
Saturday, June 3, 2017


I am having way too much fun with these little Dresdens. I had said I could see a little Dresden quilt in my future--welcome to the future. I can't stay away from them!
The plates are just pinned to the blocks, awaiting my half-hearted applique efforts.
I had some "Wild Orchid" yardage and thought it might make sweet little Dresdens, but decided I wanted more variety. Luckily, a LQS had some mini charm packs and I was able to get two "plates" cut from each mini charm. 
Just playing with possibilities here. I'm pretty sure I want to use that plaid for sashing. I haven't used any of the black fabrics, and was wondering if it would be too glaring to use it as the cornerstones and Dresden centers. What do you think?

Speaking of the centers, when I posted about my fear of appliqueing the circles, and chickening out and using wool, Sue mentioned that I might want to give these a try. So I ordered them, and will attempt "real" appliqued centers on this mini quilt.
Thanks, Sue--I think. : )  (I'll let you know for sure after trying them.)

Had another swap in May. This is what I sent to Barb. I actually didn't start out making it for her--just making it to make it. But as I worked on it, I kept feeling like it belonged at her house--if you follow Barb's blog, you know why. 
I named this one "Honoring Abraham".

It looked really good at my house, but it will look even better at Barb's.
I haven't received her little quilt yet, but when it arrives (we think it is taking the Priority Mail scenic route across the country), you know you will see it here!

I was behind on the little ornaments I am making from Dad's favorite blue plaid shirts. I missed the May birthdays of my oldest sister and DD#2. Got all 4 ornaments made and delivered this week, but only remembered to get a photo of these two.

For this year's family reunion auction I decided I would make this Buttermilk Basin free pattern, Spirit of America, from the Henry Glass website. I linked to this and a little pieced quilt pattern in my last post.
(My friend, Gayle, has already pieced the other little design--you can see it here. I love it. She used one of my favorite color combos!)

Haven't started stitching this down yet, but it is all fused.  The buttons are not attached. This was their audition moment.

Real Life Update (I don't usually do this, I know).
Today I spent 5 hours in my gardens, and my body is talking to me! The gardens were such a mess! Due to the shoulder issues I had all last year, they have been sorely neglected, and now I am paying for it. I should have taken "before" and "after" photos. I can hardly believe the difference. And I still have the largest bed to clean up and plant, but it will have to wait until next week sometime--preferably on a day that isn't in the 90s!
May has been quite a medical month in my family. I've been on another course of steroids, for hearing loss again. My sister and I have been going to physical therapy together (for different body parts), my Mom had a mini stroke, and my brother was admitted to the ICU for heart issues. He will be getting a pacemaker next week. I am hoping June is a little kinder!
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. The plaid around the Dresdens is a great choice. Honoring Abraham is a beautiful quilt--I may have to borrow some of your ideas. Seeing your beautiful red, white and blue Buttermilk Basin makes me think I can do wool appliqué. Today I shall spend a few hours in the garden pulling weeds, it seems to be a never ending task and worth the effort. Prayers for your family and their health issues

  2. Janet, I hate to hear about all of the family health issues. Please know you and your family are always in my prayers. I love your dresdens and they look wonderful against that plaid. I always admire your wool applique. Wool applique is something that I haven't tried yet. I would love to someday.

  3. I love the small Dresdens with the plaid sashing! It is a wonderful choice. Not so keen on the black for centers......might think about a darker purple or green instead.
    While I applaud you for the garden work, I know the suffering pain that comes with it. 5 hours would not even scratch the surface here.
    You had a rough medical hope all are doing better. At least a bit of improvement.

  4. Anything purple is a winner in my book!! You know you can EPP a hexie for the center of dresdens too, right?! Are you blanket stitching your dresdens? Black centers with black stitching? It sticks out but it's kinda traditional. I'm considering black for my temperature quilt since it's so scrappy and nothing else calls to me. I hope everyone's health improves steadily. When it rains it pours. Take care of yourself!

  5. beautiful work as those tiny dresdens! oh my a month of may challenges for sure...hopefully june is kinder and gentler...

  6. Oh goodness! I hope this month will be much better for you and your family! I love the Buttermilk Basin piece!! Honoring Abe is wonderful, how lucky for your swap partner! Love the dresdens and the little ornies that you make. Have a happy June!!

  7. Your dresdens are very sweet and I can see why you are enjoying them so much. Honoring Abraham will be a wonderful gift, I know I would love one - and also your reunion auction quilt. All are so pretty!

  8. First, fingers crossed to you and your family.... Second, your dresdens blocks are very cute and I love the fabrics on your sashing that you added in your blocks ! So nice !
    Third, no doubt Barb is going to treasure your little quilt ! It's gorgeous and she loves a lot everything about Abbe ! (she's right for that !)
    What a beautiful present....

  9. Love that little Abe quilt - he and I share the same birthday (just a few years apart - lol) so I've always had a soft spot for him! Cute little dresdens - I think the black might look good - you will have to do an audition. Love that BB pattern too - I might need to go print that one. So sorry about all of the health issues. Hope you are all on the mend and that June is a better month!

  10. So many beautiful projects. Your Dresden blocks are so cute. You are right...your "Honoring Lincoln" quilt will be perfect for Barb. Hugs

  11. That was a full post! I have shoulder issues too since a fall in November but haven't gotten myself to therapy yet. No gardening here, the drought continues.
    The Dresdens, ornaments , wool work and Abe quilt are spectacular as usual from your sewing time. Sorry to hear of family illnesses--that's worrying!

  12. Prayers for you and your family for healthier days ahead! I do love that little dresden quilt.... and your woolly BB design! Have a peaceful Sunday! ~Hugs!~

  13. You will love the Perfect Circles. Candy Hargrove gave a demonstration at Jo Morton's Sewing Retreat this spring and they work wonderful! She also makes pincushions in the little antique salts. Love the little quilt Honoring Abraham. Sorry for your health issues, sending prayers your way. (((Hugs)))

  14. Great dresdens. Those perfect circles work just Perfectly. I have used them severeal times. I have the ovals too. Another nice Swap, good the listen when the quilt tells you who needs it. Take it easy in your garden. Do you use a knee pad while you're woring in the flower beds?

  15. Love your dresdens!! That plaid is scrumptious! Always such fun projects!! Love seeing them!

    Received sweet treasure! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  16. The Dresdens are so sweet! And that lavender plaid works so well with them, too. I think that black would be far too solemn and heavy for this composition but a buttercream yellow might sparkle as the centers. What do you think?

  17. ACK! Those little Dresdens are absolutely adorable! Good luck on the center circle appliques. I, too, have those Perfect Circle templates and they're really good at what they do! Glad you've been able to tackle those flower beds - but hubby should have taken up the slack when you weren't able to do them - right? Hope your family's health issues take a vacation. My husband just found out he needs surgery on both arms for carpal tunnel in his wrists and elbows. Eight weeks recovery between the two, so he's essentially out of commission for the entire summer. (frown) We're hoping to get the majority of the yard put in before he goes under the knife on June 22nd. Son & sons-in-law have promised to help so that will be great. I'm really tired of nothing but dirt & sand - especially when the wind blows! Your little Abe quilt sure looks adorable in your display - can't wait to see what Barb does with it.

  18. The Dresdens are so sweet, but I am not sure about black for the centres, perhaps grey? Is there even a perfect circle small enough for the centres, they look tiny?! Glad you are having some fun with other projects. Sorry to hear about the collective health issues, hope you are all on the mend. I only did three hours of gardening on the weekend and my back is not happy, so you have my sympathy, with trying to get your garden under control.

  19. The little Dresdens are so dear! I love the plaid for sashings and borders, but I'm not sure I'd care for black for the centers. Maybe a deep purple. The Perfect Circles are a great help and I think you will enjoy using those for many quilts to come. I think I put buttons on my little Dresden plates instead of trying to applique the circles. I like your "Honoring Abraham" quilt! Praying for a healthy summer for you and your family!

  20. Those Dresdens are just too, too cute!! I am so glad to have seen Barb's quilt in person - she is going to love it!! You do such incredible work!! Pretty soon I am not going to be getting that chance again!! :-(( My heart and prayers are with you and your family!! I am sure going to miss you!! .

  21. So sorry to hear about the health issues you and your family are dealing with. Hope your mom is doing okay. Your little Dresden plates are super cute. I don't think I'd add the black. It would seem a bit harsh. I use those Perfect Circle templates all the time. Remember seeing all my grapes last week? Those templates are the best. Take care.

  22. From your Real Life Update, seems like our lives run parallel! Both not able to work in yard last year and paying for it this year, and yet again, health problems continuing this year for both of us and family members too! I love your dresdens; I'd probably try a different solid pastel center matching each one; I really like your plaid sashings. You know I love the patriotic quilts, as always! ---"Love"

  23. Oh My, You have so much eye candy on this post. Love the mini Dresdens, Abe's quilt and your wool project too. On Dresdens, I would probably audition a dark center of one of the colors in the Dresden itself, or being a purple freak, a medium dark purple might look good. I'm sure you will come up with a pleasing choice. So sorry to hear of your family's health issues. Prayers for all. I too have spent hours on end the whole week on our yard, and it's so big,m you can't tell a lot. My back sure knows it though. lol

  24. Oh Janet I love my little Abe quilt - thank you so much for adding to my Hall of Presidents here in CT.
    I sure hope you get your little quilt soon.
    Whew you really have had a lot of medical going on around you.
    I haven't spent more than 10 minutes in the yard this year. Waiting for the allergy season to subside.
    your little dresden quilt is sweet! Good luck with your circles.

  25. Oh my yes, that quilt screams "Barb"! It will be sensational in her house. I love the little Dresdens too, what fun. I know your circles will be perfect and Karen K.B. Will be proud! I'm sorry to hear about your "Medical May", let's hope you have a "Joyous June"!

  26. The Dresdens are delightful. I love that Wild Orchid line. I bought some when it first came out but I haven't done anything with it yet. Your piece for the family reunion makes me want to start something festive for the 4th of July. It probably won't happen so I'll just admire what you're making.

  27. I love your tiny dresden especially with the plaid sashing, that will make such a sweet doll quilt. Yes, I can see that patriotic Abe in Barb's decor too. I'm so sorry to hear of so many famity medical woes, hoping that everyone will be much improved with the new month.

  28. You are so funny with the dresdens! I just love them!! And I'll be curious how you like the circle device!
    LOVE what you made for Barbara. it's very cute and very patriotic!
    and I love your Buttermilk Basin piece as well!

  29. These are lovely. You left nice space between the plate and border - I like the small bit of black in the plaid. A black center would be clever - possibly you could repeat a bit of black with a narrow flange between the backgroud and the sashing, or maybe a narrow black binding.

  30. Gosh Janet, I just love every single thing in this post. Everything you make is just so beautiful!! You have achieved sooooo much as well as all the gardening. I did laugh at your comment as yes, mine need some attention too & my body will pay the price no doubt!! Thank you for your visit to my blog & the lovely comment you left me. I so look forward to seeing your last project all finished - using the wool felt. It is just gorgeous. Have a great week. Julie xxx

  31. I just love those tiny dresdens Mom! So pretty and dainty!
    What a fun patriotic wool project!...I might need to bid on that myself :)
    Thank you again for the very meaningful ornaments...even Andy commented on how special they are :)

  32. So sorry to hear about the medical concerns your family is dealing with. It's so strange that things like that seem to come in a big pile all at once!
    I love using the perfect circles!

  33. I assume you have people that attend your reunion that appreciate the handmade things you make. I have had some appreciated very much in the reunion auction and another did not have a lot of interest. That item, my sister-in-law got for a song and she uses it as a tote bag (which it was meant to be).

  34. Those mini quilt stands are too fun. I like that you can show off the quilts and change them around without having to use pins, nails, hangers, pockets, or anything else.
    The lavender plaid looks perfect with your little dresdeens and I love your Buttermilk Basin patriotic quilt.

  35. Those dresdons could not be any cuter and that plaid is perfect. I'll have to catch up and see if you used the black for cornerstones. You have such a good eye - I know whatever you chose, it will be just right. Your family is going to fall over each other in order to win that pretty wool's beautiful!
    If I had access to a garden elf, I would send him your way. He certainly wouldn't want to hang around here with the temps we've been having. I love having a garden - both flowers and vegetables - but it sure is a lot of work. Take care of yourself.
    I hope all went well with your brothers procedure and that the rest of your family is on the mend as well. Sending prayers that all of the medical issues are behind you.

  36. The dresdens are too cute! I saw those circles somewhere and have been thinking about getting them - I don't appliqué many circles, but they could come in handy. Thanks for the link to the free patterns! They are awesome! I have saved them in case I want to make them later. Your "Honoring Abe" quilt is so sweet!

  37. I bought the circles a while back, both sizes, and the perfect stems. They are nice, but I'm not finding myself drawn to using them. Mostly, I trace them on top of the fabric to give me a guide line for needle turning the circles. I could have done that with freezer paper. =)


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