
Thursday, July 2, 2020

JUNE monthly mini, etc.

I did have this almost finished in June, but the binding didn't happen until July. But here you have it. Linking with Wendy (theconstantquilter blog) for our monthly minis. Thanks for keeping us motivated, Wendy.
This is a very simple, straightforward little piece. Ten inches square with 4-patches finishing at 1". I had a bunch of little bits of red and blue binding pieces left by one of my machines over time, and there were many little red and blue strips in my scrap basket. I had been using these as leader/enders for a while, creating little 4-patch blocks. The muslin squares are from the backs cut out of the Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks after I appliqued them onto the muslin background. Everything came from one scrap basket or another. I usually make a patriotic mini in June for our family reunion auction, but that was canceled due to Covid19. I guess old habits die hard.

The quilting on this is all straight line done on my domestic machine. I thought about quilting something in the white, but opted to leave them empty and just quilt around the 4-patches and the borders.

We went camping for a few days last month and I took along the project-that-never-ends, otherwise known as Stars in the Garden, from a back issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects.
Who knows, it may get done in my lifetime yet. I think when I get the two center flowers finished I might start assembling what I have so far in order to keep me feeling motivated. That feeling comes and goes every year or two.

We celebrated our 42nd anniversary in June. Since we can't do many of our usual celebratory options, we visited a nearby migratory bird refuge and then got milkshakes. I wish I had taken my real camera. The photos I captured on my phone don't do justice to what we saw, but this was one of my favorites.

Back in April I dipped my toe into the mask-making pool (after having said I wasn't going to make masks), and at one point I thought I was done with it. But as our area has had a surge of new cases, I have made more than I ever thought I would. Have sewn and distributed 190 masks to date, and have orders for about 10 more at present. I don't charge for them, but when people find out I am making them I get inquiries.
This is what is currently in the works, with another pile of fabrics ready to be cut.
I think the color and pattern of fabric people choose tells me something about their personality. It is interesting.

My quilting and blogging time always decreases when there is yard work to be done. Add to that Mom's needs and mask making, and I have really been lax with the blog. May not be changing soon, but I will do my best to keep in touch.

Until next time,
Keep your hands clean and your face covered,
Janet O.


  1. What a cute mini! Well done Janet.

  2. I love your patriotic mini quilt, with its teeny tiny four patch blocks. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I purchased a couple of black masks; what does that say about my personality....or lack of? Lol

  3. First...4 patches that finish at 1'' are just too small to call leaders and enders! I almost fell over when I saw this....very cute finish.
    And the insane flower garden project...deserves a WOW for even stating it. It is a beauty.
    Congratulations on the anniversary! We it the 45 year mark during this time. Surviving this calls for more celebrating than we can stand. Lol.
    I am making a few of the masks like the design you are using. They are so much cooler. long of elastic piece are you using?

  4. Love you are making masks for your community! And happy anniversary! We celebrated our 45 in June...went for a hike. Oh, how our lives have changed.

  5. I have made a bunch of Masks for us here. We need to not bring anything back into our circle. So far, we're good. My Wyoming son, the Teacher, requested a couple and I was happy to oblige. I totally hear ya on the yardwork and Gardening taking time. Can't walk past a weed anymore. Hugs for Mom!! Love the mini!!

  6. Just an adorable mini--I am collecting ideas for minis (many minis hahaha) as I've just finished my very last BOG QUILT--my back/shoulders won't take that kind of hauling through my machine was the last one I had to make for the family--everyone has at least one and some of the grands have two....

    Anyhow.... love those Stars in the Garden hexies--they look awfully small--what size are they? I usually make 1.5" is very pretty...
    ~ ~ ~ waving from afar~ ~ ~Julierose (aka "the masked quilter")

  7. Love your sweet mini! Your Stars in the Garden reminded me that I've never finished mine. The top is all together but that's as far as I got. I really have no idea where it is either---hmmm. Looks like you found a lovely way to celebrate your anniversary!

  8. Finally got caught up on your blog this morning Mom! Sorry I have been so absent. I love that the orca bay quilt went to Maggie! All the minis look fantastic of course and I know it's a relief to be getting that t-shirt quilt finished up! Lovely work as always ����

  9. We were in the same boat with our June minis, though yours was obviously far more along! Your mini is a tiny work of art, and like Debbie I can't believe you were able to sew these tiny pieces as leaders and enders! Sending love and best wishes to you and your hubby, and also to your mom.

  10. Wow! So many masks made! You are amazing. Sorry the pandemic is making celebrations less eventful but congratulations to you both.

  11. Your June mini (close enough to June, IMHO) is fabulous. But SO SO tiny!! YIKES. My piecing is so inaccurate, I'd never be able to get my 4-patches to be even close to the right measurement! Yours are great.

    And the Hexies? Another TINY project. Very beautiful flowers, Janet. I also started a hexie quilt and it sits in a bag, unfinished. They sure are beautiful, though.

    Great job on all the masks!! Especially for someone who was NOT going to make any!! Love the variety of fabrics.

    Congrats on your anniversary. 42 years is a very long time (I should know... our 43rd is next month!) but it certainly doesn't feel that long, does it?? Love the picture of the bird over the water. Even with your phone!

    Take care of yourself, as well.

  12. That mini is SEW darling (and festive, too!) Blog when you can fit it into your schedule. We'll be here waiting to hear from you! :o))

  13. LOVE< LOVE< LOVE your June mini!! Just stunning!! And your Stars in the Garden is looking great!! Happy, happy 42 years!!

  14. Making a patriotic quilt is just the natural thing to do this time of year. All those recycled bits came together beautifully. Would you share what mask pattern you're using. I like the shape. I'll probably be making more too when school starts. Happy Anniversary. Sounds like you had a great time just being together.

  15. Your red, white and blue mini is beautiful! I love simplicity and your straight lines finish it well.
    Happy Anniversary! That sounds like a lovely way to enjoy it. Birds are often so graceful and beautiful...if not comical sometimes for their antics. We have lots of crows and a heron entertaining us from time to time.
    I'm back to making masks too as well as some surgical caps. Sad turn that more are getting ill. God help us!

  16. Hexie’s rule! know it is not a “quilt in a weekend” type project, but yours will be well worth the time putting it all together. Cute red, white and blue mini and as always perfectly pieced. Looks like of masks going on by you. I use the same pattern. Have switched to a lighter weight fiber one for summer - though it feels like any mask is on the warm side. Still best to wear one, no matter what & more stores are requiring one for entry. Happy Anniversary to you both - the years fly by don’t they. Have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July.

  17. Your little r,w&b Mini is really cute! Makes me want to start one!
    Congrats on your anniversary. Isn’t it amazing to look back over all those years!?
    I love the little clip stand you use for your minis. May I ask where you got it? I’d love to find one.
    Happy Fourth!

  18. As usual, you have come up with the perfect mini for the upcoming holiday. It is simply gorgeous! I cannot believe you have made 190 masks and are making more! I gave up at 100. I just didn't have one more mask in me. Maine is pretty quiet right now so I hope I don't have to go back to the mask wagon. Kudos to you! I am so glad you got to do something fun for your anniversary. Congratulations!

  19. I love that you made your mini out of actual scraps - that makes it all the more charming, in my book! Excellent work as usual, and the back fabric is gorgeous. Happy Anniversary, Janet, I'm glad you got out to celebrate.

  20. Your mini for June is beautiful and I love your Stars in the garden !
    I think they are tiny ... but you love when your blocks are tiny !! :)))
    I wish you a wonderful 4th of July !!

  21. Happy Anniversary! How nice to get away a little bit. I'm so sick of being at home but that's life for now. Love your mini! 1" finished four patch, oh my.

    You've made dozens more masks than I, but I stopped counting after a while. Hubby and I need a couple more and I'll likely make more sets for my mom and dad, with ear loops.

    Lovely photo of the lake and bird!

  22. Happy Anniversary, glad you got to get out in the fresh air. I have yet to make a mask, but will have to as i am sure not going to buy one. Our governor says we have to so... but i cannot breathe while wearing a mask!!!

  23. I just knew you would have a red, white and blue mini to share with us. I like that stripe you used.

  24. Oh My gosh! You've made so many masks. Lucky friends and neighbors to have one of these beautifully made ones. I have made some, but nearly that many. good for you friend.
    I love your June mini. Four patches are such sweet little blocks. The corner blocks are so clever. I can honestly say I've never seen that before.
    Happy Belated Anniversary. Sounds like a nice celebration to me.

  25. Your mini is lovely -- I love red, white and blue! Glad you got to enjoy the great outdoors! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Forty-two years is a testimony! We've really taken refuge at the camp and on our boat through all this mess. Your never-ending project is looking good! What pattern are you using for your masks? I like the shape! You're doing better than me, staying current on the blog. Good show! How's your mom doing? Continuing to lift her in prayer! ♥

  26. That's a perfect little (tiny!) quilt for our summer patriotic holidays. I can hardly wrap my head around 1" 4-patch blocks!
    It's sad that we can't do our usual things, especially for celebrations, but it sounds like your anniversary was fun anyway. Happy Anniversary! I love the photo from the refuge. The colors are beautiful (says one who doesn't like blue).
    Good for you to make so many masks.

  27. Congratulations on wedding anniversary, I'm pleased you were able to celebrate it in some way. I love your mini and like how it was made all from scraps - how else would you do it, I guess?!! Well done on the mask making efforts - not good to hear there has been a surge in cases. We're all hoping for the best here as any new cases are those quarantined at the border.....sadly though the odd idiots escapes from quarantine to go shopping, etc - and one tested positive the other day. Grrr.

  28. Happy Anniversary! Looks like a beautiful peaceful setting. Your patriotic mini is perfect and so crisp looking. And ohhhhh the hexies. What a beautiful (long term) project. I've just started making some little hexie flowers.... contemplating how to use them. Soooo many masks. Wow, you are so good to make so many. I've lost count of how many I've made but I'm *sure* it's not 100+!

  29. Your little mini is perfect and darling, as usual. I love that all the bits for it came from your scraps. For the record, that hexie quilt takes much more stick-to-it-iveness than my temperature quilt! It's fabulous. Happy belated anniversary. I'm glad you enjoyed a day out even if it was different than the usual celebration.

  30. Your little quilts always cheer me up and make wonder why I’m not sewing right now. Happy 42nd!

  31. Your little quilts always cheer me up and make me wonder why I’m not sewing right now.

  32. Oh I just love your patriotic mini with those 1" 4-patches! Your hexie star quilt will be lovely. Great idea to finish the center to stay motivated. Happy belated anniversary! Glad to hear you went camping in the great outdoors! And that is one beautiful photo! I only made a handful of masks which is nothing compared to all you've made. Great job!


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