
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Can I do this again?

Each month of 2017 I joined in with Wendy (theconstantquilter blog) for her Mini-of-the-Month challenge. It was a scant quilting year for me, and sometimes that mini was all I did for the entire month. Since I still don't have much to show for the two weeks since my last post, I decided to recap my Monthly Minis from last year. Humor me, it's about all I've got. :)

January                                                               July                                                                                  

February                                                              August                                                                








  May                                                                     November                                                                                                                                   

June                                                   December                     



That about does it--except for the fact that Wendy is sponsoring this SAL again this year, along with another SAL making one of the little quilts from Pam Buda's recent book each month. I want to do both, but doubt I can keep up with either. There are still a few days left in the month. I have two minis that have the potential to be finished in time, but it remains to be seen if I actually accomplish it. Are you sewing along?

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Nope, but I am making a mini. 7 out of 12 isn't bad!

  2. You've got some really beautiful mini quilts here. I love mini quilts, but I have no fabrics to fit this challenge.

  3. So nice to see last year's minis all in one post. I'm rooting for you to get at least one finished by week's end - and is there any reason why one mini couldn't occasionally fill in for both challenges? I'm planning to participate in Wendy's monthly mini challenge but will have to pass on the Pam Buda book/fabric mini challenge for now at least.

  4. i passed on that mini sew along, just doing the brackman 9 week too many UFOs to finish! these are so lovely really are a super quilter!

  5. Your mini's are always incredible. I enjoyed the mini quilt show this morning.

  6. Your mini's are so beautiful. I love them all. After doing the first quilt in Wendy's Pam Buda challenge I am in awe of your tiny pieced quilts. Hugs

  7. It was such a joy to see all your minis last year. Let me say too that you put everything into a little quilt. MOre than some put into a large quilt. They truly are all masterpieces. I loved seeing them all again.
    I'm doing Wendy's SAL this year and think it will be fun.
    Thanks for the beautiful review!!

  8. So fun to see them all in one post!

  9. They are all so adorable--it would be hard to pick a favorite. Of course you should join the SAL--all your mini's are little masterpieces! I'm not joining in although I think it would be lots of fun. I'm trying to stay focused and finish up my enormous pile of UFO's!

  10. Love seeing your recap - your attention to detail is wonderful! And oh how I admire your quilting! These super cold winter days should be the reason why I could accomplish more but somehow it is not happening...but each of us should remember that whatever is done is its own accomplishment - life frequently has too many distractions and interruptions...

  11. Sew many pretties - it’s hard to pick a favorite!!! The feathered star has always been on my bucket list so that is a top contender. Yours is stunning!

  12. Love the feathered star mini! Its been awhile since I made a mini so I need to get stuck into it when I go to camp. Gives me some time to plan something special.

  13. It's so fun seeing all these delicate beauties all together. You do such beautiful work.

  14. Your minis are always such great eye candy! Will any of these be added to your ruler display racks?

  15. I always love a mini show by you! I have enough projects going without joining someone else's, so I'll just plod along toward finishing some of mine and enjoy your posts. You never disappoint!!! Hope this will be a good year for you!

  16. A beautiful collection of treasures! You accomplished a lot!

  17. I absolutely LOVE your mini quilts!! Me? NOT sewing along. Too many other things on the go!

  18. Your mini masterpieces are incredible and it's awesome to see them altogether. It's fun to participate in a SAL, but it's not suppose to put pressure on you. Your work is beautiful. Enjoy your quilting journey and we'll continue to admire your quilts.

  19. Looks to me like you had a very good year! All of them are beautiful, but I think my favorite one is the Feathered Star in January! ---"Love"

  20. Your mini's are just beautiful Janet. So much detailed work in them & all so very different. I will be looking with interest to see if you take part in this years SAL. Have a great week Janet. Xx

  21. I believe in you...that you can do it!! Your precise piecing is a wonder to behold!

  22. Oh my Janet! I love your recap! They have inspired me all over again! I wish for you a stress free quilting year to come. No pressure! I know how life can get in the way. I cherish all your posts and I will link to your next mini whenever it gets done. Have a "pieceful" day!

  23. The feathered star mini is an especially good one.

  24. I absolutely love your mini quilts, however many or few you make. They are such detailed little works of art. Honestly, working at that tiny scale, I think a mini can be more work than a larger piece, so 7 is pretty impressive.

  25. Well you can guess I won't be sewing along! I but love looking at your mini's

  26. That is quite a bit of accomplishment! And, about 11 quilts more than I completed! lol! No SAL's for me....I'm still working on BOM's from last year....and the year before...and the year!

  27. I left a comment and blogger ate it. Well shoot. Thanks for sharing your year in minis! Too many pretties to pick a favorite. Probably no sew alongs for me this year...but maybe next? :)

  28. Extremely impressive that you can identify the minis you made month by month!!
    I am doing the Wendy monthly mini as well as the Pam Buda monthly small quilts; let's see: also doing the Circa 1880 (we'll see if mine are that small) and the Temecula Quilt block of the week--sheesh... what have I gotten myself into? Will anything be done this year?? VBG

  29. They are ALL amazing and I am happy to say I am the recipient of one of them!! Thank you, dear friend!!

  30. I enjoyed seeing your beautiful quilts. They look so nice together! I hope I will be able to have a little collection to show as well by the end of the year.

  31. You made some beautiful minis this year! It's so nice to see them all in one place. Looking forward to your next one whenever that may be :)

  32. A marvelous collection of minis for sure! Nice idea to gather them into one blog post. I am joining in this year with Wendy too... as much as time and life will allow!

  33. I'm amazed, Janet. We generally think of small as requiring less time but I know these minis are time intensive, too. They are all so gorgeous. You have a wonderful collection to show for 2018. Well done!


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