
Thursday, January 12, 2017

2016--What Didn't Get Finished!

It was my year to finish a pile of mini quilt flimsies. I began 2016 with 30 small-to-mini quilt tops, and it was driving me crazy to have that many unfinished little quilts, with more in the works. I wish I had a photo of the 30 waiting to be quilted, but I didn't think that far ahead.
I am happy to say that the photo below shows the current pile of 2016's minis waiting for quilting.

And the two on the right are the only ones that were in the original pile of 30. They are some of the smallest minis, and yes--I am afraid to quilt them. I have purchased fine silk thread for the task, but still I drag my feet. Whatever I do, the quilting is going to be more obvious on these little things and I don't want to mess it up.
The HSTs in the top one finish at 1/4" and the Mariner's Compass in the bottom one is 3" across. These are small!!
I hope to gather my courage this year and actually get these quilted. But for right now, I am still a wimp!

So there are only 2 left from my pile of 30, but if you followed along last year you may recall that I finished 46 little quilts (well, ALMOST finished--the binding on the two below is still in the works, but I am counting them anyway). If you do the math, that means there were 18 new little quilts added in along the way. That should come as no surprise. There are always little quilts taking form here.
"Give Thanks" from Buttermilk Basin & the 10th Anniversary SAL from Primitive Gatherings
Finishes at 7 1/2 x 9 1/2
Like this one that I assembled yesterday after a long dry spell of no stitching.  Just scraps and pieces in a package from a friend that were crying out to be made into a little patriotic quilt (the 9-patches finish at 1 1/2"). Since Christmas is over, it is time to think about patriotic quilts again, isn't it? : )

I had thought that maybe I should tell myself I couldn't start any new little quilts this year until I had finished some large ones, but the truth of the matter is I could make little quilts for months to come without "starting something new". I'll show you what I mean.

I have a large collection of design boards and I often use them to hold parts for little quilts. They may be scraps from friends, or I might have some of my own scraps and leftovers that I decide could be made into another little quilt (scraps beget scraps, you know) and I lay them out to see what will come of them.There are a couple more I can't show here because they are surprises for people that read my blog.

It wouldn't be so bad if it ended there, but it doesn't.  This CD tower in my sewing room, that I have outfitted with extra shelves and wire baskets, holds scraps and parts that are also going to become small quilts one day (okay, 3 of the shelves hold parts for large quilts in early stages, but the other 7 are small quilts). They just haven't reached the "lay out on a design board" stage.

And then there is the ever present, "never finished in my lifetime" hexie project, Stars in the Garden. I actually have another flower almost finished.

 I really hope to get some large quilts finished this year--you know, make something that will actually keep people warm, and not just sit on a table or hang on a wall. I think it is time to awaken "the beast". It has been monopolizing my large design wall for most of the year. Sashing and cornerstones are both cut. It just needs to be stitched together. What am I waiting for?!?

My deepest thanks to all who have sent condolences, and for the little surprises in the mail that have brightened my day, like this cutie from sweet Julie.

 Until next time,
Janet O.

p.s. It was a winter wonderland around here until this week when the rains came. Now the snow has been greatly reduce, but it used to look like this. 


  1. You never cease to amaze me. You have definitely inspired me to take o a few minis this year!

  2. You have such a talent for putting the right colors and shapes together to produce wonderful things! I can feel your joy as you talk about these little minis. That's what sewing is supposed to do. . . produce joy for the maker and the receiver.

  3. I have enjoyed watching your mini's progress through 2016 and in awe of your output. Now I am settling back to watch those design boards turn into finished quilts, this year!

  4. I won't count all the new projects, unless they got finished the same year. Flimsies add to my never ending pile...ah me! I'm a 'topper'. You accomplished a Lot last year! Almost 50 finishes is a great thing!!!

  5. Wow! It is beautiful. I love sun and snow! Love all your little projects and what's the point of feeling guilty? NO point! Just fun!

  6. I am in awe of your output and talent. Loved the little christmas trees amongst everything else.

  7. Wow! You're amazing...these are all wonderful!

  8. What an amazing vision of tiny quilts!! I love each and every one!!!

  9. Well - you know I am rooting for the hexie project!! But that's just me. Wink!

    I can see you doing your fantastic feathers around those tiny quilts. I would think simple in the middle to accentuate the detail but you are so talented I bet it will be fantastic no matter what you choose to do!! I have a paper-pieced quilt I've never quilted 'cuz I'm afraid of ruining all that work as well. Someday I'll man-up and just do bite of the elephant at a time.

  10. Wow! beautiful finishes and works in progress--you shame me with all your accomplishments--your hexie is beautiful!

  11. A great accomplishment my friend! And they are all just perfect! Always looking forward to you new projects!

    Blessings and hugs!

  12. It's so inspiring to see your mini quilts and how you finish them. I have several that need quilting too. It's always the hardest part for me. Keep up the awesome work!

  13. I can't even imagine cutting and stitching such tiny pieces in those two tiny quilts! Your fingers work much better than mine just to pick up such little pieces! All your work is perfection personified! ---"Love"

  14. You have a dreamy winterwonderland! LOVE IT! Gosh you did make many mini's, all very cute. Come on go quilt those can do it!!Is that a teeshirt quilt on your design wall I see??

  15. Your mini's are the miniest. ( I don't know if that's a word, but it sure fits). I guess it doesn't matter if a person does large or small quilts we all have more ideas than time. Have a fun and progressive new year.

  16. You might have some UFOs or unfinished projects, but what you HAVE done is scrumptious! So many pretty project! I LOVE the photo of your house, in the snow, with mountains in background. I even dragged the computer to DH to see the pretty scene. Peace, and Happy Quilting! Elaine Adair

  17. So many gorgeous projects, and I'm in awe of HST's that finish at 1/4"! Maybe those two super-minis could be hand quilted with the silk thread? That is a gorgeous view of your snow-capped mountain range. The rains have washed away all our snow, the creek is several feet over its banks, and we're thankful we set all the storage shelves in the unfinished basement on blocks. It has been a strange winter. Looking forward to seeing what projects evolve from that storage shelf system in your sewing room!

  18. I'd be afraid to quilt those tiny ones too! In fact, I simply tied the mini I made that had teensy HSTs and thick intersections! Wonderful to see a lot of minis you finished!

  19. Love mini quilts, love YOUR minis quilts and the amazing work you made.Congrats & good luck.

  20. You've done an incredible work with your doll quilts ! wow ! congratulations Janet !
    I love to admire them and I love to look at your wonderful quilting !

  21. Amazing!! you will do a beautiful job on the two 'micro' mini's, I'm sure!! I wish I had your discipline to keep on sewing!! I spend too much time reading about sewing, instead of actually sewing!! The CD tower with baskets is ' genius'! Your snow was pretty too. We had a small dusting of snow here, just enough to make these eastern NC folks crazy!! 😆

  22. an awesome collection of beautiful little quilts...nice to see your snow, was 66 here yesterday with no flakes at all...hoping 2017 will give us both a year of lots more fun!

  23. I enjoyed your displays of those things to do. I prefer to accent the positive for you for those things to come:) I am glad you got to a bit of stitching and can begin to make some plans. I think the time has come to finish off the big make space. LOL

  24. Interesting seeing all your waiting projects. Lots of variety in what you can choose to work on. I was cheering for you to get 50 projects done in 2016. You got close!

  25. Lots to view of your projects...wonderful! Great ideal of your CD holder.

  26. Always such a treat of eye candy on your posts friend Janet! And every time I have to physically lift my jaw when I'm done looking at all your teensy, tiny little blocks. I hope you realize the mariner's compass and feathered star are both evidence of your obvious insanity? I won't tell anyone if you won't LOL!!!

  27. I love your many projects - better for not getting bored! Your CD tower is ideal for storing a lot of projects and small pieces. Your hexie project is gorgeous and your very works in progress look interesting. I want to send my sincere sympathy on the passing of your father. You were very fortunate to have him in your life for so long (I was also fortunate in that way). Blessings on your family.

  28. You have so many beautiful projects in the works! No worries - pick the one that calls out to you the most and work on that - or start a new one. Either way, it is okay with me!

  29. All your little projects are looking good!! But, I especially love your hexie flowers!! I think I am going to borrow your idea and make my flowers like yours, okay? My prayers are always with you, dear friend!!

  30. You have so many adorable little projects waiting for you--no matter which you choose, it will be fun to work on! I'm looking forward to seeing some more of your finishes. I love that little patriotic quilt you whipped up too--sweet!

  31. I can see a busy busy mind with ideas and quilts flying in all directions :-) Well done on working through your pile of wee quilts last year and good luck with the wee-er two that are waiting for this year :-) I'm sure with the very fine thread your quilting won't be as noticeable as you think. It will be quite odd to work on the large quilt!

  32. Thank you so much for keeping it real, and sharing your amazing works with us! Your little quilts are visually stimulating! What is the smallest scrap you personally keep.....just curious? Also, have you ever made a mini rail fence....just curious? Happy to see you taking inventory and jumping back in the saddle!

  33. I love that storage tower you have - how did you EVER find wire baskets that fit so perfectly? I'll have to be on the look out for something similar...... So fun to see all your projects in various states of completion - it's inspiring!

  34. So many wonderful little quilts! I see many more amazing quilts waiting their turn on their design boards. I don't know what it is, I enjoy making the blocks, but dread sewing them into rows on a large quilt. I am glad that you are back in your sewing room!

  35. A fresh new year brings an abundance of happy opportunities! Enjoy each and every stitch! :-)

  36. Hope I got the block right - the tiny Burgoyne Surrounded in red and white - oh my word!!! Incredible! You have so many delights to choose from...2017 will be a productive year for you. Happy stitching.

  37. All of these wonderful projects are a balm for grieving... this will keep you stitched together through this difficult time. Take good care of yourself Janet!

  38. I would be scared to quilt those tinies also! Good luck with that :)
    your "scraps beget scraps" make me think of making gingerbread cookies...rolling out the dough, cutting, gathering the scraps and rolling out again...that's kind of what you're doing with the fabric right? :)

  39. You amaze me, Janet, with the number of quilts you make, their beauty, and their size. When I see little quilts I sometimes think, tiny pieces, short seams, quickly finished. But then when I take time to think about working with tiny pieces of fabric I can't imagine it. Thanks for showing us behind the scenes. Your home looks so isolated with lots of open land around you! Beautiful.

  40. I think I"m going to give up large quilts and turn to minis! Imagine all the millions I'd be able to get done. Well, maybe not. But I just think your degree of accomplishments is remarkable. And all the design walls?? Of course. I should've known! Most of us have ONE!! vbg
    I never knew you were doing hexies! Yours are fabulous!!
    I still marvel at the beauty of your view and where you live! So peaceful and serene.


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