
Saturday, June 30, 2018

June Mini & Wedding Quilts

Talk about squeaking under the wire! This post is being written less than an hour before June expires.
This little quilt came together this past week in stolen moments, between continued physical therapy and some serious senior parent care.
This is an adaptation of a Kim Diehl pattern that was kindly sent to me by Eileen. It is called "Old Glory". The original pattern has more rounds to it--and then there is the fact that I made the blocks smaller. Mine finishes at 6 1/2" x 7 1/2". It was donated to our family reunion auction.

Though the pattern didn't call for it, I drew up foundations for the stripes on the flag--just seemed like it would be easier to get it right that way.
The HSTs in this little quilt were from bags of scraps given to me by Karen Beigh, and my retreat buddy, Kim.

While I was playing in the scraps, I pulled out a few handfuls of triangles and sorted out the ones made of homespun. 
This is the current state of it. I plan to add two more rows. The HSTs will finish at 1".

The newlyweds paid us a visit and received a couple of their wedding gifts. My youngest son is the quilt holder. ETA: These two quilts were made years ago. The first one was a BOM being taught in our community over 10 years ago. My son saw it and said he really liked it. I told him then that it would be his wedding quilt.
The second one is commemorative of the mission he served in Argentina over a decade ago. Each block has specific meaning. Though I finished it long ago, I told him I would give it to him when he had a wife that would take care of it. :)

 This one was hand quilted. Took me forever.

I am falling asleep over the keyboard, so I guess I am done here. When Mom's needs taper off a bit, I hope to keep up with blogs better, and sew a little more--then there will be things to share. :)

Happy Canada Day to those of you up North, and Happy Fourth very soon to my U.S. friends!
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Wow the wedding quilts are both fabulous! Cute mini too and I’m a big fan of homespun.

  2. The wedding quilts are gorgeous Janet ! Congratulations !
    And the mini is very cute !!
    Happy fourth of July in your country ! :)

  3. Beautiful couple--the smiles on their face say it all! Great use of the HST's!

  4. Those two quilts for the newlyweds are incredibly nice! How blessed they are to receive gifts from your needle! I like your little patriotic finish and I hope your shoulder is getting better and better. I hope your mom is doing is ok.

  5. Now we see where your time has been concentrated for quilting! Beautiful treasures for the new couple. We can sure tell how much they love the quilts.
    Sending thoughts and prayers for you as caregiver, and to your Mom. I have been in both positions and know the struggle of each.

  6. Wow those are BIG QUILTS. How did you manage those lol? Beautiful and I love the inspector looking at all the details.

  7. Old Glory is so sweet. Where did you get the cool hangar?

  8. Lucky couple to get 2 Quilts. Did your mom help you hand quilt the 2nd one? What treasures!! Happy July! Glad for a day of Rest!

  9. Lovely wedding quilts! and i just really like that little flag quilt--may I ask how wide the red/white strips are unfinished? I am thinking about making myself a little July4th piece--as I don't own one of my own...hugs, Julierose

  10. What a great gift to your son! Your little patriotic quilt it adorable--how fun to have the gifted HST''s to help finish it! I hope things aren't too stressful with your mom--take care!

  11. Prayers for you and your mom. Take care of yourself too. Lovely quilts, you always do such a wonderful job.

  12. I can always count on you to have a new patriotic little quilt for the 4th! Congratulations on your son's wedding. They are lucky to get those beautiful quilts.
    Take care of yourself, too, while you take care of your mom. Keeping you in my heart space.

  13. Darling flag piece, you come up with the greatest little patriotic stuff. Is your son's quilt the hand piecing project that has taken you a long time to finish? They both look very pleased to receive your gifts of homemade love. Beautiful quilts!

  14. Such beautiful quilts to celebrate the wedding!
    And a lovely little mini for July 4th! Soooo sweet!
    Hope you have more time for relaxing and stitching soon!

  15. I'm so pleased your children love your quilts and want them. One of my daughters loves my quilts too, but the problem lies with the fact that she thinks her 2 big dogs love them too...........:-/ Kiwi Hugsxx

  16. Beautiful small AND large quilts Janet. Just love the one in the first photo. Its hard when parental care needs take precedence ... I can fully relate. Beautiful photo of the newly weds standing by that awesome quilt. How wonderful your son wanted it!

  17. Just perfect...littles and bigs!!

  18. The little flag quilt is incredible! I can't even imagine such tiny pieces! Both large quilts are very special too. Obviously your son is very pleased, but that smile on the bride's face shows how pleased she is also. ---"Love"

  19. two nice quilts to start with...lucky couple...enjoy the 4th...

  20. Your mini quilts are so sweet. I love the wedding quilts. They will cherish them forever. Hugs

  21. Your two wedding quilts are fabulous! So meaningful to your son to have them now and I'm sure they will be cherished for years to come. Is your new DIL a quilter, or hopefully a potential quilter? The little patriotic mini is so sweet, I love the pattern but would have to make my pieces at least twice as big.

  22. I'm not smart enough to figure this out, but when I posted my comment above, apparently an e-mail was sent to your inbox with my comment. However, it was returned to my spam folder with the following statement, plus a little time.
    "Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy."
    Apparently my Yahoo doesn't like cooperating with others. I'll dig into it when I have more time. (The same thing may happen again with this comment; we'll see.)---"Love"

  23. Yep, just so you know, the same thing happened again! Oh well-----! Can't worry with it right now. ---Love"

  24. I had to chuckle at the comment that you would give the quilt to your son when he had a wife to care for it.

  25. That's a great picture of Jo and T and the mission quilt!
    Maybe next year I'll outbid Norma at the auction for your patriotic mini!

  26. Your kids are just beaming with happiness as they start their new life together and those quilts are wonderful - they will be loved! Your mini Old Glory quilt is adorable and so timely for all the 4th of July celebrations.

  27. Such beautiful quilts. And such a beautiful couple. xx

  28. Adorable shots of the newly marrieds with their quilts. How lovely the story of the quilts. As always, your precision with the micro mini quilts is impressive. Some family member is going to be very lucky to get this one! Happy July.

  29. wonderful wedding quilts! Love those big smiles.
    I'm so so sad to hear your dealing with parent health issues and I hope you're doing okay taking care of yourself too. Its been a really busy time for you lately.
    The little flag quilt is so sweet. I like seeing how you made your own paper piecing.

  30. Beautiful wedding quilts and I love your version of Old Glory, too!

  31. Your little KD adaptation is adorable...great timing on a patriotic finish, too! The newlyweds are darling and look so happy with their beautiful gifts! Hope you're doing well on all fronts! :)

  32. How did I miss this post? Too busy or something?? I love, love , love the flag quilt and the two wedding quilts are spectacular!! My prayers for your Mom (and you)!! xoxoxo

  33. Your little flag quilt is adorable, Janet. As ever, I continue to admire your ability to work with such small pieces.

    The wedding gift quilts are both beautiful. I especially like the green border on the last one. Both are quilts to cherish!

    I love those windows and arches in the background of the last two photos. Beautiful!

  34. Wonderful to see the newlyweds with the quilts.
    Fun flag Quilt and a good idea to paper piece it.

  35. How fun they get both quilts! Did you give her launder instructions? LOL
    Your little flaggy quilt is darling.
    Love to you as you care for your momma. She is lucky to have you.

  36. Both quilts are lovely. Good idea to give to guys when they have a wife.

  37. Your June mini is wonderful. Such small pieces. I absolutely love it! The newlyweds look so happy with two beautiful quilts that will be cherished for years to come :)


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