
Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Few Finishes and a Work In Progress

Finally got the binding on Quilters Madder. Love this SAL quilt from Lori at Humble Quilts blog.

Mine finished at 17 1/2" x 14 1/2".

Mom's birthday gift of ornaments made from Dad's shirts were completed and delivered this week.

She was thrilled with them. As usual, they finished at 2 1/2".

When I received a pincushion from Randy at Barristers Block blog back in October she had wrapped it in 5 strips of fabric.  
I immediately sewed 2 of the strips together and used them to make 4-patches as leader/enders. I knew I wanted to use the 4-patches for a little Valentine quilt, so when I needed a quick project this week for therapy, I grabbed the 4-patches and this quilt was born. I think I may call it "Sprinkled with Love." Inspired by the recent Temecula "Box of Chocolates". Finished at 7"x 9".

Progress on the little lovebird block by Karen at Log Cabin Quilter blog. I machine quilted around the block and then around the HST border.

Now I am working on hand quilting around the applique, and a cross-hatch pattern on the background.
Don't know that these little lovebirds will be ready for Valentine's Day, but it will be close. I need to set them aside for now and focus on polishing up my Sunday School lesson. : )

Our little farming community has been ravaged by severe winds and flooding this week. Prayers are with all my neighbors that are trying to stay above water, and pick up the pieces from the wind damage!

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your madder quilt is awesome ! That's a great finish Janet !
    I love the idea you've made several pincushions with shirts from your Dad.... It's a precious present and I'm sure your Mom was very touched...
    And...are you quilting by hand ? Yes !! I can't wait to admire it !

  2. Your Quilters Madder is a gorgeous finish. And your handquilting stitches are as tiny as most of your quilts! Just beautiful. Living in the east I don't normally think of Utah as a place that would have floods, we will keep those neighbors in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. CUTE. As per your norm everything you create is beautiful. Great hand quilting.

  4. Congrats on your finish. I love your hand quilting on the bird block. I can now see that the basket fabric is the same as my Box of Chocolate border. I will keep you and your neighbors in my thought and prayers. Hugs

  5. I just love Quilter's Madder - of course, it's my favorite color! Sweet ornaments for your mom, I'm sure she loved them. How is she doing? Great Valentine projects too - that is a tiny little HST border!

  6. The weather has been crazy here, not as much flooding as was predicted, thank goodness. Prayers for you area!
    Love all your projects. So glad to see Quilters madder complete!

  7. It's all beautiful--the ornaments for your Mother are just beautiful and am sure they are making her heart happy. Your hand quilting adds such a special touch and great use of your extra fabric from Randy.

  8. LOVE your Little Madder Quilt! Units finish at 1-1/2"? The ornaments for your Mom are as adorable as ever and what a wonderful keepsake for her! Guess I should just say I love everything you do! To answer your question left on my blog, once I get the Boring Task of cutting 1/2's and Q's of new fabrics, I am ready to Sew! And you may come to my house for fabric/sewing play anytime!

  9. Sorry to hear about the flooding, hope that there is not too much damage to peoples homes and farms. Loving your little ornaments, very special keepsake for your mother.

  10. I nee to Quilt my Madder, too. I am still trudging along on Class Samples. Very nice to use the gifted strips for the Temecula "Box of Chocolates". No wonder you were so tempted by that one. Have a great Saturday. We are having a Heat wave- up to 40 degrees already. Paul is out for a Walk by Mill Creek. It's running High with the snow melt. Sorry about the wind damage in your area.

  11. I wondered how you were doing with the flooding situation. I'm glad to hear it hasn't affected you. So sad to see all the homes damaged and the families scrambling. I love the little pink quilt. It's so sweet with the soft colors. I love the display in the first picture. The dishes and quilt looks so homey. (That's meant to be a compliment.)

  12. Thank you for the inspiration. I had the same Bunny Hill blocks languishing in a box because I really didn't want to make a big quilt. Your idea to make small quilts prompted me to dig them out and do likewise. I love your blog and all the wonderful small quilts you make.

  13. Gosh I hope all is well with the flooding and winds........we have a drought! Lovely tiny projects. I bet your Mum's heart is filled with a warm glow from your thoughtful gifts. fabulous peek of your hand quilting. Take Care xxx

  14. First of all, your view is just awesome. How tragic to think that such beauty is coupled with so many difficulties. I am sending all the best to your neighbors.
    Then to see what you did with the "wrapping paper" I sent?? SO impressive!!
    You never cease to amaze.
    And I just LOVE what you did with your dad's shirts for your mom. FANTABULOUS!!!

  15. I am sure your Mom will treasure those little ornaments. I have such a hard time picturing them being just 2 1/2"! Your Quilters Madder quilt is beautiful, I love the border. Very sweet heart quilt. I really appreciate that you mix machine quilting and hand quilting. I always get hit with a little guilt when I do that, I guess I think the quilt police will get after me. So sorry to hear about the flooding down there. I will be praying.

  16. Beautiful Janet, in my eyes your still the queen of minis

  17. Your hand quilting project is looking mighty good. You certainly have put that block to good use.

  18. that madder SAL project is is your valentiney always make it look easy...what a precious gift to your safe!

  19. Your Madder quilt is really wonderful - that binding is perfect! I know your mom will treasure those ornaments - how thoughtful of you! And your hand quilting is going to make that block shine - the perfect finishing touch!

  20. I hope the weather sttles down and everyone is safe and well..... your Madder quilt is a lovely finish - well done; and I love what you are doing with the Lovebird block - it looks like it may be a close finish. Neat what you can make out of (seemingly) nothing - sewing up a few strips to make a wee quilt - hope the sewing soothed your soul. And gorgeous wee ornaments for your mum - she will treasure them for sure.

  21. Everything you show is just so pretty and sweet. I love the ornaments you gave your Mom, a special gift indeed.

  22. What a wonderful finish with Quilts Madder. The tiny sawtooth border on the love birds is delightful and the hand quilting adds that little bit of love as well. We had those winds too, but no snow so no melting.

  23. The pineapple ornaments are just lovely and I know they are meaningful for you and your mom. Lori's QAL looks fabulous finished. I love those tiny HST on the border.
    what a sweet little Valentine. Those few hearts are delightful.
    Your hand stitching looks wonderful on the love bird block.

  24. Your madder quilt is fabulous!
    And what a lovely project to be hand stitching on Valentine's Day!
    Sending you lots of love!

  25. All so very pretty!! I love the tiny ornaments you made for your mom. Those are incredible!!

  26. Those little lovebirds are the CUTEST; oh, how I love the hand quilting to set that off too. Those precious ornaments are a true work of heart. The 4-patch Valentine's quilt is adorable and you Quilter's Madder quilt is a real stunner. As always, you amaze me with your productivity! This post is a true feast for this quilter's soul.

  27. Just looking at all your darling projects gives me peace from the storm!! Hope you are okay out there!! We're dealing with lots of water on our block!!

  28. Your little quilts are so amazing to me. I'm sure your Mom loved her little patchwork treasures. What a wonderful gift. I send prayers for you and your neighbors to stay safe and dry.

  29. All of your quilting projects are fabulous! Those "love birds" are yummy so is your hand are enhancing this beautiful block even more!!

    Hug's, Carolyn

  30. So pretty Janet - sadly all my fabrics have been packed and it's driving me crazy! I should have saved them for the very last! LOL I do have a few FQs that I can use if I get the urge. Your projects are all so very pretty .


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