
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Just a few little things

I have been absent for over 3 weeks, and I have very little to show for it. Part of that is because I have sewn very little during that time, and part of it is because I have spent some of the scant sewing time on projects I cannot share at present. Don't you hate that?
This is the only thing that has seen major progress.

If it seems strangely familiar, it is because it is the reverse value to this quilt that was my March Mini.
I put a border on the one above, thinking I wanted to quilt feathers in it. Now that I see them together, I am wondering if I want to remove the light outer border.
The March mini was made with cool purples for the setting, and the one above is using warm purples in the setting squares and triangles. To me it creates a totally different feel from one to the other. 

One of my "secret projects" is a mini quilt swap with Randy. We had planned on exchanging months ago, but this has not been a good year for deadlines in my life.
Our rules this time around are using a basket theme and civil war repros. I don't recall now if we designated a size. I think we said no larger than 12", but I could be wrong. That is how I am going to work.
I will show you the first "trial" basket I made, because it didn't make the cut. I have changed them up a bit since making this one.
This has been a crazy busy summer. I know I am not alone in thinking that. Between my son's wedding, my Mom's fall,  continued therapy on my shoulder, 3 family reunions (one of which involved camping), yardwork, housework, and finances at my house and my Mom's house, and now my Mom's basement flooding, I am ready for a change in tempo!
Last month, on the 24th, would have been my Dad's 95th birthday. That evening I drove the 15 miles or so to the little hillside country cemetery in the small farming community where he was born. My sister and some of her family were just leaving when I arrived. After that I was alone with my thoughts and the peace and calm of that place. It was soothing to my soul, and I reflect on that now as there is very little calm in my life at present.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Sending you lots of hugs. Having life things also and can do nothing about it.

  2. First of all, I love your tiny piecing!!! Praying for peace and soothing calm in your world, dear Janet.

  3. I like the opposing color ways of the two minis. Shows how colors reflect our feelings. You have had a very full plate this year with weight enough to press you down. Glad you took the time to reflect and let your soul be renewed. Hugs to you.

  4. Cannot go wrong with little nine patches!! Hope life settles down for you soon.

  5. I'm ready for fall; summer has been very strange this year for me, too. I like the purple quilts, and yes, they are totally different with the change in color placement. Your tiny's are amazing. So what's wrong with the basket?? I love it!! I'm sure you can use that cute block somewhere else. I'm glad you were able to get alone with your dad for a bit; I hope things settle down for you soon.

  6. What a beautiful resting place. Peace to you.

  7. I love your basket block, so delicate! I hope your schedule eases soon and you can come to a place of peace and relaxation. I adore those minis, but agree about the light borders! Sending hugs...

  8. Some lovely little piecing going on, even though life is so busy....tiny windows of calm!

  9. Your block is perfection! So in the midst of it all, you have created a little thing of beauty.
    Yes, so hoping things will settle down for you as life usually does with time.

  10. Janet - this dear posting speaks to me and no doubt to many others...while I am so impressed with your gorgeous piecing (and love that little basket block!) it is the words you have written and shared inbetween the lines. May there be more moments of calm and peace for you in the days ahead.

  11. It is a season that will likely pass, although these times can be so hard.
    Flooding now?? AArgh! What next?? Peace....
    YOur little quilts look completely different- love them both!

  12. Life can certainly through you some curves. I love the basket...even though you are not using it. I hope your mom is doing better and your shoulder is healing. Hugs

  13. I'm always amazed by your perfect tiny piecing! I hope you find some stolen moments for yourself--take care!

  14. Gracious, the things you can do with minis! You awe me. Praying sweet, soothing peace for your soul; even though the circumstances may be crazy and seem chaotic, may God allow you an overwhelming sense of His calm through it all. Hugs! :)

  15. Praying for your Peace & for more 'piecing' time. I like the tiny basket. 9-patches, so classic .

  16. I like the light border around your nine-patches; it seems to tie into the light part of the nine-patches very well. Your little basket is really pretty too. Sending thoughts and prayers that the storms of your life will soon be calmed by the One who is able to do just that! ---"Love"

  17. This doesn't seem to be a summer of peace for many of us, I'm glad you had some precious time to spend in the quiet serenity of your dad's resting place. I love your little cake stand block, I tried making some 4 inch blocks earlier this summer and they were more difficult than I thought they would be.

  18. The minis are adorable. I like the changes you made to make them different but compatible if hung together. Where is the cemetery? My sister and I keep talking about going to the Logan cemetery (where our parents are) when we can be alone and not in a hurry but it seems the only time we make it there is Memorial Day weekend.

  19. Your dad had a very long and fulfilling life. How fabulous that you are able to go to his resting place and spend quiet time reflecting... I'm sure his absence will always be a source of pain for your family.
    And, on the other hand, you TEASE!! What's wrong with that mini basket??? GRRRRR.
    Love both your 9-patch minis!

  20. Hope things turn the corner for you soon.

  21. I'm wishing you peace and calm.

  22. What challenges, Janet. Some days when I'm ready for the day to end, I call it quits and just go to bed early. It's too bad we can't do that with some months (or seasons, or years) just so they'll end. I hope things calm down in your life. I agree, those two little quilts do have a totally different feel to them. Both are beautiful. I'm wondering why that little basket didn't make the cut.....

  23. More tiny pleased you found some peace at your dad's resting place. Some tough times ahead with my Dad. I shall be seeking some peace I know it. Kiwi Hugsxx

  24. Wish I was there to give you a hug and have a cup of tea. Life can feel overwhelming at times. What a beautiful scene you set visiting your Dad's resting spot.
    Your little nine patch turned out beautifully and that tiny basket is just the sweetest!
    I love your new header.

  25. I do hope some calm times come to your neck of the woods soon Janet ... I sure do know how trying these chaotic times can be. What a lovely calm & peaceful spot to reflect on your Dad. Your mini is gorgeous as I do love every single mini you make!! I think I like the border on it but I am no expert of these things.

  26. Oh, sweet, Janet, I know how much you miss your Dad and I love the picture of the place he was laid to rest. I am happy a short visit to see him was a comfort for you during this very hectic time in your life. I love your little mini but of course it's not as cute as the first one!! Love you!!

  27. Both of the quilts are pretty, and you are right, the change makes a big difference in the feel of the quilt. You do have a lot going on! I wish you peace.

  28. The second mini is lovely as the first and I think that the light border helps to make the rest of the nine patches' lights really pop! sorry that things are so hectic and hope you get some rest from it all.

  29. Hugs to you for the precious time spent thinking of your Dad. Your minis never cease to amaze me. Now I'm not sure which one I like better, the dark center or the light. And that Cake Stand block - Lucky Randy is all I can say!!


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