would be a perfect way to use and enjoy them. Love the idea for a pie social. My daughter suggested we had a drive thru dinner, just picking up our food as we drove by. I think she was hinting that I do the cooking and passing out of food. I don't really think that sounds like any fun.

  19. I absolutely love your November mini, Janet. The colors are perfect for the season, and the opposing colors of the diagonal "stripes" are especially effective! Your work always inspires me, and now I want to go sew. I'm glad you got to have a little get-together for pie (and a hot drink?) The mountain picture is amazing. I hope you never see real fire coming over that ridge ~

  20. Lovely sentiments to accompany the sweet fall mini! Love Sandy Gervais. Glad you got some family time on Thanksgiving—ours was very small with only 10 diners and a 3 month old. It felt odd that we haven’t all been together all year. Stay well and quilt on :)

  21. Your wonderful quilt reminds me of the flaming sunset of your later photo! The double four-patch is deceptively simple but the finished quilt is always so interesting and makes you want to keep searching for hidden fabric treasures within the blocks. How nice that your family was able to get together however briefly for the dessert social. We had a small Thanksgiving dinner at one of the daughter's, there were two tables set up in two rooms and SIL's brother's family ate in the other room so there was little interaction between those of us who don't see one another regularly. Almost everyone has been working from home so it was as safe as anything is these days. I'm thankful for our blogging friendship, we are all so fortunate that this venue is available to us. So many beautiful friendships have come about as a result of seeing another quilter's blog and realizing you've just met a kindred spirit. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas season.

  22. Gorgeous sunset! You lasted longer in the cold longer than I would have. Wonderful little quilt. Stay safe!

  23. Ton mini de Novembre est magnifique. J'aime les autres aussi d'ailleurs.
    Ici aussi la période est "étrange" et mon mari et moi sommes confinés afin de respecter au maximum les règles de sécurité. Nous ne voulons prendre aucun risque.
    Ton couché de soleil est splendide.

  24. I love your little double 4-patch! It is very inspiring...hmm. Isn't it fun playing with someone else's scraps? That mountain really does look like it's on fire - great photo!

  25. I'm so glad you got to celebrate with your family! The pie social was a terrific idea. Y'all look so cute all wrapped up in the yard! ♥ Happy Birthday to you!! We've thrived through another year, dear friend! I refuse to look at it any other way! As always (and also true to your norm) your mini is fabulous; great color combination! I love how your minis are rolled up in the box! So cute! Barbara Brackman is such a fabulous quilter/author/creator. Fun addition to your library. Enjoy! One day, I hope to progress to that rare real life visit!! I want to see that amazing view you had on your walk for myself!!!! Hugs! :)

  26. what a wonderful idea to have a pie gathering. I love that. Sorry it got cold, but I'm sure it was nice to gather. We had a 6 this year which is a big number for us.
    What a charming mini this month. the colors look like a thanksgiving dinner: green beans, rolls, and pumpkin pie :)
    I could four patches all the time, they are so cute and versatile!
    What an amazing photo of mountains.
    I'm grateful for you and your blog! xo

  27. Love your view! And thanksgiving memories are fun to make, even if different.

    I got my Encyclopedia Saturday too and immediately had to turn every page—what a treasure!

  28. Amazing that you have kept up such a pace with these little charms. I suggest Pumpkin Spice!
    Best wished for 2021 when things return to 'normal'? A new normal perhaps.
    Keep blogging....

  29. Love your latest mini, with its subtle colors and freedom from stress. At least that is how I see it. I love simplicity the more as I get older. Such beauty in simplicity.

  30. Ohh, I love your mini for this month. I know it's probably orange and green but on my screen it looks like red and green (and cream) which are, imho, great colors together!
    You are strong people to brave that cold weather outside. I'm not sure I could have done it.
    Such a beautiful sunset! And yes, despite it all, there are so many reasons to be grateful!

  31. What a perfect November mini to go along with your pie social. Love the creativity of both! Thanks for capturing that amazing sunset. Sure does look like the mountains are on fire!

  32. love the photo of the mountains....sooo beautiful....lovely little quilt as always janet....we have all made different memories this year no doubt...glad you enjoyed some family regardless...and i second your closing beyond measure with so many blessings, including my blog buddies!

  33. Memories of 2020...good to make them I suppose. The pie/ice cream was a good one. I've never cooked for over 12. Can not imagine 20+. Happy Thanksgiving to you Janet.

  34. Oh stunning fire on the mountains! Yes, looks like real fire

    Your pie gathering is soooo cute1 Yes, you will remember that forever. Looks good to me! Many blessings - yes, you are correct.

  35. adapt and change everything this year.....shame it was so cold for your gathering but so pleased to see you kept your distances......

    New memories..special times.....Merry Christmas........

  36. Beautiful mountains of Cache Valley. I had almost forgotten. Your daughter's back yard has an amazing view. It is great you could get together.


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