
Saturday, May 23, 2020

May Monthly Mini and Moonrise for Maggie

Don't anyone fall over in shock that I am posting my monthly mini a whole week before the month ends. It is highly out of character for me, I know. I will link with Wendy at The Constant Quilter blog for our monthly mini at the end of the month
This is from the Pam Buda pattern Cinnamon Sticks from her Tokens of the Past "Spice Box" collection. I actually bought this in kit form--rare for me. The cool pincushion with it is from a swap I had with Julie last August. You can see in the pattern below that this mini has a border, but when I got mine to that point it just felt finished.
The batting was very flat cotton, so it was hard to get a good photo of the quilting design I used, but I did the best I could to adjust the lighting. Maybe you can tell what I quilted.
The official name of this pattern may be Cinnamon Sticks, but I have named mine Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears. That is how I prefer my cinnamon. :)

I do love red/brown quilts, and have made a few small ones. Okay, so the little one in the clip has a bit of pink in it, too, but overall it is red/brown.

Maggie's quilt got bound, washed, labeled and shipped. I am happy to report that the bleeding from the thread and the panda bears on the backing (bleeding panda bears--that doesn't sound good) was all taken care of when I washed it in blue Dawn and threw in three Color Catchers. The Color Catchers came out more grey than orange, but you could tell there was an underlying orange tinge to them.

Thank you to Debbie for the name  suggestion "Moonrise for Maggie." I loved that, and it went on the label, along with the acknowledgement that the quilt was made from Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay pattern.

Since I finish so few large quilts, I had to get a few glamor shots and celebrate the moment.
This was in the yard with some of the lilacs that are currently scenting the air. DH was a good quilt holder, even though the breeze was working against him.

Here is another shot with the lilacs.

And finally inside on my living room quilt rack. It is obviously brighter than what is usually in my home. The other quilts on the rack were made by my Mom.
Thanks for indulging me and my photo shoot. :)

You know, sometimes it is just really hard to give something away. Not because I don't want to give it, but because there is no one to take it. The first numbered comment I drew in my blogiversary giveaway was someone who asked not to be included. The next three were people who were "no reply" comments, and they had not included their email. I want to thank all those of you who DID include your email. Too bad you weren't one of the ones chosen by the random number generator. But FINALLY Barbara Black came up as the winner and she has been notified, and her prize will be in the mail soon.

Thanks for all your lovely comments. They brighten my day. It is fun to hear from so many of you.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. kudos to you for finishing 'orca bay'...i gave my flimsy away as it was just too big and too difficult to hand always janet, your mini quilts are impeccably executed and beautiful!

  2. BOTH large and small quilt finishes are lovely. It still boggles my mind that a Twin sized quilt could be made of so few shirts! I hear you on the giveaway, too. Mr. Random had to work 3 times to get a winner in my last prize drawing!

  3. Lovely new mini :-) Purchasing a kit for Pam's patterns is kind of a nice idea. Her fabrics are so perfect for the small pieces. I drool looking at her site ;-) And I don't think I'd ever tire of looking at your Orca Bay. That's on my list for someday...especially if I find some striped fabric to use!

  4. I haven’t been able to comment in almost a year. Had found your blog when Pam or Wendy shared the “Rogue” blocks you shared with your nine patch exchange group. Went immediately back to your first post and read through each one in order. (Did the same thing when I found Pam’s blog too. Just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed it and appreciate you sharing your quilting, soap making, and life with us!

  5. A lovely post and love the mini completion. Congratulations on orca bay!

  6. I love the red and brown quilts and them being called cinnamon! Maggie’s quilt is absolutely gorgeous!! Love the bright happy colors. Your photo shoots are wonderful.

  7. what a sweet little quilt. I have a soft spot for red and brown quilts too. What a lovely collection of them you have. Your quilting is lovely. I used that pattern on the last border of my sparrow quilt. I love the oval shape with the curved diamond. reminds me of cathedral windows.
    Maggie's quilt is wonderful and so is the name. Great outdoor photo shoot.
    I love lilacs and wish I could smell yours. when they are heated in the sun they have such a pretty scent.
    congrats to Barb lucky her.

  8. Wow, love the finish and the outside photo with the lilac...just perfect! So glad to be able to help with the name and dawn fix too :)
    Love your new mini too and the photo of the collection is wonderful. I can almost smell the cinnamon too!
    At least you are still making headway and showing some sewing room is just idle lately.

  9. Your May mini is adorable and what a nice collection of red/brown quilts you have to go with it! Glad to hear the bleeding thread problem was rectified. My lilacs are just budding out so it won't be long until we have some heavenly fragrance wafting into the windows!

  10. I always enjoy your 'photo shoots' because your subjects are always so beautiful, from the quilts, the backgrounds, your beautiful quilting; all of every picture is such a delight to see! I see perfection in everything you show us. By the way, I love that gorgeous quilt rack too! ---"Love"

  11. Your red and brown quilt collection is wonderful and the newest addition is fabulous. I want to get my fabrics out right now and make one!!! Moonrise for Maggie is the perfect name and I'm happy to hear the "bleeding Panda" is no more. Lilacs are one of my favorites too. Not sure we'll get many flowers this year. We had a not so well timed frost that zapped all the buds on all the flowering trees, lilacs, etc. Finally some of the trees are leafing out. Always love your creations.

  12. Great job on the mini. I appreciate you showing the blocks before it was assembled so I can replicate it.
    CUTE little kit...
    Love the Orca Bay quilt. And the settings for the photo shoot are fabulous.
    Lilacs are one of my favorite flowers. LOVE how they smell.
    I think you and I are due to schedule another swap, now that you mentioned swaps!!
    No pressure--no rush. I have enjoyed them.
    Thanks again for your help on the picture!
    Let's talk again soon! It was fun!

  13. Moonrise for Maggie is a gorgeous finish, she will love the quilt as well as the name! It's always fun to try photographing our quilts outside with the help of the wind, seems like some of the best photos are the ones we least expected would turn out so well. I love your little monthly mini and your brown/red series. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful Memorial Day weekend with family.

  14. Wow! Two finishes in the same post! That must feel so good. Love the (glamour) lilac photos. And the dandelion field in you headers. The little girl in me just giggles when I see that many dandelion puffs waiting for a breeze.

  15. Two beautiful finishes!! I love them both. You have a delicious collection of chocolate quilts - well done on the recent finish. And great to hear the bleeding sorted itself out for Maggie's quilt. Lovely photos in amongst the Lilacs, and a great name for her quilt too.

  16. I love your little spicebox mini - all of them, in fact. I agree, the browns are more chocolate than cinnamon. I've never done a kit - I have a real problem following written instructions - but I can definitely see the appeal. You get the perfect selection of fabrics, and just the right amount. Your quilting is beautiful! I never would have thought to quilt that petal pattern across a row of pieced blocks like that. Ingenious! The colors are amazing in Maggies Quilt. Good job getting the bleed out! Nice work, all the way around!

  17. Love your red and brown quilts too. That combo of colors is good in my book. Great stuff. Yes, and congrats on finishing Orca Bay. I'm working on my first Bonnie Hunter quilt, Unity, and my oh my, all the little piecing of small pieces!

  18. I also love red and brown together, as well as pink and brown. Your mini is adorable! So glad your bleeding quilt problem was resolved. How much Dawn did you use?

  19. The sweetest little gathering of red and brown quilts - they look like such happy companions! Your lilacs are blooming all ready!!?? Our are not even in bud stage yet...really late this year.

  20. I had to stop and think about the date as I know you post your mini at the end of the month. Wow, you are early.

  21. Congratulations on your big quilt finish, such a nice shot in the garden. I adore your Pam Burda mini, such a nice design and the quilting really enhances the pattern. I find it so hard to be creative with quilting patterns. I like brown and red or pink together as well.

  22. I just love that photo of all your red brown mini quilts together Janet - that looks so stunning. Such a gorgeous colour combination & yet not one I would normally think would go together. You have such a good eye for colour combination. Congrats to the winner - luckily you finally drew one. Have a great week Janet. xx

  23. Maggie's quilt is just so great - flows, and has such energy. Beautiful setting with your lilacs. I can almost feel a warm breeze and smell that heavenly lilac smell. Your mini is terrific too. Your quilting on it is beautiful.

  24. Moonrise for Maggie is PERFECT! I can picture the moon rising as the sun sets....all the soft pinks and oranges....ahhhhh! :-) Lovely quilting, as always! So glad the thread issue is resolved as well!

  25. The large quilt for Maggie is beautiful !! I usually don't love so much purple but in that quilt, this is the perfect color !! Bravo !!
    Your little quilts are beautiful too ! Red/brown is a good combinaison !

  26. Love your smaller quilts and the quilting you did, it's wonderful getting your Orca done too. Kudos!

  27. Love your little mini!!
    Congrats on the large quilt. It looks gorgeous in your garden!!

  28. What a sensational mini! I too love red and brown and this one is a stunner! I agree that although I like the border, this one just looks "finished". So sweet. You have quite a collection of red and brown minis. Yum! Maggie's quilts is simply gorgeous. I'm glad you went with that name! I'll be linking the minis in Sunday's post.

  29. What a great little quilt, Janet. Red and brown are beautiful together.
    So glad the bleeding disappeared on Maggie's quilt. Good save!
    I was wondering if you would rename her quilt -- I had a few ideas -- but Moonrise for Maggie is perfect! It is a beauty of a quilt.

  30. Beautiful red and brown combination. Reminds me of the colors that are often found in Batik cloth in my country.
    Continue to work, Janet.

    Greetings from Indonesia :)

  31. I love your monthly mini! The grouping of red/brown is lovely. I have a couple red/brown quilts, and haven't really thought about those 2 colors together much. But, you are right! It is a great combination! I would like to have a great place in my yard to showcase quilts, but I don't. There is one possibility that I might try - it's actually my neighbors tree, but is right on the property line. ( I was just actually going to try putting my son's QOV in that tree and looked outside to see if it might work - but it just started raining, so that will have to wait - I think it might work). BTW, I love lilacs!

  32. I adore your mini quilt... love that photo of the pieces clipped together in the bin and the blocks and the book... makes me feel so happy!
    And the glamour shots by the lilacs are amazing! The photos really show how beautiful that quilt is!

  33. Wonderful post, Janet! Your May mini is perfect and I love seeing it with the other red/brown quilts you've made. Congrats on finishing your big quilt--it looks great in your photo shoot with the lilacs.

  34. love your minis.......great colours........and well done on finishing early......

  35. And yet another post I missed!! Life is just too, too busy!! Love your May Mini and so glad that the Dawn and Color Catchers cleaned up the bleeding Pandas!! :-) Oh, I can smell the lilacs from here!!


I love to have your comments and feedback.