
Monday, January 8, 2018

Ready to hit the road!

My computer became very ill on Saturday and is in the computer hospital. I have tried to post from my tablet, but photos are not uploading. What fun is a post without photos?
I had promised to show the projects I had chosen to take on retreat. So much for my promises!
In deciding what would go with me, I piled the projects that demanded my attention in a corner of my sewing room. There were a dozen. I talked myself down from that ledge and ended up with 6 (I guess it could be 7 if you count the leader/enders I tossed in).
I have packed 3 large quilt projects, 2 minis, and one wool project. I know it is only a 3 day retreat, but I like variety. :)
Maybe when I return at the end of the week I will have my computer once again, and I can share what I actually accomplished.
I hope you all get some time to play with your fabric this week! I know I am looking forward to three days of intensive creative therapy after weeks of almost none.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Wish you a fun time with lots of progress..........perhaps your computer has 'Man Flu" :-)

  2. So sorry about your "ill" computer, Janet. When my computer acts up I begin to feel ill, too. I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I hope yours returns to you in good shape. Have fun on your retreat!

  3. Enjoy your retreat!! I’m sure the projects will speak to you when you get there and assign themselves a work order. Looking forward to seeing all you accomplish!!

  4. have fun and enjoy sewing time!

  5. Such an adventure! Enjoy your few days and get lots done!

  6. Oooh! Have fun!! I hope your computer does well in the hospital!!

  7. have a blast! as if i had to tell you...

  8. Computers can be frustrating! In fact, any technological device! Have a ball on your retreat. We will be patient in waiting for photos of the frivolity!

  9. You need some time away! I hope you get lots of sewing done, lots of laughs and relaxation!
    Sorry 'bout the computer!

  10. Have fun on your trip. I use an iPad and use the app blog touch pro to do any posts. It will post pictures very nicely. Also it is a free app. Hope this helps

  11. Right, computer technology gone wrong is no fun. Glad you get to Retreat! Can't wait to see your progress. The suspense is building with this post.

  12. The retreat and your projects sound fun! Good to know there is such a thing as computer hospital...when mine have gone bad, my son says, It's a dinosaur, buy a new one! at gr
    Have fun!


  13. Oh how fun to go to a retreat. Sharing and laughing. Good times.

  14. Have a great retreat, Janet! - I look forward to hearing all about it... and best wishes for your computer in hospital too.

  15. email pics to your blog post then edit it and add the writing..........

  16. Enjoy your retreat! I'm looking forward to seeing those itty bitty foudation pieced block from your last post :) I hope they made the cut for retreat projects...

  17. Have fun on your retreat! I'm looking forward to seeing your finishes when you return.

  18. Enjoy the retreat, best way to forget about computer issues.

  19. Have a wonderful and fulfilling retreat! Will enjoy seeing the results of your sewing travels and happy times! Those pesky computers...if you need to keep posting from the tablet, try the Blogo app.

  20. Hope you have a wonderful time at Retreat Janet. Sometimes its good not to have a computer I have found ... seems to free up time that can be spent on creative things.

  21. Have a great stitching time my friend!

    Blessings and hugs!

  22. Sorry your computer is sick. That is a bad thing at an important time. We will just have to wait and see what you accomplish on your retreat. Have a wonderful time and I hope you get finished with all 6 of your projects.

  23. Happy trails to you! Enjoy every second of retreat! :-) I'm learning that less computer equals more stitching! ;-)

  24. ENJOY!!! Sounds like you’ve got everything covered and ready for fun! I’m off to retreat in a couple weeks and really looking forward to it. I always pack too much too :). Sorry about the computer problems - what a pain!!!

  25. I am sorry to hear about your computer woes. I was disappointed that I was not able to use my tablet for blogging. It just doesn’t work the same. Hope you have a wonderful time at your retreat!

  26. Can't wait to see your projects!

  27. I like variety too when I'm on retreat.
    Have a fabulous time!


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