
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Stitchin' with Stacy at My Girlfriend's

Had a great time on Monday of this week in class with Stacy West of Buttermilk Basin. I had a couple of days with her back in January of 2015, which you can read about here. It was very fun to  spend another day with this amazing designer.
These are the classroom samples of the project we made.
The one on the left was made by a store employee and the one on the right is Stacy's sample.
Look at some of the wonderful things she has designed recently--these were newly introduced at Quilt Market this past Spring. (You can click on photos to enlarge them.)

This all went down at My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe in Logan, UT. We met in what they affectionately call "The Attic", but it really is a wonderful class space on the upper level of the building. Here is shop owner Kris Thurgood introducing Stacy. (Or is this Stacy introducing Kris?)

As Kris told us would happen, she quickly became everyone's BFF.
 And she held our attention as she demonstrated her techniques for working with wool.

Once we got going, we worked at our own speed and Stacy would move from table to table demonstrating the next steps, answering questions, and keeping us laughing.

Stacy's gift for designing is something she feels compelled to share, and we reap the rewards.
She is as genuine and real as they come.

After a few hours of "hard work", we moved to the bottom level of this 3 level shop and were treated to a catered lunch.
 Then it was back to work. Boy, they are such slave drivers here! : )

In the evening there was a trunk show, where we were treated to more of Stacy's stories, and the stories behind many of her designs. I will only show a handful of my favorites up close.
There was a sweet story of how this one came to be.

Though I don't do much embroidery, this one caught my attention.

Loved this, but have no place in my home to hang something this size.

This was very fun.


Of course, we finished up with time to shop--and shop we did! 

I wasn't going to buy kits--I have so much wool at home, but these two small holiday kits leapt into my arms. Funny how they do that.

I made good progress on our class project. Everything here is fused and stitched down. Still needs berries on the wreath, the black background, the "Joy" banner, and the backing.

This fun pincushion went home with Stacy, a gift from the shop--in honor of her vintage truck series of patterns.

Shop owner, Kris, and her cute daughter, were among the many people that pulled this off. The employees worked tirelessly to see that our needs were met--from having all of the supplies and tools we needed, to making sure there was an endless supply of snacks.  I've said it before--they really know how to throw a party.
My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe has events at least once a month. Meg Hawkey of Crab-apple Hill is coming in September. You can find out more here, if you are interested. There were women from at least four western states in the class I attended.

My vintage truck is almost completed. Still needs the banner, backing, and stitching around the edge.

Shouldn't take too long to finish this up--that is one of the things I love about wool projects.
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. I'm up late again, Have to wind down after the road trip to the Temple tonight. Got my Tula Block made before the midnight hour, YEA! You like the small projects for a fast finish. I like year long SAL and BOM's. Whatever makes you happy! Did you give her the Truck? Very cute! I don't do Wool so these kits done' tempt me. I do have some resistance. LOL

  2. I remember your first class with Stacy, and I'm glad to hear that this class was a success as well. And I have to confess that I'm tempted to give a wool project a try. Now to try to find THE project - there are so many fabulous ones to choose from. ;-)

  3. That class and project looks like such fun! You're fortunate to have such a large quilt shop close enough to attend classes like Stacy's.

  4. You make everything beautiful! I have a small stash of wool but have not worked with it yet..... Soon....

  5. looks like a really fun day...and i like that embroidery quilt as well...cute patterns!

  6. Great class, and I love the old truck. Her designs are so fabulous and could translate to traditional applique too. Glad you had fun and found a few goodies.

  7. Oh Janet; you lucky duck! That looks like so much fun!! Your little truck is beautiful.

  8. Janet, thank you for these wonderful pictures! I can't imagine seeing all of these wonderful projects hanging in one place! WOW!! I pinned several of them for future reference! Lucky YOU!! Wonderful picture of you and Stacy!

  9. The truck with the pincushion in the bed.....a novel and cute idea.

  10. Looks like a good time! I am envious of their space for events. Glad you enjoyed and found some fun new projects!

  11. I love, love, love the vintage truck designs! I wish there was a workshop like that around here. What fun!

  12. So fun Mom! Looks like a grand old time :)

  13. What a fun time that must have been! I love the embroidered quilt with the beautiful quilting in the border! I don't do wool or applique, but your showed some really neat things. I love the novel idea of displaying one on what appears to be a china platter, right? Thanks for the great "show". ---"Love"

  14. I just love Stacey's truck series! You gals really know how to throw a party out there - our classes are terribly shabby in comparison. I've had a few kits jump in my basket a time or two as well, although like you I don't often buy them because of my stash. Sometimes a quilter's just gotta do what a quilter's gotta do :*)

  15. What an awesome opportunity to stitch, learn, laugh and shop. Those kinds of classes just energizes you. I could tell just by reading your post how excited you were.

  16. What fun! Love the samples and your class project.

  17. What a wonderful retreat! Your project is gorgeous and I can see your smile from here! THanks for sharing!

  18. It looks like you had another fun class! You are very fortunate to live near a shop that has so many great events. Will you be taking Meg's class? I think it would be really fun to learn her techniques. Nice job shopping!

  19. Wow - so much quilting. The catered lunch is so charming. I love her pickup truck pincushion.
    Fun Fun quilt day.
    Your wool piece looks great!

  20. It looks like you had a very fun day. I love the old-fashioned truck with the Christmas tree pattern. Maybe some day I will applique with wool....
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  21. That is quite a building with classroom, food and shopping space! Hmm..2 kits - not bad considering all the samples there were to choose from. Your holiday project will be finished pretty quick. Let's hope the snow doesn't come quite that soon...

  22. Your photo #10 has to be my favorite design. Of course, love that there is a kitty! Your project looks great. Can you find an oval metal serving dish for the perfect display? Looking good Marti! Sandi

  23. Looks like a really fun day and good teacher. Wish there was something like this near me!

  24. Janet, I just love those trucks!!! What a fun day you had!!

  25. Hey - I forgot to tell you that I was at Girlfriend's on Saturday for a rug guild meeting! How 'bout that? Tonia ordered one of those cute truck patterns (the one with pumpkins) and she plans to enlarge it and make it a hooked rug - won't that be cute? Sounds like you were having fun in Logan the same day I was having fun in Springville! LOL

  26. What a fun class! I would be hard pressed to choose just one from all of Stacy's projects. I love the truck pincushion she was gifted from the shop as well as your pretty project. That little vintage truck scene is charming.

  27. My goodness what a superb facility for the class! And a catered lunch besides? Rotfl, we're lucky if we get potluck here in New England. Your project is so sweet!


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