
Monday, January 20, 2020

Circa 1880 top assembled (mostly)

Technically there are still borders to add, but it feels monumental to finally have the rows assembled. Here it is laying on our guest room bed.
I made the first blocks for this quilt at my usual January retreat in 2018--two years ago! At an invitation from Pam Buda to strip piece our blocks and then swap our duplicates to get more variety more quickly,  how could I say no? Though I admit that I wondered at the time if I would ever actually get one made. Lo and behold, I even made this larger than the pattern called for. I never dreamed I would have that much patience!

In the pattern every block is an uneven 9-patch, but after I heard that Lynn Hopkins (who works at the shop where I was participating in the Circa 1880 club) was going to put some little baskets in his quilt, I couldn't let that idea go. After a bit of pondering I thought, "Why just baskets?" Hence the "rogue blocks" were born. I added 7 actual "rogue blocks," and then I included 8 of what I like to call "surprise centers"--a 1" block in the center of the uneven 9-patch.

Here they are on display--and if you are looking for perfectly matched corners and no cut off points, go somewhere else. I wasn't that concerned about those things. Feels more "Circa 1880" to me if things aren't quite so precise.

First up: Rogue blocks


Blogger won't let me position photos like I normally do, so these look pretty random.
Next up: Surprise Centers
This has been the mainstay on my design wall for 2 years, and I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to swap with Pam and a few friends. Now I need to decide what will live here for the next two years. :)

I didn't think I would get to go to my winter retreat this year,  but within the last few days the persistence of family and friends has come together and the way opened up--how could I say no? I know Mom is in good hands, and it is only 30 minutes from home, if there should be a need. I am on my way today and SO looking forward to it.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh, Janet! This is just incredible! I absolutely love the rogue blocks! It’s like an Easter egg hunt. Way to go!

    1. Thanks, Katy. Kind of hard for me to believe I did this! :)

  2. this is absolutely beautiful...and so large! what a huge labor of'll be a real heirloom for generations to come...

    1. I thought I was crazy to think I could even make this, but to make it larger than the pattern was a little insane. But what a feeling of accomplishment to realize I did it, or will have done it once borders are one (oh, and the little matter of quilting it).
      Thanks, Grace.

  3. Absolutely stunning!! Wish I had your patience to complete a quilt like this.

    1. I don't consider myself a patient person, so I am quite stunned, myself!
      Thanks, Cheryl.

  4. Janet, that is absolutely breathtaking! What a treasure!! The addition of your sweet rogue blocks is perfection. Some things are worth waiting for and this quilt is definitely in that category. I want to say that I am speechless, but I cannot contain my delight! ;) I am so happy to hear that you are attending your retreat - it will be good for your soul!

    1. Thank you--This quilt top has been a long road for me, but I am so glad I took the journey! And the rogue blocks were a fun little addition. :)
      Retreat was truly a blessing, and now I am home and refreshed.

  5. Janet, I LOVE everything about this!! Rogue blocks and Surprise centers—oh, so good! You’ve got me thinking now!

  6. Your work is simply amazing, as is that quilt! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Go and enjoy your retreat. You know your Mom will be fine about it. As for your 1880 quilt.....spectacular. So many stories to tell and having the seek and find aspect to it if so fun! I love it. Those rogue blocks are just hidden in plain sight.

  8. I’m so happy you are going to your retreat!! I hope it’s a wonderful time. Your quilt is absolutely stunning! I enjoyed all the surprise centers...congratulations on a beautiful quilt top!!

  9. Debbie nailed it with the name for your masterpiece - Hidden in Plain Sight! All I can say is "Wow". Can hardly wait to see all the added dimension quilting will add to this. Relax and enjoy your well deserved break!

    1. That is a really fun name idea.
      I plan to quilt it with the Baptist Fan design. We'll see how that goes when (or if) I get the borders attached. :)
      Retreat was just what I needed!
      Don't know why your comments don't come to my email anymore. As you can see, though, you are not alone.

  10. I just adore this!! Janet, you're going to have to include the words "surprise" and "rogue" in the official name of this quilt!!! The overall effect is pretty amazing! I'm SO glad you get to go on your retreat this year, and can do so with peace of mind that your mom is good hands! I hope you have a marvelous time!! Hugs! :)

  11. Love this and thanks so much for sharing it with us. And I like the extra pop of your rogue blocks in it. I am also working on a PB quilt right now...Plantation Stars and I can't wait to see how it looks when it's all done. Have a great week!

  12. Beautiful! I love the addition of the random patterned blocks! :0)

  13. Your version is absolutely stunning! I can honestly say that your "Rogue" blocks made my quilt extra special. I look forward to seeing what you choose for a border. Have a fabulous time at retreat. I am so happy that you were able to make it!

  14. Wow! What a wonderful quilty adventure! This is just beautiful and your rogue blocks add so much to it. And I'm so glad your family is supporting you and getting you off to your retreat. I hope you have a wonderful time and gets lots of soul rest as well as lots of quilting done. Enjoy!

  15. Your rogue blocks add so much charm to the quilt--what an accomplishment! Have a great time at your retreat--you deserve it!

  16. Janet, this is gorgeous!! And I love all the little rogue blocks 🥰.

  17. Monumental!!! It looks so wonderful all together. Hope you have a great time at your retreat. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.

  18. Whooza! Beautiful and the rogue blocks make it far more interesting. Happy to hear you are going on a retreat--you need a break.

  19. OMG this is spectacular! I adore it! What an amazing quilt with the random fun surprises!
    Have a wonderful and renewing time at retreat!

  20. Love it! Yes Rogue needs to be in the name somehow. Tiny fun centers to find. Glad it's officially off the wall. Have fun at your retreat. You know I'm jealous.

  21. Wow what a great top and it's very cool that you added "roque" and "surprise center" blocks. Glad you are able to get away to your retreat!

  22. I'm LOVING it! You must be proud to have gotten it this far.

  23. This is SO amazing and I love how you have made it your own. What a testament to perseverance and patience's?

  24. Oh, wow, it is magnificent, Janet! It's so engaging. I want to look at each block, see if I can find duplicate fabrics, notice the colors up close.... Looking at your rogue blocks and the ones with surprise centers the thought came to mind: "Only you!" Only you would think to make such detailed blocks with such tiny pieces of fabric. It's a wonderful quilt. Well done!

  25. Has it been 2 years? Wow! Time does fly by!!!! So happy for you that you are getting to winter retreat! You will feel so much better after some playtime...enjoy!

  26. Dear Janet,

    It is absolutely stunning. Love the surprise Centers and the churndash block. When one look at the whole top, one do not even see the rogue blocks. Then we start to look for them, it is an adult eye-spy quilt.

  27. Your Circa 1880 quilt is sooooooo AWESOME! I found the project a bit too daunting but if I ever get around to making one I want to add my own "rogue" blocks. You are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing. I envy your January retreat!

  28. WOW, Janet!! A phenomenal quilt top, even unfinished!! Such patience. Perfect corners are far over rated!! 😃

  29. Wow!! Your additions of the rogue blocks & centers make the whole quilt sparkle! Enjoy your retreat!

  30. Such a super quilt!@ I'm super happy to hear you can get away for some retreat time!!

  31. Absolutely stunning! You have made a true treasure x

  32. Love this so much!! It’s an amazing quilt!

  33. Ohhh my... congratulations on this beautiful finish Janet !!
    It's a masterpiece for sure...
    Glad your mom is OK, close to your home !! What a relief for you ! :))

  34. Everytime I see this quilt I am in awe of it and the amount of precise sewing it took to make it. It is amazing!
    I love the little pieced surprises and thanks for the close up photos.
    I must say, the putty colored setting fabric is just perfect.
    I was so so happy to read that you were able to attend your retreat! I hope you were immersed in lots of sewing and quilting friend time. You deserve it!

  35. Janet - wow! It has come together so beautifully! I love it - such persistence to get it to this size. I really love the rogues blocks you've added in - I didn't realise you were doing the 1" centres too - now that's a challenge and a half and such a perfect touch fr a quilt made by you! (That is a pieced pineapple block, right? It must have 1/8th widths?!). I'm pleased your family has pushed you to go to retreat - it will recharge your batteries - Have a great time!

  36. That is one absolutely amazing quilt! Yay for getting the top done! Love all the little rogue blocks and what fun it will be in the future to find them again :) Enjoy the retreat--so glad you could go!

  37. Oh, Janet, this quilt is amazing!! A big huge congratulations!! Hope you are having fun at your retreat!! You might even be back home by now!! Love ya!!

  38. Love how you made Circa your own. I am working on mine and it may take me another year to finish it. Have you made the Ohmygosh quilt? That would make a great long term project. :)

  39. Wow! A big quilt for you, Janet. You usually work on small pieces.

  40. i thought i'd left a comment but don't see it. Have you considered that this quilt may not need a border? it's large enough for the bed and many old quilts do not have borders. If you bind it in a solid color it might just be enough to flatter the busy scraps and you'd be done!
    Beautiful in any case.

  41. I loved this quilt from the moment I first saw it. You've done an amazing job! It's gorgeous and what a treasure to have so many blocks from others who joined in the journey. Borders or not, whatever you decide, it's a wonderful quilt!

  42. I love those little blocks and the surprise ones too of the Circa 1880 quilt!So glad for you that your family stepped in to give you time to go to your retreat!

  43. Wish you mom the best from me. She is one tough gal to have suffered all those fractures in one year. Love reading your blogspot I love Kim Diehl's appliques - so gorgeous.

  44. As always, Janet, everything you do is beautiful and precise. I enjoyed going on retreat with you and especially like your version of Easy Street!

  45. Circa 1880 is such a great quilt, but adding the surprises is the best part of it. LOVE IT!!


I love to have your comments and feedback.