
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Where did the first half of February go??

And what do I have to show for it? Not much.
Well, there's this (yes it is crooked).

With Pam Buda's Circa 1880 Club there are patterns for 6 little quilts that can be made throughout the year using more of the little uneven 9-patch blocks. This is the first one, and I have pieced it this month using a stolen minute here, a few more minutes there. Because it was assembled in such a disjointed manner, I feel like I didn't have the focus I needed. The distribution of color bothers me--I did unpick one part of a block because there was too much of one fabric too close together. But when I saw how many places were like that, I stopped after the one repair and decided to live with it. The neutral around the edge is being auditioned for the final border, and then it is bound with a dark color. I am still deciding if I will use a neutral, or if I want to make that outer border with a light or medium color.

After I got Dad's history printed in December, I went to work on this. Mom's birthday is on Groundhog's Day, and I had to scramble to get this put together in time--fifty pages of the quilts Mom has made. She chided me for not using a younger photo of her on the front, but the one I used shows Mom with the quilt she made in 1991 (but the photo was just taken 2 years ago). It won sweepstakes at our county fair, our state fair, and it went on to hang at the International Quilt Festival in Houston. The piecing was simple, as you can see, but what you can't see are the tiny stitches on the feathered wreaths in the white spaces. Her hand quilting was impeccable.

It was fun to sit with Mom on her 89th birthday and watch her go through the book and reminisce about the quilts she has made.


I have to share my Valentine bouquet. DH and I were in town together early in the week and he asked if I would like to pick out my own bouquet. When I saw this bouquet I could not refuse. Purple (they look more purple in real life) and cheddar, with a neutral background! Now I want to make a quilt in these colors, adding the dark green of the leaves.

This project has been gathering dust on my shelf (not really--it has been in a box) for a few years now. I took a class from Kim Diehl, and I haven't touched the project since I brought it home. It isn't that I don't like it, but I know I don't have anywhere to hang a quilt this size. And I don't love it enough to work on altering it. If you would like to rescue this UFO, let me know in your comment. I will draw a name if there is more than one person interested.
We had to come to the class with everything cut and ready, so it is all prepped. It includes everything for the top, except the floss for working with the wool. But the wool is all there.

This is a close-up of the pattern to give you a better idea.  Let me know if you are interested.

Hopefully I will have more to show for the second half of February than I have the first half!
Until next time, 
Janet O.

Drawing now closed


  1. Guess I'm the only person up late...I don't normally make appliqued quilts, but I love Kim's patterns. If no one else is interested (and you think a beginning appliquer can make the quilt) I love to give it a try.

  2. lovely giveaway but my plate is full....some months go like lucky you are to have a prize winning quilter in your mom!

  3. Love the book with pictures of your Mom's quilts!! My plate is full too, but what a lucky quilter that wins the kit.

  4. Love the mini....just experiment with color. What color do you want to accent? that's the border to use.
    How priceless to make a book for your Mom and her quilts. I can't imagine a more wonderful memory.

  5. I love Kim Diehl patterns and would love to win it. Your mini is perfect - the colors look great to me! Beautiful Valentine flowers too!

  6. What an amazing gift for your Mom! I'm sure she revelled in looking through all of her quilts. I wish I could see the quilting on her nine patch quilts. I love feathers and I appreciate how long they take to quilt.
    Your little scrap quilt is charming! Isn't it amazing when you try to work randomly with scraps they end up together? I've had that too.
    Gorgeous rose bouquet!
    Can't take on your UFO as I have too many too :) I know someone will love to have it.

  7. Your Mom's quilt book is a wonderful idea and what a treasure it is. I don't have any UFO's, I tend to start and then finish whatever quilt project I am on. Kim Diehl is one of the favorite designers. Of course you are also a favorite, I love reading your blog.

  8. Your mom is beautiful and so is her quilt! I would love to see the whole book! Your little quilt is adorable and I can certainly envision your Valentine Roses quilt in the future. I would never be able to do the Kim quilt justice, so don't put my name in the giveaway. Even though I do hope to practice some appliqué on an upcoming project soon. Maybe I'll be ready for your next sweet give away. 😉

  9. What a wonderful present for your Mom.... We all must cherish these moments.
    Your scrappy quilt is beautiful ! And your bouquet too !

  10. What a wonderful gift for your Mom! Very thoughtful. I've just begun making Circa 1880 blocks, fun to revisit all my favorite fabric scraps used for them. I love all things Kim Diehl and would love to give your UFO new life. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  11. I would give this UFO a good home. I enjoy working on projects that combine wool applique with piecing. February is such a short month and always seems to finish right after it started.

  12. Love the book you made for your mother.I would love to finish your UFO,please put my name in the drawing.
    My Friend from Idaho is visiting me this month and we are going to the Modern Quilt Guild CON in Nashville. I will try to share pictures on my blog.

  13. I would love to finish the Kim Diehl UFO!

    I also love the book you made of your Mom's quilts. What a special gift for your whole family!

  14. The book you made for your mother is such a great idea -- would love to see all the quilts! I love the cover picture!! Your mini quilt is beautiful -- I always find your quilts very inspiring! Kim Diehl is one of my favorites -- I would love to finish it!! Someday I hope to see a picture of those beautiful roses and a picture of the quilt you made from that inspiration!

  15. Hi Janet, My friend, Sharon Stroud, told me about this beautiful project because she knows that I love wool and Kim Diehl. I have the perfect place for this quilt and even have valdani thread for the wool appliqué. Please consider me for finishing this beautiful project. Rose White, FL

  16. Would love to have the Kim Diehl kit. I love her choice of fabric and her patterns.

  17. I hope I am doing as great as your Mom at that age--she is amazing and your gift to her is wonderful! I can't help you out by taking your UFO off your hands--I have too many of my own--lol!

  18. Your idea for the book of quilts for your mother is so thoughtful. I am sure she loved it. We have such similar tastes in fabric and designers. I would love to finish your Kim Diehl quilt. I also think your idea of passing along a partial project is a good one - food for thought.

  19. If your UFO still needs a new home, I would love to finish it! I love the pattern and fabrics! A beautiful tribute to your Mom, how wonderful to have her quilt on display at Houston! I am always humbled by other's talent!

  20. You will definitely need to put multiple names in a bowl to draw! It is a wonderful UFO with yummy fabrics. The album is such a tribute to your Mom - to be able to see one’s creative endeavors collected like that; a perfect way to show love. You are much too hard on the piecing you have done on the 1880’s Club quilt. The light border is very nice and I can picture it set off by the dark binding.

  21. Love your mini quilt, hope you get some more time to stitch soon. Making photo books for your parents is such a great idea, will be very precious to them and get some family history down in writing.

  22. Hi Janet, I love your mini ... I think it looks gorgeous & I always love the way you put colours together even though you sometimes say it doesn't go & bothers you. Guess you look at it with a quilters eye. That is a wonderful gift for your Mum .. how very special. I am guessing that is where you got your quilting gift from? Your Mum? Sorry we say Mum here in New Zealand. That is a wonderful giveaway & so generous but I will not enter as I would not know how to complete it. Happy Week to you Janet.

  23. What a lovely idea for your mom! I ❤️ it!! I would also love the Kim Diehl quilt. It would be my first Kim Diehl anything! Thank you for the opportunity!

  24. I am a fan of all of Kim Diehl's work. I would be interested in having my name added to the drawing for her quilt if you haven't had that drawing yet.
    Kathleen H.

  25. What a sweet book for your Mum. Lovely roses! I was in a shop yesterday and guess what they had? HOTCROSS BUNS! I said what!?? Some people have only just got over Christmas! Kiwi Quilty hugs xoxox

  26. Such a wonderful gift for your Mom. She is beautiful at 89.
    Please enter my name in your drawing. I haven't worked on a Kim Diehl quilt.

  27. I would love to rescue your UFO!!! I really like Kim Diehl 's fabric and color ways- A wall hanging would be just the right project- Thanks for the chance-
    that was such a nice birthday gift for your Mom- what memories it must bring back

  28. Love your little quilt! The neutral background draws the eyes in. What a great gift for your mom. I would love to have my name added to your giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity.

  29. I like the placement of prints in your mini! What a sweet, sweet thing to do for your mom! A gift she'll be able to enjoy over and over again! And your roses ... stunning! Perfect, perfect colors for you, huh?! Please throw my name in the hat to rescue your UFO! ♥ :)

  30. Janet, I think it depends on what you look at when deciding about color placement for a scrappy quilt. If one is focused on the fabrics/colors, that's what we see. If on the lights/darks, that's what we notice. I had to look hard to see what might have bothered you. I think it's a great little quilt.
    How wonderful to have finished your mom's quilt book. Congratulations to her for her wins in the fairs and to have it hanging at International Quilt Festival in Houston.
    It will be fun to see how you choose fabrics and quilt pattern for your beautiful Valentine bouquet.

  31. You know own I don't need any more UFO'S! I fell fast asleep in the middle of the Hallmark Movie last night after our Assignment in Tri-Cities. So glad you could do a collaboration with your mom. Apply Birthday!! How many Quilts are in it? I got no sneak
    It will be a week of finishing up for me. I've played the glad game long enough. I'm tired of this snow cancelling my fun events. Great mini, I think the stars will be great with the neutral border then dark binding.

  32. What a beautiful gift for your mom. It's a treasure for her, but a wonderful opportunity for you to enjoy her quilts once again. I hope your project goes to a good home, but I'll pass. :0)

  33. The book of your mom's quilts is priceless! What a wonderful gift you've given her! LOVE the picture of your mom and you together, too.
    Your Pam Buda little quilt is adorable. I am doing that project as well with Wendy but haven't come across that one yet...
    As for your ufo, NO THANKS.
    But I have another idea... how about I send you one to replace the one you're giving away??!!! ;-)

  34. Sometimes little scraps just want to live next to each other, and it's no use trying to fight them, they always win in the end! What a wonderful tribute to your mom's lifetime of quiltmaking. I know she will appreciate it more and more every time she looks at it. Some lucky person is going to receive a beautiful UFO! I like Randy's idea though! There are more UFO squirrels tucked in odd places in this room than I like to think about. Have a great week!

  35. I love Kim Deihl’s designs and I’ve never made a project from one of her kits. I’d love to finish it!
    gunterheather at yahoo dot com

  36. What a treasure you have given your mon and a wonderful family keepsake.

    I love Kim's patterns and would be thrilled to be the lucky recipient. Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. What a treasure you have put together for your mother. I can't imagine anything she would have loved more. I love the Pam Buda mini! I don't see one area that I would unsew! It is gorgeous!! Although I adore that UFO, please don't enter me into the drawing. I can't handle one more UFO!

  38. How fun to get the book together for your moms birthday!What a labor of love.
    I think the Buda quilt looks perfect! I'm glad you aren't changing more.
    I'm not interested in the UFO although the start is really pretty.

  39. I love your star quilt! The color distribution looks good to me! What a sweet memory book you made for your mother! A great idea to capture all those quilts all in one place and their history. Your UFO is beautiful. Please add me to the drawing.

  40. Oh, wowza!! I LOVE your 1880 Club mini quilt!! Your Mom looks so happy chatting about her quilts with you!! You are a wonderful daughter!! Of course, it's probably pretty easy when you have a wonderful Mom!! :-)) Your roses are bee-you-t-ful and I can see a quilt coming one day!! Leave it to you to see a quilt in a bouquet of roses!! LOL!! And yeah, where in the heck did the first half of February go?

  41. What's not to love about a Kim Deihl quilt? Count me in to finish this beauty. What a treasure you have made with a book of your mom's quilts. It would be fun to hear the stories about the times when each of these quilts were made!

  42. I think you are too close to your own work to be objective. I think the quilt in the first picture is lovely! Making a book of your mother's quilts was a wonderful idea. It must have been fun to sit and chat about them all.

  43. I absolutely love Kim Diehl's fabric and designs and the Dresden Plate is my all time favorite quilt design. I would love to finish this quilt!

  44. Love the quilt book you gathered together for your Mom! I know she appreciated it so much! :-)
    Your mini quilt is awesome! I think it would look just as fabulous if you finished it off now with the dark border being the only border.
    There are so many Kim Diehl fans out there that would enjoy that kit.... good luck picking one out of the bunch! lol!

  45. I'd say you had a productive February! Love seeing what you did with those little uneven 9-patches. What a wonderful gift! The book you made for your mom's birthday is something that will be cherished forever :) Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway but I'm still plugging away at my UFOs :)

  46. Hi Janet, I love the piece you have been working on. The quilt book for your Mum is such a treasure and so thoughtful of you - I'm sure she'll spend a lot of time reminiscing about all that she has made. Beautiful bouquet - I'm looking forward to seeing the quilt it inspires! Due to postage, don't put my name down for the giveaway - but a generous prize for someone to win :-)

  47. Well, I am late to comment--just returned from a quilt retreat :-)). I love your work, your mom's book, your roses, and your UFO! Please add me to the drawing if you haven't already chosen. Thank you!

  48. The fabric that catches my eye in your little quilt is the pink. I have been on a pink kick fabric wise and like the brownish pinks best.


I love to have your comments and feedback.