
Saturday, February 17, 2018

Sewing along with Lori

Sunday morning (I am writing this Saturday night) Lori (humblequilts blog) is heading for Columbia on a mission trip. Since I have nothing to speak of worth sharing, I thought I would review the little quilts I have made in her SALs. I've had this idea for a post for a while now. So here we go!

I started blogging in May of 2011. As near as I can tell Lori had held 3 SALs by then--2 in 2010, and one early in 2011. I have saved those patterns, but haven't made them yet.

In January of 2012 I joined in for the first time. Her SAL was named "Pink Lemonade".  I made two versions of this pattern.


In Sept. 2012 we were at it again. This one was named "Mountain Trail". I was still relatively new to machine quilting--wish I had used darker thread. :)

We had a bonus of three SALs in 2013. "Abundance" was created in January. I hand quilted this one.

In April of 2013 we made "Harmony". Apparently I had enjoyed the hand quilting, because I hand quilted this one, as well.

"Faithful" was in October 2013. We were told to start with an orphan block and the SAL was the process of bordering it. I had this 6" Mariner's Compass that needed a home.

"Midwinter Blues" was her SAL in January 2014.

The only doll quilt SAL of Lori's that I have NOT followed since I started blogging, was "Cascadia". And I am sorry. It was in Nov. 2014. I do want to make it someday.

Starting in 2015 there has just been one SAL per year. I guess I made up for it by making 2 of "Country Roads" in September of that year. I also made my blocks half the size. :)

"Quilters Madder" was our SAL in October 2016. I think this is one of my favorites, but it also drove me crazy! So easy to mess up the placement of the blocks! I downsized these blocks, too, and added a border based on Lori's inspiration quilt.

Last of all was "Palmateer Point" in September of 2017. This one was also down-sized. Do you sense a trend?

The three SALs that were before my time were "Cheddar Cheese & Crackers", "Strawberry Fields", and "Midnight Stars"

Do you follow along with Lori's SALs? If so, how many have you done? She has a post here where you can find photos of most of her little SAL quilts.

Thanks to Lori for all her efforts for SALs that are just right! They are small quilts, and the SALs don't last forever. The longer a SAL goes, the greater chance to fall behind--and then I tend to drop out.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my tome-like tutorial.
As per LuAnn's request, you will find a tab under my header where all three "Making of a Mini Quilt" posts are linked.

Until next time, when I might actually have something new to share,
Janet O.

p.s. Random Number Generator chose #13--Nancy--to receive the soap. I laughed when I saw that her number was chosen. If you read her comment, she asked not to be included in the drawing. But I convinced her that the same reason she gave for NOT being included was the very reason why I make my own soap--been at it for almost 22 years now. So Nancy, you will get to give it a try! If you will email your address to me I will send it out next time I am in town!


  1. they are just gorgeous and I want to start making some mini's.....

  2. Just 3 for me..Cascadia, Country roads and Palmateer point but it was wonderful to make them and I can't wait to do the next one !!
    Yours are stunning as usual !
    Have a lovely Sunday Janet !

  3. gorgeous collection of little quilts rivals their bed size counterparts any day of the week....beautiful!

  4. Fabulous post. I enjoyed looking at your memory lane. I do believe that you enjoy mint quilts.

  5. Great way to review and experience your path way to mini production!I can see your color eye has developed along the way too. A very good tribute to Lori, too.

  6. Great collection of QALs. Your Mariner's Compass - what a stunner! Besides the "Gwennie Inspired Medallion" QAL couple of years ago, I've done one or two of Lori's small QALs. It's fun to connect with other far-flung quilters through our blogs, for sure. ;).

  7. We met in Utah in 2011. Blogging brought us together. I've made a few of Lori's SAL projects. Pink Lemonade in 2012, Country Roads, Faithful,Cascadia, & Palmateer Point. Saw the Israelsons cousin's yesterday.

  8. Fun roundup! Lori used my suggestion of Pink Lemonade for the name, and I did that SAL in the same colorway. I also did the Strawberry Fields, which I made in patriotic colors. Since then I’ve watched from the sidelines and enjoyed everyone’s little quilt finishes. I think yours are the littlest!

  9. So fun to see all your little sew along quilts! I've only done the latest one--for some reason or another, it just didn't work out for me to participate in any of the previous ones. I'm looking forward to her next SAL (if she has one), hopefully it will work out for me!

  10. I think that Mountain Trails is my favorite, an intriguing block, with a great result.

  11. Some many beautiful little quilts! You always do such a fabulous job, from picking your fabrics to the quilting. Isn’t Lori a treasure! She is so generous with her time and talent. I have only done one small quilt sew along, Country Crossroads, though I did participate in the Gwennie Medallion sew along.

  12. Oh how fun to see all the SALs. I didn't realize Lori had so many in 2013-2014 while we were in Wisconsin. You've been a trooper to participate in them all. I did do Cheese and Crackers (I made another one last year) at the time but that's the only one I've done. Great post.

  13. fabulous SAL quilts.......not one will keep more than your feet warm! Isn't is nice how we can look at projects from the past and see the things we would change but also see the things we love about them, we grow as quilters don't we. kiwi hugsxx

  14. Loved seeing your collection of these adorable SAL's. Your interpretations are delightful. I'm so glad you shared your quilts and Lori is so kind to share her talent as well.

  15. I've enjoyed Lori's quiltalongs; both when participating and observing. Loved seeing yours!

  16. Such pretty little quilts; and yes, your trend is to amazingly down size them! This was a nice little quilt show to attend this morning while drinking my coffee!

  17. What a great trip down memory lane with these SALs. I've only done 3 so far, but Faithful would be a great way to use up a few of those hundreds of hst's I've been making.

  18. What an array of absolutely beautiful little quilts. Always inspiring!

  19. Very fun documentation!
    One of these days I might have to do a SAL :)

  20. Fabulous versions. I have only done a couple of them, ok, maybe one. But I love them all!

  21. Love your minis! I've done several of Lori's SALs and doll quilt exchanges. Lots of fun.

  22. Such great quilt-alongs. Your quilts are just wonderful!

  23. What delicious eye candy! I love them all but I think my favorite is "Harmony". I follow Lori's sew-a-longs but have yet to do one. I have done her doll swaps for the past 3 years and have enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing! And congratulations to Nancy, I know for a fact that she will love the soaps!!

  24. I do love all your minis. You do justice to Lori's lovely designs.

  25. I love revisiting the quilts you've sewed along! Crazy day of flying/missed connections and lost luggage. Pray the suitcase with the dresses arrive tomorrow! I have one bag of them now, but want them all. Today was a day of rest, the real work starts tomorrow!xoxox

  26. You had lots of finishes sewing along with Lori. I have done two or three but have trouble finding the time for piecing. Too many applique projects.

  27. Oh My what a wonderful post! I loved seeing all the SAL quilts. You have a one woman show here ;)

  28. LOVE all the little quilts you've made following Lori's fabulous instructions! They are all just fabulous!!

  29. Que maravilla de small quilt. Yo solo he hecho el Palmateer Point y me encantó hacerlo. El Mariners Compass me imagino la dificultad para hacerlo en ese tamaño. Yo hice ese mismo diseño en un quilt para colgar y sé el trabajo minucioso que tiene. Felicidades por todos.Un beso

  30. What a lovely review of your 'Lori' quilts Janet.... hard to pick a favourite. I always think I'd like to join in her SALs but have only ever done one of hers..the log cabin which remains unquilted...maybe one of these days...!

  31. Wonderful post to read Janet. I have made some of the same SAL from Lori, and look forward to the swaps every year. I must admit most of mine aren't quilted yet. You have inspired me to try and finish them....maybe in the winter at night! Oh, after reading Raewyns comment it reminded me that I HAVE quilted the log cabin quilt, which I love!

  32. What an amazing tribute to Lori's SALs. Your quilts are so gorgeous! You continue to amaze me with your precision in your piecing and your wonderful choice of fabrics. I love seeing your projects!

  33. A very fun show ‘n tell of all your SAL’s - you have certainly stayed focused and the results are a delight! I did make the Abundance quilt and gifted it...always so interesting to see everyone’s take on the same pattern.

  34. Your quilts are beautiful, Janet! And doesn't Lori give us wonderful sew-along quilts? I've only done one so far but think I may participate in the next one that comes along. It seems that Lori's mission trip was a success. This post was a nice way to honor her.


I love to have your comments and feedback.