
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Quick Update

I know I don't usually post more than once a week, and it hasn't been a week since my last post, so I am getting ahead of myself. But I wanted to share the progress on the little flimsy pile.
A complete finish on this little quilt from Pam Buda's Orphans and Scraps SAL  back in 2013.

The quilting on these three is completed and the binding just needs to be stitched down by hand.

I did feather the basket quilt after all. Before I started the quilting I marked the outer boundary so the feathers didn't end up under the binding. Then I marked the curved spines for the feathers in the setting triangles. You can faintly see the white lines to the right.

I was pretty happy with the way the feathers turned out. I haven't stitched feathers for a while, so I was a bit hesitant to get started.
 For those who like to view things from the back, here is a view for you. : )

The log cabin quilt was fun, after I got the ditch stitching completed. I ditch stitched along every edge where the two contrasting color bands meet. Then I stitched a rope design in the light color and  a cable pattern in the dark colored logs.

Below is a view from the back.
I have seven more little quilts hanging in my sewing room, waiting next in line to be quilted.
That's all for now. Can you believe it? : )
Until next time, Janet O.


  1. You are amazing! The quilting on the basket quilt is beautiful--the feathers was a perfect choice. I would br tempted to hang the quilt showing the back so I could see the quilting.

  2. Great job! Thanks for sharing your process on designing the quilting as well. Love the views from the back!!

  3. wow the feathers are very nice...i am impressed...looks like you have an assembly line going there....feels good to rack up finishes, esp that fast!

  4. I like the view from the back of your quilts; what gorgeous texture! Your piecing is so precise!

  5. You are very very very talented Janet !!
    Congratulations for your beautiful quilting...I looove to admire it !
    Thank you for sharing !

  6. Beautiful! Each quilt motif compliments the quilt perfectly! Love them all!

  7. Wow, you are really blazing through these quilting projects, so many finishes in the past few days. Your log cabin quilt is fabulous, well in truth they all are, but the log cabin especially caught my eye this morning. Such precision stitching on such a tiny quilt!

  8. Your machine quilting is stunning! I was so happy to see your blogpost arrive....always makes my day! Hugs!

  9. These are great! Those feathers make me swoon...

  10. Lovely from the front AND the back :-) I'm with you in the attention to SID on minis, as well as keeping the design a bit simpler. Your work shows how nicely they turn out.

  11. Janet your quilting designs are inspiring. I love all your little quilts. Hugs

  12. Wow, Janet! You are on super speed finishing so much machine quilting.

  13. They are all beautiful and you do gorgeous work. :)

  14. Wow! Your quilting is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. ;o) Margie/NY

  15. Wow oh wow, what beautiful quilting on fabulous quilts!

  16. Really great progress to crow about because these quilts should win awards. I love your precision in both the piecing and the quilting but the overall effect is just to charm the viewer.

  17. Wow! Beautiful feathers on that basket quilt! All of your quilting is wonderful.

  18. The quilting on those last two are lovely Mom!
    Nice progress!

  19. Your quilting brought those mini's to life. The designs you went with couldn't have been better suited. I'm partial to feathers too. I like how you connected all of the outer edge together with the continuing vine. That was a great idea!

  20. I love seeing the designs you choose to quilt on these little ones - so inspiring! You're just whipping them out like hotcakes lately - good on YOU!

  21. Your feathers are fantastic!!! Lets hope mine are half as nice on my hexie quilt...

  22. WOW!! Standing ovation for YOU!! Bravo! Loved it ALL!

  23. Love your finishes. The cable and rope quilting patterns across the log cabin blocks looks great, such a good idea to use two different patterns.

  24. Great finishes and lovely quilting!

  25. Wow Janet all your little quilts look so cute and your quilting is fantastic.

  26. There is no reason to be concerned about those feathers! They are beautiful! Love the cables and ropes too...........I might be able to do those with walking foot? Feathers.....will likely have to stay with handquilting! Doing a little cable on my Jo Morton Courthouse Steps for this evening's relaxation time!

  27. Oh my dear friend!!! They are all just gorgeous!!!! I love the border fabric on the Pam Budapest sal quilt. So very pretty!!! Your quilting is to be aspired for!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  28. I read this post on my Phone and had to get on the Big Screen to get a better look! Amazing quilting. Am I bad to hope you are my Doll swap partner? You're whittling those UFO minis down quick. Keep up the great work.

  29. Beautiful work! I love your quilting on the log cabin and the basket quilts. Just lovely!

  30. It's wonderful to see your progress on these Janet... gosh what a beautiful job you are doing! I have a feeling the next seven will be under the needle soon, too :-)

  31. Your little quilts are so perfect. It's hard for me to imagine making anything with such small blocks, let alone having them come out the ways yours do.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  32. That's all? Each one of these would have been a separate blog post, as slow as I work.You have made terrific progress.

  33. Awesome! I'm sure you could find a cute little quilt for the swap:)

  34. E-gads....I'm in love!

  35. Amazing! I love your quilting designs. The cable on the log cabin is especially lovely. I always find that a difficult pattern to quilt.
    I'm not sure if I ever asked, but what kind of machine do you have? and what weight thread do you use for all your machine quilting.


I love to have your comments and feedback.