
Friday, May 1, 2020

April Monthly Mini

Didn't think I would get one made for April, but here it is, and it all happened on the last day of the month! I'm linking here with Wendy (The Constant Quilter blog) for our monthly minis.
Whoever coined the term "soft quilts for hard times" gets credit for this one (ETA--I believe I read it on Barb's blog, as she mentioned in her comment). I was making a mask (what else?) out of batik scraps from previous masks. I was laying out some 1 1/2" squares and realized I was pulling out all of the soft colors from the leftovers. I was preparing to make rows in the shape I needed in order to cut out the mask shape.

I had so many squares in these soft colors, and that is when it hit me to make a "soft quilt for hard times."
I set the mask making aside and started laying out the squares for a little quilt, using leftovers from the filter pockets in the masks to create the alternate squares. I quickly sewed the rows together, layered it with batting and backing, and drew some feather spines across the surface. You can barely see the lines in the photo above.

Then Gidget and I went to work, and this was the results. It makes me think of the Emily Dickinson poem, "Hope is the thing with feathers." So this little quilt in soft colors, made from remnants of mask making for Covid-19, and quilted with flowing feathers, will symbolize hope to me--hope for times when we can gather with family and friends without fear of infecting someone with a deadly virus. 
I will get the mask that inspired this little quilt made soon--all the parts are ready.

I had already made over 100 cotton masks when my brother challenged me to make a mask for a quilter. This soft colored one-patch is one of three that I am making to meet his challenge.
The one not pictured is strip-pieced in sunset colors. 

 And the first one was made from little thimbles (or tumblers). Can you tell I am smiling? I always find it funny when I am wearing my mask in a store and I smile at someone, then realize they have no idea I am smiling at them. Such is the world in which we now find ourselves.

Finally finished the runner for my brother's dining room table.
I used a stencil to mark the quilting on the blocks, but it wasn't enough. With the densely quilted feathers in the setting triangles, the blocks were poofing up (technical term). I had to go back to the blocks and add a couple more rows of quilting.

After more than two weeks since my last post you would think I could come up with more than this--but I can't, so there you have it. Going to work next on quilting a bed size quilt. Won't that be shocking!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You are unbelievable! What a sensational spring mini! I will link it in immediately. So sweet. And those masks are amazing. Mine were 2 minute jobs. You inspire all of us! Stay safe and healthy my friend!

  2. You always surprise me. More great finishes and that feather design is beautiful.

  3. Soft quilting for a soft quilt! I adore the overall feather quilting on those beautiful pastel batiks, its absolutely perfect. I'm still making a few masks now and then as people request them for their families. Our county may be able to go to a phased reopening in a week or two. Can't come too soon for us, there have been no new cases in quite awhile and now under 5 cases in the entire county that are considered still active.

  4. a sweet and serene little quilt and about designer masks! very nice all around...

  5. What a soft pretty mini. Just what we need during this fragile spring.
    I've named my string quilt A Soft Quilt for a Hard Time, but I feel like I read it in a quilt book. Probably from one of the migrations, I'll have to check that.
    Your quilting is always just stunning. You are so talented.
    Your mask is fabulous and looks like it fits perfectly. I smile at people too then realize they don't know it.
    Your runner came out beautifully.
    Happy Friday

  6. p.s.
    I forgot to mention - beautiful Orchid!

  7. Your feathers inspire me so! Eager to do more practice on them. Love your pieced masks.

  8. Your mini is so sweet. I love the feather quilting. I've been spending time making face masks too. Hugs

  9. Love those soft colors for a mask or mini! The story for your inspiration always makes it best. ...and those feathers are perfect. We need that hope right now, don't we? The table runner turned out just beautiful.

  10. Your little quilt looks very peaceful and calming.
    Love the table runner finish!!
    I saw your mask on facebook- what a whiz you are!!

  11. Your are a mask making rock star! Love your little mini--such beautiful spring colors and the name of it says it all!

  12. Your soft little quilt is just perfect, Janet. And ... I love your masks!
    I wonder if some day our masks will make it into a quilt museum.

  13. The soft colors really make a beautiful setting and make for a great improvement on these masks we are wearing. Such odd times. I also took a picture of myself smiling as big as possible. Could not see the least bit of it behind my mask.
    Your table runner turned out lovely and I'm sure your brother will be pleased.

  14. I love this little quilt and all the sentiment involved. You are very poetic. Thanks for sharing this little quilt with all of us.

  15. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy your monthly-minis? (Ummm maybe a dozen times:-) It is just perfect for spring - such happy colors.

  16. It is indeed a lovely soft quilt in these hard times. Your masks are fantastic and fun to see when things are so grim. Best wishes with your ongoing social isolation, at least we have sewing to keep us amused!

  17. I just adore that pastel coloured quilt Janet & also have always loved that Emily Dickinson poem. I should think everyone will be wanting your patchwork masks when they see what you have produced. No one will want a plain old boring one colour one!!

  18. You are the girl with the mini quilt masks. Awesome. Your soft quilt is perfect for these hard times. All those feathers are the right finishing touch. Your brother's table runner is lovely. I have caught myself smiling at people at the grocery store too, but who knows. Maybe my eyes crinkle up enough to let people know I'm smiling.😆

  19. A soft quilt for hard times is a perfect concept, and a tiny quilt is being soft and gentle in terms of not demanding too much from us as makers! What a nice table runner too, and your masks, wow!! I've pieced a few from three different fabrics, and thought that was pretty fancy, ha ha.

  20. How wonderful that face mask scraps can become something beautiful... love the quilt name too!
    I haven't tried this mask design yet... just making the simple ones so far, but if we have to wear these for months to come, I'm sure I'll try this style at some point!

  21. A beautiful and soft mini for this month !!
    We need some softness all around the world...
    I love your mask too !! Sooo original !
    Stay safe Janet !

  22. What a sweet April mini! Its simplicity and soft colors are perfect during this stressful time. You've made more than 100 cotton masks?? Wow! Love your artistic quilter's mask :) The table runner for your brother is wonderful!

  23. Love your little pastel mini, and your thimbles mask. You are sew creative.

  24. Your april mini is so sweet... great job!
    And I have to agree with you about smiling at someone with your mask on... I do that and then realize, OOPS, they can't tell I'm smiling.
    I do love your thimble mask. VERY creative.
    Stay well...
    ps: your quilting is always fabulous. I envy that talent. Love your brother's table runner too

  25. I could see that smile in your eyes behind the mask! And wow! That's really prettily pieced. Fancy, schmancy! Your pastel mini is so soft and pretty -- nice finish!! Love your pretty orchid. Hope y'all are doing well!! :)

  26. What a sweet quilt, Janet. It looks just like spring!
    You're amazing to make quilted masks. I can barely get through the plain ones. Do you think face masks will even become fashion statements? I hope not!

  27. It's nice to see what you have been up to, Janet. The soft quilt is lovely and a nice reminder of these unsettling times....hehe great challenge set to you by your brother! The runner you made him is a nice finish too. I agree that poofing up is a technical term!

  28. Lovely orchid and its companion mini quilt - a whisper of springtime...much needed as we woke up to a snow-covered ground this morning. And those masks certainly have your masterful piecing touch!!

  29. Oh, wow, great finishes!! I love, love, love your April Mini!! Your feathers always amaze me!! I wish Gidget could teach Fredricka how to do feathers!! Maybe some day? :-) Your quilter's masks are fabulous!! Leave it to you and your Bro to think up that one!! And yes, actually, I can see your smile in your eyes!! Lastly but no less wonderful, your brother's table runner turned out really, really nice!! Love and miss you!!


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