
Saturday, September 10, 2016

This may not make any sense.

I am falling asleep over the keyboard, but I wanted to quickly update a few things.
Dedication Rose (block pattern by Lisa Bongean for The Splendid Sampler) is a flimsy now.
Those HSTs finish at 1/2"--and yes, I foundation pieced them.

And the scraps from that just keep on giving.
The 4 patches will finish at 1". I may throw a border or two on this one when it is all stitched up.

My secret challenge quilt is completed and will go in the mail today. (I think this is small quilt finish #42 for the year.)
The challenge was to make a 12" square quilt using French General fabrics Randy had leftover from a recent creation. It has been fun to plan and carry out a little surprise for her. : )


Randy is also hosting a pincushion swap and she shared a link to this Schnibbles pattern. It is a free download on the moda blog (the cutting table) here. I have this pattern, and if you want to make the pincushions boxy style instead of pillow style, check out my tuffet tab under my header photo.

The scraps from the challenge quilt seem to keep multiplying, too. This little brick quilt measures about 9 1/2" by 10 3/4". I am going to bind it in the pink. It is the only fabric of which I have enough. (That sentence structure was brought to you by Mom.)

A sweet surprise arrived from a delightful blog friend, Teresa. Look at these two wonderful quilt hangers--perfect for mini quilts. They both got put to use right away! Thanks, Teresa!!

This isn't quilted yet, but I thought it was the perfect size and colors for this hanger. After it is quilted I think this will be it's home.

That seems to be all, and just in time. The toothpicks holding my eyelids open are beginning to weaken.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. So, so many pretty things! Dedication Rose and it's leftovers might b my fav. If it weren't for the bias edges, i would skip the borders. Love the wooden quilt hangar too.

  2. Cute, cute, cute my friend! Hope you got some good sleep!

    Blessings and hugs!

  3. Looking forward to seeing more of that Secret Challenge. I love French General fabrics. Dedication Rose is so sweet and delicate and its offspring quilt is almost hard to imagine the tiny size, until I realized it is showing up at nearly full size on my monitor! Love that wooden hanger!

  4. Dedication Rose is stunning. I'm not surprised as everything you do is beautiful. Keep on creating as I'm loving the luscious eye candy.

  5. Dedication Rose! Gorgeous and those tiny lil pieces... you are amazing! The sentence , if I had written it, would say : that' s the only fabric I had enough of..... lol

  6. Dedication rose turned out so nice. Have a wonderful weekend!


  7. Your wool rose piece is oh so pretty. I am collecting rose designs right now.

  8. Tiny HST's, I think I'm crazy somedays... LOL Beautiful scraps and a sneaky peek. I'm sure Randy will love the surprise. Hope a Nap is in your daily plans. You posted in the wee hours!

  9. That is a lovely use of the Dedication Rose block and you foundation pieced those triangles!!
    Wonderful stuff and inspiring for me.

  10. You accomplish more with toothpicks keeping your eyelids open than I do in a month of being fully awake!!! Goodness girl, what sweet projects!! And as always, the scale you operate on is amazing with all the tiny pieces!

  11. What a joy to see all those beautiful pieces this morning; more inspiration from you again! The stitches on your secret challenge piece are perfect. ---"Love"

  12. that is how it is with's like the loves and fishes! and you have done them beautiful justice, as usual....

  13. You always seem to accomplish a lot even when you're falling asleep. The scraps just keep giving you sweet minis.

  14. Your Dedication Rose block is beautiful, Janet, and I agree, that little hanger is perfect for it. I'm always amazed at the tininess of your blocks -- 4-patches that finish at 1"! I love how scraps from one project are fodder for another. (And your mom's grammar is perfect, though we don't talk or write that way very often these days.)
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  15. Your little flimsy is adorable and your scrappy four patches are pretty cute too! The look like they would have worked around your flimsy too. I have the the pin cushion pattern also, but downloaded it when it was offered because who knows where my pattern is located--haha! Great idea to square off the corners--maybe I will actually get around to making a couple of them.

  16. Wonderful work, loving the little tops with the black background, just makes the colours really pop. Thanks for the pincushion link, a girl cannot have too many pin cushions! Can I ask you how wide you cut your single fold binding strips?

  17. It all makes sense to me.............more lovely mini's and a sneak peek of some pretty quilting!

  18. Dedication Rose is luminous!!! I can't hardly wrap my brain around 1/2" hst's - yikes!!! Good for you - using proper English!!! Your mom and I are both extremely proud of you :*). I'm so happy you are pleased with the quilt hangers - the quilts you chose with which to match them are perfect! (Did you see what I did there? LOL!!!). Get some sleep girlfriend :*)

  19. Your Dedication Rose is a little beauty and the scrap quilt too ! Congratulations !
    Your friend had sent you a lovely present .....

  20. Everything you make puts a smile on my face! Exquisite and stunning Dedication Rose. The hangers are great and show off your little quilts so well!

  21. Oh what lovely mini quilts. Reminds me I need to get mine out and hung. Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. what tiny tiny hst - they look so great surrounding your quilt.
    I almost squealed with delight over the little 4-patch. I have one in almost the exact same colors. I love that combination!
    what a lovely surprise in the mail.
    It was fun to visit your tuffet page and see those cute pumpkins! You have the best RW&B decorations and the best fall decorations!

  23. I have gotten behind with my blog reading! I do love your little 4-patch with the bright colors and black alternating blocks. That is one of my favorite patterns for doll quilts, but I've never used black. Of course, my 4-patches finish at 2". Maybe one of these days, I'll try making some that finish at 1". I have lots of 1" strips which could be put to use.

  24. Love, Love, Love the Dedication Rose and the mini from the scraps :)!!!

  25. Enjoyed your post this time (as I usually do =^.^=). Like all the projects you have going on. Excited when you can share the reveal with us too. Sandi

  26. Visiting from Randy's post to tell you what a delight mini you sent her! You've got this mini thing down, don't you? Your work is absolutely lovely!

  27. Girlfriend, you could've sent me the bricks out of the french general and I'd have been happy as a clam! That is gorgeous!! And what a great idea. Want some more??? I still have quite a bit.
    LOVE the Lisa B. top. AWESOME!! You sure to crank them out. Maybe there's something to be said for minis???
    thank you again for my fabulous little mini quilt!! LOVE it!!

  28. Nice to see what you've been doing Janet, gorgeous work as always! - love those hangers Teresa sent you - nice that you had minis ready (well almost) to hang on them! Just checked Randy's blog and I love what you did with her scraps!!

  29. You have such a knack for the perfect display opportunity and matching the mini to it's soulmate of a hanger. Always eye candy here as I sit and gurgle.

  30. I love al of your little quilts. Half inch HSTS? Crazy good! I think you should keep that one too!


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