
Friday, January 4, 2019

Houses and Xs--donation blocks

I actually squeezed in a little sewing time the past couple of days. On Wednesday I made house blocks for quilts for folks in Paradise, CA.

Lori posted about it here, with a pattern and the address of where to send them.

I had fun fussy-cutting novelty prints for the windows, and also digging through my brighter scraps to make some happy houses. 


 I sent the house blocks on their way on Thursday and came home and made more X blocks for the 70273 Project.

These will probably be the last ones I get made for the project. It is amazing how quickly the X blocks are adding up, and I think Jeanne could very well have reached her goal before I get a chance to make more. I don't ever feel like I get enough time in my sewing room to make quilts to donate to worthy causes, so I appreciate times where I can donate blocks. There is one more X block floating around the house somewhere, but I have lost it somehow. If I find it tomorrow, it will join these on their journey to Jeanne.

Next week I will be spending 3 days with my retreat buddy at  the Village Dry Goods Winter Retreat. I think I have my projects narrowed down. Now I need to get organized and ready to go--well, I am SO ready, but I need to get my things ready to go with me. :)

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your houses are so cute! Fussy cutting the window is a great idea. Enjoy your retreat and sew like there is no tomorrow!

  2. Oh Janet! The houses are so happy and so pretty! I hope I can attend the Red X quilts display at some point, as jeanne resides in my state. I'm hoping I can catch a local show.

    Enjoy your retreat!!!

  3. THose house blocks are simply adorable! And, thanks for the reminder. I will work on mine this weekend and get them out. I am so very thankful that Jeanne is close to making her project a final reality. When I first made blocks and a few small quilts, I must admit I was skeptical that she would ever reach 70,273. I am so thankful I was proved wrong by wonderful quilters around the world. You rock!

  4. oooh gorgeous house blocks! have a wonderful time on retreat...i really need one of those!

  5. Love the houses and the fussy cut windows!! The 70273 blocks are wonderful- I saw she is getting to her goal quickly!!
    A friend and I are planning a mini retreat soon! Have fun on yours.

  6. It is so nice of you to make and donate all those blocks for such special projects. Hope you have fun at your retreat! ---"Love"

  7. Yes, making donation blocks is FUN. I love your fussy-cut windows. I made hearts with friends on Monday for CA. They are getting together at the other LQS to sew more today. I might have to go and make a few more. BUT the Quiltville Mystery REVEAL happened, and I am torn. Choises, Choises!! Have a great RETREAT! I'm jealous.

  8. Making blocks to donate is a doable way to participate in a worthy cause. Your houses are sweet. Have fun at your retreat.

  9. I had planned to make a few houses, but have been getting ready for a retreat that starts on Monday. Guess I better get going on them! Your little fussy cut windows are so cute!

  10. what cute house blocks! I love that fussy cutting. My friend made a whole quilt with that pattern.
    Is really reaching goal on the X blocks? It is on my list for January. I'll have to check it out.
    Have a wonderful time on retreat.

  11. Love the windows in the houses. Hope you have a great time at your retreat. Maybe you'll get snowed in and you'll have to stay longer than expected - ha!

  12. I printed the house block pattern off, but havent made them yet, so thanks for the reminder, as it is easy to get distracted and this is a great cause. Love your fussy cut windows. Your retreat sounds like lots of fun, enjoy.

  13. Those house windows are just as cute as can be! Have much fun and good quilting time on your retreat!

  14. Love your Donation house blocks. Those fussy cut centres for the windows are great. I bet you had a lovely time sorting through scraps to find those gems.

  15. Love your Houses, and your Red crosses, two projects I'm in too ;)

  16. Your house blocks are great. I made 6 of them the other day but wasn't nearly as creative with the fussy cutting - they will certainly provide smiles to the happy users. My sister is working on a batch of houses too (I think she has 12 made already) so I am planning to bundle them all together next week and get them into the mail.

  17. Hey Janet! I was just thinking of you and decided to check and see if your blog was still up. Mine is, but my last post was 2014! :O I am not even sure where the time went. I hope all is well. I see you are still making lovely quilts!

  18. Olaf is my favorite of your house blocks!! ADORABLE!!
    So glad you were able to squeeze out the time to do it!

  19. Oh, your little houses are darling!! And the windows are the best!! The quilts I have done for Paradise are so rewarding and the folks who receive them are just thrilled!! Thanks for helping out!!

  20. The fuzzy cuts are adorable! You have a kind heart to share your beautiful quilts and skills to those who have lost so much.

  21. Your fussy cutting for the windows is perfect. I'm sure that will elicit some smiles. The 70273 project is quite moving. I had not heard of this before. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your retreat. You deserved it and were very much overdue for some you time, I think!

  22. Such sweet houses, Janet. I love your windows! I printed the directions but have yet to make a single house. I hope I can get a few cut and stitched soon.

  23. Your Xs are great! I love the variety in the sizes. Isn't fussy cutting fun? I love it when I have a really fun print and I can highlight the funness of it!! Happy New Year! ;)


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