
Saturday, January 27, 2018

In the forest with Sasquatch

The trees are all completed. I really messed around with them. The pattern has them all in one fabric, and all the same size. My Sasquatch is playing in a forest of multi-colored trees of different heights. Final placement is still in question.

There are some trees all in one fabric, but no two trees are the same. Now I need to sash them, assemble the top, and decide if I want to make it larger with some borders.
There are actually a couple of places where the raindrops are upside down, but those raindrops will just keep defying gravity. I am not changing them! It would not be a simple fix, and I think no one will notice, without me telling them, like I just did. Can you see them? :)

The snowman mini is all hand quilted, and the border was ditch stitched by machine. I may try to bind it on Monday. I am thinking about doing a post about how I bind minis. I've had questions about it a few times. I don't know all the answers. I just know what works for me.
Thanks again, Karen, for letting me work with some of your blocks. Such a delight!

I completed one more block for Settler's Puzzle, but I will wait for a little more progress there before sharing it again.
That is the extent of my quilting this past week, other than the swap quilt I still can't share.
And while it has been frosty outside, like this...
Hoarfrost on an icicle hanging on my deck railing.

...inside it has been full of blooming orchids, like this! This is the window above my kitchen sink.
I have been rather obsessed with these beauties the past year or two, but I have never had 10 blooming all at the same time before (the ledge wasn't big enough for the 10th one, so it is sitting below, but you can see the flowers)--and I wouldn't have that now if I could resist bringing a new one home every few weeks! I don't "buy hyacinths to feed [my] soul". I buy orchids. They make me happy!

Besides quilting, what is making you smile today?
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Sasquatch is awesome! Love the way you made all the trees different--more like a real walk in the woods. Upside down raindrops--no those are just raindrops which have hit the ground and made splashes. Orchids are beautiful they would have to be trough to survive my brown thumb

  2. What a delightful view as you do kitchen clean-up. Those orchids are gorgeous. Have you been able to get any of them to rebloom? That was always an issue when we had orchids in the past, so I switched my allegiance to Christmas cactus. Mr. Sasquatch is looking good, and I don't see any upside-down raindrops. I think Mr. S just likes to stomp in the puddles and send water flying!

  3. I like the idea of the different height trees. More variety to the look.

  4. Sasquatch - what a great idea. I think it is great that you are doing it YOUR WAY! Beautiful orchids!!!

  5. You must have a magic touch to get that many blooms at once. Simply amazing to see. It has been years since I grew them but never had that many bloom at once.

    Love the forest....and the big foot has lots of places to hide. I agree forget changing the raindrops...too small for me to detect anyway.

  6. Loving Sasquatch! I don't think anyone would ever notice the upside down rain drops. I couldn't see them even when I tried to enlarge the pic. Karen's block is gorgeous with your touch of quilting! Yes! please, on the tutorial!!! Your icicle photo is beautiful...isn't nature amazing? My dad's heart doctor office has orchids everywhere. I know they are real, but I have to touch them every time we go, just to make sure! :-)

  7. I just love how you changed the pattern of the trees for your quilt. It will make it unique. I couldn't see the rain on the background on my screen.
    Your orchids are amazing! do you feed them? do you water them with ice cubes? what is your secret??

  8. Love Sasquatch, your trees, the upside-down drops, the whole thing.

  9. Your orchids are beautiful ! I have one in my living-room, just like you, behind the window and I think it's the best place to have some flowers !
    Beautiful work on your trees quilt ! And your last quilting is awesome, as usual, with perfect stitches !! Congratulations Janet !

  10. Oh boy - Sasquatch is coming to get you! What a very fun quilt & I like that you varied the trees - you know how a forest looks for sure. Your rain drops are just fine - I have seen it rain so hard, they actually bounce upwards...
    Those orchids are wonderful and to enjoy them in the midst of winter is incredible. You have a terrific green thumb as well as a stitching thumb:-)

  11. Oh wow! Love the Sasquatch quilt especially the various heights of the trees and the use of different fabrics. Beautiful quilting on your snowman block. The 9 patch corner blocks are a great addition! And look at those blooming orchids! So bright and cheery in the middle of winter! How do you get them to bloom?

  12. Love how you changed up the Sasquatch quilt - it sounds like you've had a lot of fun with it! And delightful snowman mini too - Karen will be delighted with what you have done with her unwanted bits :-) What an amazing photo of the frost - definitely don't see anything like that here!! Good on you with the beautiful orchids - you really do have quite a collection and they are such a contrast to your white backdrop. What's making me smile today? Proposed time in my sewing Palace, a visit from my daughter and finishing up with a swim (or a paddle) in the waterhole down the farm :-)

  13. The Sasquatch quilt looks great! I do love your snowman mini, very sweet. I have only one orchid and it lives in our shade house so dont get to see it bloom like yours. What a great collection and I imagine especially lovely when it is winter. We are on our fourth day of a heat wave (want to swap weather?) and today it will also be humid - the bonus we dont need! However if it rains and the garden gets a good soak I will be pleased.

  14. Oh my--your orchids are gorgeous! Up until this Christmas I didn't have a single plant, but my brother gave me a little Norfolk Island pine--such a responsibility--lol! Sasquatch makes me chuckle--such a fun quilt!

  15. THe orchids are beautiful. What a bright spot in the winter time that I personally dread every year. Love the quilts too!

  16. Personally, I think you Sasquatch is quite happy to be in a sassed up forest. Great work! Also ... when your icicles have icicles ... that's COLD!! :)

  17. That frost photo is amazing... a real prize winner!
    I am smiling today because it's slow sunday stitching, and I'm well enough to do some!

  18. Hi Janet .. No I cannot see the upside down raindrops no matter how hard I look!!! I am in love with your snowman mini - it is adorable. As you battle the cold temps we are sweltering over here .. it is SOooo hot. Hope you have a great week Janet.

  19. Love your tree variety! No, I didn't look for any gravity defying raindrops, and agree it would be difficult to fix if important! Mr. Snowman is too cute. Hard to tell how small he is, though the border strips look pretty miniscule. I am no success at orchids, currently killing two right now...
    That frost photo is really striking. We seem to have completely skipped winter and spring and it was 86 degrees today, supposed to be in the 70s all week. No rain means no floods on our fire scorched hills, but also no grass.

  20. Sasquatch quilt is so much fun! I think you will need to name him though :-) Little snowman looks happy as punch to be quilted by your lovin' hands. I wonder how long that beautiful icicle would last hanging off my deck? Isn't it beautiful!?

  21. Changing the trees definitely added more interest and a happier place for Sasquatch to be hiding in. Love your frost photo. Nature sure is beautiful.

  22. wow your trees turned a ho-hum quilt into art! and such beautiful must have the gift

  23. Oh, I love the variation of green in your trees. Using the same fabric would seem rather dull, I think. I can't tell which raindrops are splashing back up. I wouldn't worry about it. The snowman is adorable. Nice job! Your orchids are amazing. My DH and I have tried to get them to bloom but they just die. What a delightful display in your window. That icicle picture is amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I just love hoarfrost. It makes everything magical!

  24. Your Sasquatch quilt just makes me smile. I love the fact that the trees are not all the same. Your mini snowman quilt is absolutely adorable! And as for your orchids - wow! My mother in law would be proud. She always used to say they are easier to care for than most people think, but somehow I never quite believed her. Yours are amazing.

  25. Oh my gracious! I love your forest with sasquatch! Nice work!
    Those orchids- WOW! What a nice contrast to the frost outside.

  26. Love your orchid jungle. It takes a special knack to grow them so beautifully. I went to my Bonnie Hunter class in Florida yesterday. She is so personable. The guild was very welcoming, too.

  27. The rain on a windy day doesn't always fall straight!
    I love hoarfrost and your picture is wonderful.
    Congratulations on your orchid success.

  28. Saw that Sasquatch pattern at RD2CA. It is definitely more interesting your interpretation. Keep it scrappy is my motto. That icicle is amazing. I'm crazy orchid lover too! No blooms on my right now. Sandi

  29. Sasquatch is darling but I think he needs to move one block to the left so he can stay in the forest longer. To me it looks like he is trying to escape!! You can send my 2 cents to Bandon, OR!! :-)) And your orchids are gorgeous!! How in the world do you get them to bloom again? Miss ya!!

  30. OH MY! It must be true, since you're making a quilt of it, there REALLY IS A BIGFOOT!!! LOL

    That is THE sweetest little snowman.....see, that's how I want my photos to look!

    I have orchids too and now I'm jealous of yours. I have 5 big and 2 little. I look and scrutinize them daily looking for any hints of a bloom coming. I just mentioned yesterday to hubby this may be the year I don't have any........sigh....


I love to have your comments and feedback.