
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year, friends!

Lots of family gatherings, and health issues for me and my Mom have made my time for blogging recently rather sketchy. Not much time to stitch, either, but I finally got an evening to spend sewing, so I'll share what came out of it.
First up, there was that mindless sewing of HSTs a friend had given me, that I showed in my last post. This is what I did with them. Kind of fun and festive.
The star blocks finish at 4". The quilt finishes at about 15". Did this very hurriedly and cut off lots of star points, but I needed a finish for sanity's sake, so I'll live with it. : )

Got my last block made for the Buttermilk Basin Mystery BOM completed. Chose not to put the snowman in the mitten, but used a free pattern Stacy had shared back in November (click on link above), and made it a little larger to fit the block. I added twig arms and snowflakes to the chilly fellow.

Here are all of the blocks together. Wonder how Stacy will be setting them? Wonder if I will do it her way?

My little snowball block from HeartTohand is ready for quilting. I wasn't sure, last time I shared it with you, what I would do for the border. Sandra (textiletimetravels blog) suggested a simple snowball block. I thought about doing tiny ones, but based on the size of the block itself, I settled for 3" finished snowballs. I really like how it turned out. Thanks, Sandra.

Remember I thought the tree's needles looked a bit spindly. I was going to leave it be, but finally caved and fixed it. I doubled my floss and went back and added needles in between the ones I had already stitched.


I do like the end results better.
Compare it to the tree in the top photo.

I'm not usually a participant in after-holiday sales, but there were two things I couldn't resist this time around. All of the Christmas fabrics and kits were 50% off at my LQS. Though I went just to see the fabrics, and I don't tend to buy kits, I couldn't pass this up. This Kim Diehl pattern is free online at Henry Glass and I have loved it and pinned it. When I saw the shop had kitted it up with Kim Diehl fabrics in holiday colors, but NOT holiday prints (that is how I like my holiday quilts)--and it was half off, I snatched it up. It was the last one and I felt pretty smug.

The other thing I couldn't resist was buying a tower of Dark Chocolate Peppermint Roca on clearance. This is not just a guilty pleasure. It is a vital part of my keeping my most important Quilting Goal from last year (which I plan to continue into this year)--keeping dark chocolate in the sewing room. Any time you can combine that dark chocolate with a subtle peppermint flavor, the synergy of the two is undeniable. This is probably the only quilty goal from last year that I actually kept, and may be the only one I carry on into this year.


Last, but definitely not least, I have been the recipient of some lovely gifts from quilting friends the last few months. 

To the right are a pair of pretty crocheted coasters from Mary (quiltingrandma blog), and lovely purple mittens and scarf from Doniene (nowitsjustquilts blog). 
In the left photo are quilts gifted to me by Joy P. (top quilt--no blog), and Sandra D. (bottom quilt--kwiltnkats blog). Don't they look pretty hanging together? Each one of these gifts is a beautiful handmade treasure that has warmed my heart and the Christmas season. Thank you, my friends. 

As you all know, blogging takes time and now and then I think I can't do it anymore. Then I ponder the priceless friends I have made, and I know I can't walk away from it. This is about more than quilting. It is a connection with people that have enriched my life in so many ways, prayed with me and for me, laughed with me, shared with me, and widened my scope. I would never have dreamed I would feel so connected to so many quilters around the world.
Bless you all as we enter upon a new year of sharing.

Until next time, 
Janet O.

Heads up to all of you that read blogs without a Google profile. 
From Blogger Buzz posted Dec. 21, 2015:

...starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count.

We encourage you to tell affected readers (perhaps via a blog post), that if they use a non-Google Account to follow your blog, they need to sign up for a Google Account, and re-follow your blog. With a Google Account, they’ll get blogs added to their Reading List, making it easier for them to see the latest posts and activity of the blogs they follow.


  1. Happy New Year Day 2. I don't see any badly missing points! Hst's are so versatile and make so many fun blocks. I like the snowman with snowballs around him too. The tree is better with more needles. I was busy all day and took a nap so now I'm awake in the wee hours --blog surfing. Have to comment. Thanks for posting about the Google info, I had noted a decrease in my followers. Happy Blogging when you can. I'll watch for posts. I've cut back on my posting too. It's been only 2 times a week lately. Not as much to show.

  2. Nice to see you back! Hope you and your mom are feeling better! You have some great quilts here! I especially love that star quilt. Beautiful colours! And really love how you surrounded your snowman with snowballs. Gorgeous!

  3. You really have accomplished a lot. I love your Buttermilk Basin blocks. I hope that the new year brings good health to you and your family. Hugs

  4. Happy New Year to you Janet! I absolutely love your Snowball Block with the snowballs border. Simple and so perfect! Yes, the pine tree looks much happier now. Wishing you a year of improving health and filled with all your favorite things; fabrics and chocolate make a powerful tonic sure to improve your spirits!

  5. Hope you are feeling better. Dark chocolate, yum! I agree Christmas fabrics instead of Christmas prints. Yes blogging takes time the sharing and friendships are worth the effort.

  6. Mr. Snowman is so cute....and yes, the stitches improved the tree. As for the star points....we would not notice if you had not mentioned them. It's a great little finish. Do hope you and your Mom are better/ getting past the health issues. Maybe a little extra chocolate---love that goal---will help. Keep on blogging as you is a great support line. Healthy, happy new year wishes.

  7. Happy 2016! I'm happy to hear that you and your mom are feeling better, and hope good health continues for you this new year. It is such a pleasure when one of your posts appears in my blog feed. They are worth the wait. I love how you take patterns and give them your own twist, and look forward to seeing what you do with the Buttermilk Basin blocks. And the chocolate - what a great goal for the year! All those anti-oxidants, mmmm! Cheers!

  8. Well, I'm down with any quilting goal that includes dark choco!! Your snowman looks like he has struck a pose! And the snowballs were definitely the perfect border for your other snowman.

  9. The snowball border around the snowman block was a very good idea. Makes a nice piece.
    I can't see star points cut off in your picture. Looks good to me.

  10. Your snowball snowman quilt is so fun! The border was a perfect idea. It makes me want to make one too. Happy New Year!

  11. A wonderful post to start off the new year - so much to see...the little snowball border was a very fun addition - the cute evergreen tree leaning towards the snowman adds just the perfect touch of whimsy. Hoping this finds you and your Mom feeling well. I agree with you - blogging does take time and I have thought - no more - but the friends made across the miles & oceans would be missed and oh my! All the inspiration, creativity & cheering when a project is completed!! Thanks for the Google reminder - I have a sticky note on my desk about including that in a post. Wishing you and yours the Happiest of New Years.

  12. Beautiful post, Janet! Love all your fun projects...Hope you are feeling better and your mom too! I agree with you regarding blogging....I fall behind and with my posting...and miss my blogging friends...I have met many neat quilters throughout the world and have enjoyed reading many posts and comments...I so enjoy yours and viewing your creations. Thank you for your enthusiasm and up beat attitude. Blessing to you and your family. Hugs, Carolyn

  13. fun stuff Mom! I love the snowball border on your snowman....I also think the added needles look great :)

  14. So many lovely things! I hope you are your mom are both feeling much better.
    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  15. Great projects! Love your 50% off find!! I'm not a good shopper and never find great deals like that. Your snowman is so cute and I love the snowball blocks around it. The colors are great.
    Happy new year! Here's to many more blog posts!!

  16. I hope and prayer the health issues have been resolved, and that you and your Mom are both feeling much better! Love the star mini and your Buttermilk basin projects, but I think my favorite is your very cute snowman. I like the tree better too. So glag you have a good supply of chocolate for the coming year! Great buy on the Kim Diehl kit. Thanks for the link to the free patterns. Like you, I have been debating about blogging.

  17. oooh lovely quilt kit and i agree about the pine tree, looks much better a bit fuller...glad you are planning on keeping up with the blog...we all have things that interrupt now and then but it does make for a huge quilty community that we can all enjoy and feel part of, no matter what our location or what our level of expertise...

  18. Fabulous find on the green and red kit!! Just gorgeous! Your wool blocks are darling! No matter how you set them, they will be YOU!! And ever so perfect!!

    I, too, at times struggle with the blogger time frame, but value the dear friends that I've met! So will continue to muddle on!

    Blessings for a new year that is more than you expected!

  19. I hope 2016 brings you and your family good health and cheer, with plenty of stitchy fun. Love your little quilt of five star blocks, think that is a great setting and have pinned it for next time I want to make a mini but run out of steam at five blocks - which happens to me when I make them too small!

  20. You should feel smug, you got something you wanted, no impulse buying here, and you didn't have to pay full price for it. Such lovely fabric!

  21. I hope you and your Mum are feeling better! Lovely quilts and I can see why you couldn't leave that lovely kit in you LQS. Best wishes.

  22. Your posts are always so full of wonderful stories and inspiration. I hope you don't stop blogging. You've included so many great finishes. The snowman with the snowball border is great with his fuller Charlie Brown tree. It was a great border idea. None of my LQS carry much Kim D. Fabric so I tend to forget how much I love her stuff. Thanks for the reminder. I enjoyed looking at all the freebies on Henry Glasse's website too. Hope you're all feeling better. You know, we get done what we get done and enjoy the journey.

  23. So sorry to see that you and your Mom have had health issues. I hope you both are fully recovered. Your little quilts are just so fun---I want to make one of each of the ones that you have. :) Thanks for sharing the links for a couple of them. I have followed Buttermilk Basin's but haven't finished them yet. Hope 2016 is full of blessings for the world over. (Would be so sad if you decided not to blog anymore AT ALL :( )

  24. I'm trying to find the cut off points on your star block. You are too hard on yourself. It is beautiful and would be even if it really did have cut off points! Sorry to hear you and your mom have had health problems. Hope the new year brings health to you both.
    The Buttermilk Basin blocks are so pretty. I can't wait to see how you set them.
    LOVE the snowball quilt! Great suggestion by Sandra.
    So glad you are all set to make your Christmas quilt without Christmas fabrics. Do I see non-wool applique in your future?!?!?
    You must have great self control. There is no way I could keep chocolate in the sewing room and have it last any amount of time.
    Such precious gifts. Your sentiments match mine exactly. Well said!

  25. What a fun post!! I especially love that you love your special chocolate...because I love it too! Yummy!!

  26. Ahem.....I only see ONE barely cut-off point on your red & green quilt - so don't be dissin' on yourself! (smile) It's a quite delightful little thing! I'm with you and prefer Christmas quilts that aren't made of Christmas prints. Did you make it to VDG on Friday? I thought about going, but decided it would be a madhouse, so passed on the opportunity. I did get some goodies at Bennion's in Kaysville though, so I didn't go totally without some good deals. Your little snowman quilt is delightful - I'm happy that you didn't add a speck of red to it - the snowball blocks are perfect to frame the center.... Smart gal to stock up on your favorite chocolate - I'm not a fan of mint, so I grabbed a bunch of red & green M&Ms - LOL! Good to see your post!

  27. Wonderful post, dear friend!! Your quickie quilt is darling!! Congrats on completing all your BOM blocks - can't wait to see how you finish them!! And I love, love, love the snowman and very happy tree surrounded by snowballs!! How appropriate!! Look forward to seeing your progress on the Kim Diehl quilt!! Ouuuu (that's pronounced you without the y), I will be over to visit you and your sewing room!! Love chocolate and peppermint!! :-)) Prayers for your Mom and you!!

  28. Always so inspired by your posts my friend! Sorry to hear you and your mom have been unwell - hope you are both on the mend?
    I understand your need for a finish LOL!! Sometimes you just gotta get'er done, and forget getting those points perfect right? Your Buttermilk Basin blocks turned out adorable!! And the Snowman - I love him!!! I have to say the trees look much better with the extra stitching :) Snowballs are genius for the border.
    Love Kim's fabrics - you did great snatching that kit up while you could!!

  29. Hello Janet !
    As usual your quilts are sooooo beautiful !
    I wish you a happy new year with lot of love ...and projects ! ;)

  30. Very pretty stars made with your little HST's and I love the setting fabric, too!
    Your woolies are so cute but the snowball border around the snowman stole my heart. The tree is greatly improved by your final stitching, you made the right choice, as usual! Thank you for the notes on blogger and google which was all news to me.

  31. Hi Janet. I just love that snowman surrounded by snowball blocks. Your little quilts are so cute. One of these days I'm going to get the nerve to try a miniature. I know what you mean about blogging taking up so much time, and I've been thinking about whether or not I want to keep it going. I also hadn't seen the information you posted from Google. I wish they would do something about the people that leave comments as a no reply blogger. I enjoy your blog, and hope you will keep it going. Hope both you and your Mom are well very soon. Happy New Year to you!

  32. Happy New Year! As always, I just love everything in your post. Your sanity sewing turned out beautifully - I don't see any cut off points. The snowball blocks are the perfect way to finish off your cute snowman - funny that when you first showed this, I thought the tree looked fine, but it really does look better now that you filled it in. I don't blame you for snapping up that kit - it is going to be a great quilt - what kind of applique will you do? I'm sorry I missed out on the Peppermint Roca - I assume it is now out-of-season - sounds yummy! Sending you wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

  33. Happy New Year!! Your posts always make me *swoon*. You are such an inspiration. Hope the health issues for you and you mom are resolved and you're feeling 100% again!

  34. As usual, your post is full of lovely things. I especially love your Kim Diehl kit - what a deal! And I love your snowball quilt and you did good with the extra stitching. I agree with you about blogging. I have made so many contacts with people and received much encouragement and tips from many bloggers. I have met quite a few of them and it is so much fun!

  35. Ditto what you said about the connections we've made on blogs... I completely enjoy your posts and our connections! Love what you've done. I especially love the vow to keep dark chocolate nearby! GREAT idea. The snowman and snowballs are adorable!!! And those stars?? You are too funny... 4" OMG...

  36. The stars piece is gorgeous!! I love Christmas fabrics, too -- so I totally get your purchases! I love how you think out of the box ... resolving to always keep dark chocolate in your sewing room is downright brilliant! I hope it rubs off on me! Thanks for sharing the link to Winter Blessings! And for the head's up on the whole GFC debacle. I appreciate you SO much!! :)

  37. Happy New year Friend! I'm so glad you plan to continue sharing through the blog. I always love to see your pretty header come up and then see what you've been up to.
    Cute Star quilt - great setting for those HST.
    I agree on the extra needles - looks wonderful and balances better with that chubby and happy snowman.
    Your BOM blocks are so fun! I look forward to seeing the setting. I love that you are always open to change things to suit you!! I think designers like that too!
    Happy Happy New Year and I hope you and your mother are doing better.

  38. Hope your mom is well. Love the HST project. You are a savvy shopper, looks like a fun project. What pretty gifts, so thoughtful. Yummy dark chocolate, can see it's essential role....

  39. You are on top of your game! I have to say I really love your BB BOM blocks. I have to catch up. Now I want to know what do you do with all those blocks? Are you making a quilt?

  40. Hi Janet, how behind am I?! I'm sorry to hear that you've been having health issues and hope by now that they are well behind you. Your projects are just so lovely - the 4" stars - wow! And also love how you have finished your snowman, very inspired and effective. Gorgeous gifts :-) Great buying with the kit too. At times I struggle to fit it all in as well but like you, I find the friendships and inspiration I gain through blogland are priceless.

  41. Janet, I LOVE your wee snowball project...sheer PERFECTION!!!

  42. Great post. I am visiting from Sweet Paulette's blog. Love your snowman quilt and I agree that the tree looks better. :-) Love your commitment to keeping chocolate in your studio. Look forward to following your blog.


I love to have your comments and feedback.