
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Monthly Mini--pretending it is still June

Late--again. Sorry, Wendy.
Here is my completed June mini.
I pieced most of this at my January retreat this year. Wish I could find the pattern that inspired this so that I could give the designer credit. On a recent sewing room clean up I found it and set it aside--now I can't find it again.
As usual, I did the stitch in the ditch on my Pfaff.  On the right you can see the border design I stitched on my HQ Sweet 16.

The HSTs in this little quilt were from scrap bags gifted to me by friends. The sashing and binding are from a small piece I have left of one of my favorite black prints.

I have completed 4 of the hexie flower blocks and have 4 more flowers pinned down and ready. Much of this stitching has been happening as I visit with Mom.

I made another row for my Circa 1880 quilt. Only two more rows to piece, and then I can start sewing them together. Can't believe I am closing in on this one.
I love these little uneven 9-patch blocks. When I was digging through some scraps last month I found a small piece that begged to be fussy-cut. It was enough for four blocks, and I couldn't resist putting them into pincushions.
Still heavily involved in Mom's care, and not getting as much quilting/blogging time as in the past. I'll try to keep up the best that I can.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I prayed about your mom the other day; she is so lucky to have you. Gorgeous little quilt!!! And super fun pincushions!

  2. Enjoy the time with your Mom. I know how exhausting care-giving can be relish what you can and stitch whenever. The mini is great and love those pin cushions.

  3. It is hard for me to keep track of the date, so it could be June for all I know.
    Your Circa quilt has grown by leaps and bounds. I can imagine the variety of fabrics used in the making. Would be fun to look at all of them.

  4. I was care-giver for my dad and I know how hard it is. But it was also very rewarding.
    I love your mini quilt. Hugs

  5. Love your little quilt and bowl fillers.
    3 years ago today my mum passed away. Don't apologize for not blogging. You are doing what is important right now. I"m sure a bit of quilting helps your mental state though! XOXO

  6. quilting can wait my friend....soak up every moment with your precious mom that you can....

  7. Tu mini edredón es precioso.
    Cuidar a tu madre en lo mas bonito y tierno que puedes hacer

  8. Wow--your Circa quilt is very impressive--so many tiny blocks! It's going to an amazing quilt. Love your little mini too. Hugs to you and your Mom!

  9. Keep doing what you can to help your mom; there will be time for quilting a bit along the way. I love how you quilted that first one shown, and those little pin cushions are adorable. As always, your quilting (and piecing) amazes me. ---"Love"

  10. Your little quilt is wonderful and I LOVE the strong contrast on this one. I love red and black together.
    Your Circa quilt is jaw dropping! I so wish I could see this in person. It is unbelievable.
    Your mom is lucky to have you to help and I know you are sneaking in sewing when you can.
    The pincushions in the bowl are delicious and the fussy cutting is charming. what a nice post Janet
    oh, and the GF blocks look nice. You just can't go wrong with at that lovely traditional pattern.

  11. You are never too late! And, this one is well worth the wait! I love it. What an interesting sashing with every other corner blocks. I never thought of that and I love it! I keep thinking I am going to start piecing my c1880's together, but something always comes up. I absolutely adore how you have added your rogue blocks. I was contemplating adding a little applique to my border, but maybe I should just try to get some piecing done first!

  12. I just adore your wee bowl filled with the pincushions Janet - I think I would be tempted to leave it just like that - on display. All your creations are gorgeous as always - had been thinking of your Mum & wondering how it was all going. Take care Janet xx

  13. Your June mini is so sweet!
    This difficult time caring for your mom will, in time, be a precious memory. You are a blessing to her.

  14. Those pincushions are the cutest things EVER.

  15. This little quilt is just as cute as it can be, and so are those darling pincushions! Prayers for your mom and for you.

  16. I'm sorry to hear your mom isn't doing well. Enjoy your time together. Yay! for finishing your mini. It's super cute and tiny as only you can do.

  17. Your mom is so blessed to have you as a caregiver. Hope you make even more happy memories while you are caring for her.

  18. What a great little mini. Isn't that the way of things: clean up and put away and then I can't find it. I do that too often.

    Your hexie flowers are beautiful. Love the colors. Isn't it great to be able to do handwork while you're visiting with your mom? She probably enjoys seeing what you're doing, too. It's so good that you live close enough to help with her care. I hope you have siblings who live nearby, too, who can help.

    Your Circa 1880 is awesome: I am in awe of it and all the tiny pieces, the care and attention, the time.... Gorgeous.

    I love your little pincushions and the brown fabrics you chose for them. Do you fill your pincushions with walnut shells or something else?

  19. Oh, so much pretty! I saw someone on Instagram doing their flower garden blocks like you are doing now and I thought of you. :-)) Your circa quilt is amazing, your June mini is gorgeous; I love the colors. And I like the little fussy cut pinnies. You have such a great eye! I hope you mom is coming along; I'm sure it's been tough for her.

  20. You are doing a Great service for your Mother. Thanks for taking time to send me patterns. Love seeing your Minis. Hugs for you and Mom!!

  21. I continue to pray for you (and your mom) and think of you often (much more often than I think of my blog -- LOL!). I adore your June mini ... and your flowers are looking so good! I read the prior post -- you made a great decision to applique them and not worry about the size difference!! Hugs and happy summer!! :)

  22. Such a sweet June mini and your flowers are looking good! Love those little pin cushions, too! Most of all, enjoy the visits with your mom :)

  23. Ahhh...those are the sweetest pincushions ever! Love the fussy cuts as well as the overall shape! I can't believe you are so far along on your Circa many tiny pieces! Looking great!

  24. I wondered how your Mum was doing; it sounds like she's being lovingly looked after. Your mini is a delight, as are the sweet pincushions. And your Circa 1880 blocks look amazing all together! Great progress on the hexagons - it sounds like having a hand project is working out ideally.

  25. Love the black sashing. It makes things pop. It was recently brought to my attention that I don't use blacks much and I have hardly any black repro fabric. I wonder why? The Circa quilt is dazzling. Oh, so much work!

  26. I love your June mini, Janet! What a perfect use for you gifted triangle squares. I can see why the black is a favorite, plus it frames everything so well, and lends an extra overall crispness to the quilt. And I notice when you look at the small picture (or squint your eyes) a new pattern emerges. Nice! And how cool are those pincushions! Must try to figure out how to construct that boxy shape...

  27. I know that you are such a blessing to your mom as you care for her and that this is a special time as you visit. You are both in my prayers. Your Circa 1880 is absolutely a treasure and your flowers are coming along so nicely - may you continue to build precious memories with each stitch as you spend this time together.

  28. Love your June mini!! And I am thrilled at how close to being done you are on the Circa 1880 quilt!! The fussy cut pin cushions are sooooooo cute!! What is the name of the pattern for that boxy look? I need to try some of those!! Love ya!!

  29. Prayers for you as you care for your Mom. Take care of yourself--it can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. Those fussy cuts make me want to try some of my own

  30. Your June mini is so nice. Taking care of your Mom is important work. I agree with the comment above - self care is so important.


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